Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-4715
ISSN-L : 0285-1555
Grain-size distributions of sediment carried by one transport mode
non-selection as to grain-size in suspension
Noritaka EndoFujio Masuda
Author information

1995 Volume 41 Issue 41 Pages 39-46


Grain-size distributions of the single transport modes, after sand transport downstream from the brink of an experimental microdelta, are neither Gaussian nor log-hyperbolic. Instead, the sands transported by suspension downstream of the microdelta derive many of their grain-size attributes from those of the sand fed into the flume at its upstream end. Relationships between the grain-size distributions of individual transport modes and the texture of the “original sand” are best demonstrated by normalizing data to the grain size of the “original sand”. The experimental data suggest that the suspension process does not prefer a peculiar size among the grains which can be suspended; i. e., grains present in the suspended load are represented in the same proportion as in the “original sand”. This result can be reproduced by Rouse's diffusion model.

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