Online ISSN : 2424-2691
ISSN-L : 2424-2691
セッションID: 17H18

*文字 秀明飛田 大樹山下 晋堀口 直樹吉田 啓之菅原 隆徳
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


In the Accelerator-Driven System (ADS), the beam window is suspended in a coolant pool and cooled by a coolant jet. When the coolant jet impinges on the beam window, it may vibrate due to the coolant jet. With the phenomenon in ADS in mind, basic study was done dealing with the vibration of a rod due to an impniging jet. The vibration characteristics of the model of the beam window was investigated by using the experimental apparatus including the suspended model of the beam window and a water jet nozzle. Hereafter, the model of the beam window is called as a beam window model. The water jet from the nozzle impinged the beam window model and vibrated it. The acceleration of the vibrated beam window model was measured by an accelerometer and the frequency characteristics of the vibration of the beam window model was analyzed. The vibration included major components at a high frequency band of 25 to 30 Hz and a low frequency band of about 2 Hz. The low frequency band was around the natural frequency of the beam window model in stagnant water. The amplitude of the vibration at the low frequency band was much larger than that at the high frequency band.

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