Online ISSN : 1881-4751
Print ISSN : 0039-906X
ISSN-L : 0039-906X
ラグビー競技のタックルを成功させるために何が必要か? -タックラーとボールキャリアーに焦点を当てたゲーム分析とバイオメカニクス的検討-
多胡 陽介浦田 達也芳田 哲也
キーワード: tackle, rugby, collision sports
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2022 年 71 巻 4 号 p. 305-318


In this study, we searched the relevant literature for studies involving the number of tackles and wins/losses in a rugby match, the movement of the tackler and ball carrier, the momentum of tackles, the technique and physical fitness of tacklers, and the risk of injury in order to examine the factors contributing to a successful tackle. As a result, it was found that professional players had a higher success rate of tackles than amateur players younger than 20 years of age. However, the number of tackles per match and the relationship between the success rate of tackles and the results of the match differed depending on the competitive level and the country/region. Regarding tackle movements, the success rates of shoulder tackles were higher than those of other types of tackles. High-level players performed shoulder tackles with both shoulders and both hips facing the ball carrier (body position square), with their trunk roughly parallel to the ground. Furthermore, high-level players had a high body mass; thus, they tackled with high momentum (velocity × mass). Regarding physical fitness, high-level tackling techniques required maximum strength and power in the lower and upper limbs, and also improving the maximal aerobic capacity and overall agility may help prevent fatigue and thus positively contribute to successful tackling. This review suggested that young rugby players need to improve their tackling techniques, including adopting a posture with a straight spine and leg-drive, as the risk of concussion among novices was higher than that among experts.

© 2022 一般社団法人日本体力医学会

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