Online ISSN : 1347-8826
ISSN-L : 1344-9443
風上化 LSMPS 法に基づく Euler 型解法による大規模並列解析
田中 克治森田 直樹三目 直登
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 2023 巻 p. 20230003


This study develops a numerical method for large-scale parallel analysis in Euler description based on the mesh-free method for optimal topology design. Therefore, we propose an upwind scheme for the least squares moving particle semi-implicit (LSMPS) method to stabilize numerical oscillations associated with the Euler description. In addition, we extend the distributed memory parallelization method based on a conventional overlapping domain decomposition to the graph structure of the particles, and develop a parallel convection–diffusion analysis solver based on our proposed upwind LSMPS method. Furthermore, we perform a verification and scaling tests of the proposed method by solving the 3D convection–diffusion problem.

© 2023 The Japan Society For Computational Engineering and Science
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