The Journal of Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine
Online ISSN : 1881-1639
Print ISSN : 0288-6200
ISSN-L : 0288-6200
Combination of Laser Therapy and Oral Propranolol Therapy for Infantile Hemangioma
Naoko Baba
Author information

2023 Volume 43 Issue 4 Pages 285-292



Translated Abstract

Although infantile hemangioma regresses spontaneously, disappearance is incomplete, and there are many complications and sequelae during the course of the disease. Since the efficacy of propranolol treatment was reported in 2008, oral propranolol treatment has become the first choice for infantile hemangioma. On the other hand, dye laser treatment has little effect on early shrinkage of the tumor, but it destroys the blood vessels on the skin surface and produces a discoloration effect. In addition, oral propranolol and laser therapy are also used in combination at many facilities, and are used together with the expectation of a synergistic effect, especially in large, severe cases, or in cases of exposed areas that pose major cosmetic problems. We look back on the history of infantile hemangioma treatment while viewing the treatment experience at our department, and consider the indications and significance of propranolol and laser combination therapy, as well as future issues.

1.  はじめに

乳児血管腫は,生後1ヵ月以内に現れ,1歳近くまで増大した後に自然退縮をきたすが,消失は不完全で,経過中の合併症や後遺症が多いことが問題となる.頻度の高い合併症として潰瘍形成,疼痛,出血,感染,摂食障害,視覚障害,気道閉塞,睡眠障害などがあげられる.後遺症としては,血管拡張,萎縮性瘢痕,皮下線維脂肪組織遺残,皮膚のたるみなどの醜形を残す(Fig.1, 2).


a) The period of observation. 11 months infant hemangioma (mixed type). b) The period of observation. 6 years old. Her cheeks had sagging skin, wrinkles and scars, so she underwent excision and suture surgery.


a) The period of observation. 6 months infant hemangioma (mixed type). b) The period of observation. 6 years later. Her arms were left with telangiectasias, depigmentation, sagging skin, wrinkles and hypertrophic scars. c) The period of observation. She had scars removed and sutured at age 10, leaving scars and surgical scars.






2.  ステロイド内服治療


Fig.3に代表的なステロイド内服治療を行った症例を提示する.出生時は何もなかったが生後5日目から左下眼瞼~頬部に広範囲に赤色斑があらわれ,急速に拡大隆起し,瞼裂が狭小化,閉鎖し開かなくなった.整容的問題に加えて,眼科診察でこのままでは視神経の廃用性萎縮が起こり弱視となる可能性が高いとのこともあり,生後2ヵ月からプレドニソロン1 mg/kg/day内服開始した.血管腫の増大は停止し,血管腫の中央部が壊死に陥り縮小傾向を示したが,moon face,ざ瘡など,ステロイドの副作用がみられたため漸減し,4か月間の内服で中止した.5歳の時点で,弱視となることは免れたが,壊死部位は萎縮性瘢痕となり,毛細血管拡張,皮膚のたるみ,皺が残っており,整容的な問題が残った.


a) Infantile hemangioma in a premature infant born at 32 weeks. From the 5th day after her birth, a wide range of red spots appeared on her left lower eyelid to cheek area, which rapidly enlarged and raised. b) She started oral steroids at 2 months of age. When she was 4 months old, the hemangioma stopped growing, and necrosis was observed in the central part of it. c) 1 year and 6 months old. She discontinued oral steroid treatment after 4 months. Her hemangiomas shrank, but her skin remained loose, wrinkled, and telangiectatic, and her necrotic areas became atrophic scars. d) 5 years old. The remaining scars and telangiectatica tend to disappear, but atrophic scars and skin depressions remain.

この例のように眼瞼に病変があり視機能に障害をきたすリスクのある場合や,顔面の広範囲にあるなど整容面での問題がある場合にステロイド内服治療が行われてきたが,効果は不十分で最終的にはかなりの瘢痕を残してしまう点,moon face,感染症などの副作用のリスクもあることより,ステロイド内服治療は限られた症例にしか行われてこなかった.

3.  色素レーザー(Vbeam®)治療





a) 1 month after birth. Infantile hemangioma. Shortly after her birth, a wide range of bright red patches appeared on her upper right eyelid, between the eyebrows, on the back of her nose, and on her forehead, which rapidly thickened. She immediately underwent dye laser irradiation treatment. b) 2 months old. One month after dye laser irradiation. Purpura and crusted areas were observed due to laser irradiation, and the overall color tone became dull, but the thickness increased. c) 1 year old. After 6 times of dye laser irradiation. More than 90% of the hemangiomas have disappeared, leaving only mild swelling and vasodilatation limited to the marginal area. d) 6 years old. After 7 times of dye laser irradiation. The hemangioma disappeared almost completely, becoming flat without elevation, and only a small portion of telangiectasia remained.


a) 1 month old. Infantile hemangioma. Immediately after birth, a bright red patch appeared around the anus and became thicker. Dye laser irradiation was performed at the first visit. b) 6 months after birth, after one dye laser irradiation. After the first irradiation, the hemangioma disappeared immediately, and no bleeding or ulceration was observed.



a) 4 months old. Infantile hemangioma. On the third day after birth, bright red spots appeared on the left cheek and became elevated. Dye laser irradiation was performed immediately. b) 7 years old. After 6 times of dye laser irradiation. The redness disappeared, but a scar and a 2-3 mm raised fibro-fatty tissue remained.



a) 1 month old. Infantile hemangioma. Two days after birth, a red spot appeared on the right cheek and expanded. Dye laser irradiation was performed immediately on the day of the first visit. b) 4 months after birth, after one laser treatment. The laser-irradiated surface showed a reduction in color tone, but a wide range of subcutaneous protuberances appeared. c) 1 year old. After 4 laser irradiations. The color tone of the red spots on the skin surface had faded and decreased to about half, but the subcutaneous mass had further increased, and the lower eyelid and nasal alar were also compressed, resulting in a distorted outline. d) 5 years old. After 6 laser irradiations. The redness on the skin surface almost disappeared, but the subcutaneous fibrofatty tissue remained and a mass scar remained.


4.  プロプラノロール(ヘマンジオルRシロップ)内服治療


2017年に改訂された血管腫・血管奇形・リンパ管奇形診療ガイドライン20172)において,乳児血管腫 に対するプロプラノロール内服療法は推奨度1,エビデンスレベルAとして,第1選択となる可能性のある薬剤であると位置づけられるに至った.

プロプラノロール内服治療では,内服開始後直ちに腫瘍そのものの増大を止め,まだ増大期であるにも関わらず消退傾向に向かわせ腫瘍縮小効果が得られる(Fig.8, 9).内服治療を生後1~5カ月のもっとも急激に増大する時期に開始すれば,ピーク時の大きさを抑制でき,残る瘢痕を最小限にすることが可能となる.また眼瞼,鼻腔,口腔,外陰部にあり,機能障害をきたす恐れがある場合や,潰瘍や出血をきたしている血管腫に対しても内服するだけで改善効果が得られる(Fig.8, 9).また多発型で内臓病変を伴う場合や,潰瘍,出血などのリスクがある場合にも,本剤の内服により全身の血管腫を一度に縮小させ,生命にもかかわる重篤な合併症を未然に防ぐことが期待できる.


a) 1 month old. Subcutaneous infantile hemangioma. About a week after birth, a subcutaneous mass appeared on the upper right eyelid and enlarged, making it impossible to open the eyelid. Oral administration of propranolol was started at 1 mg/kg/day, and the maintenance dose was gradually increased to 3 mg/kg/day. b) 3 months old. Two months after starting propranolol oral administration, the subcutaneous mass shrank and the bilateral palpebral fissures disappeared. Oral propranolol was continued for 6 months and then terminated. She became possible to open the eyelid, and no cosmetic problems remained.


a) 2 months old Premature baby: Corrected 0 months. Infantile hemangioma in right eyelid. The hemangioma narrowed the visual field. Started introduction of propranolol. b) 3 days after starting propranolol. A reduction in size was already observed, and a trend toward fading of color tone was also observed. c) 12 weeks after oral administration. The hemangioma had shrunk by about 90% and no longer obstructed the field of vision. d) 24 weeks after oral administration. It disappeared almost completely, and the bilateral difference in the palpebral fissure disappeared.




5.  プロプラノロールとレーザー治療の併用療法




a) 1 month old Infant hemangioma on the left nasal wing. A mass in the nasal cavity, nasal congestion, nighttime dyspnea, and insomnia. Introduced propranolol immediately. b) 6 days after medication. The tumor was reduced, discolored, and flattened, nasal congestion was improved, and both parent and child were able to sleep well. c) 8months after starting madication. Treatment was terminated because the mass flattened. However, the erythema on the surface still remained and was very conspicuous in the central part of the face. d) 1 year after starting treatment. After 3 courses of dye laser irradiation, both the tumor and erythema disappeared almost completely.



a) 2 months old. Infantile hemangioma. Immediately after birth, there was a wide red patch on the right neck, shoulder, and upper chest, which rapidly rose up. Oral administration of propranolol was started immediately, and dye laser treatment was also started in anticipation of a synergistic effect due to the size of the tumor. b) 1 month after the start of oral administration and one laser irradiation. The thickness of the hemangioma was halved, the color tone became dull, and a part of the normal skin color became visible. c) 2 months after the start of treatment. After 2 laser irradiations. Furthermore, 80% of the volume and surface color of the tumor disappeared. It was felt that the disappearance speed was much faster than that in the case of propranolol alone. d) 9 months after the start of treatment, 3 times after laser irradiation. Since it disappeared almost completely, the oral treatment was completed in 8 months and the laser irradiation was completed 3 times, but there was no recurrence and no scarring.



6.  まとめ





© 2023 Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine