Online ISSN : 2432-0757
Print ISSN : 0915-3349
青年期後期の親子間コミュニケーションの構造に関する研究 : 個性化モデルの視点から
平石 賢二久世 敏雄大野 久長峰 伸治
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 11 巻 p. 19-36


This study examined the structure of communications in late adolescent and their parents relationships, from a point of view of the individuation model which was proposed by Condon, Cooper, and Grotevant (1984). Thirty Japanese families (including undergraduate students and their both parents) participated in Family Interaction Task used to measure family individuation. The first 300 utterances (communication behaviors) of each family were coded into 14 categories. The frequencies of utterances in each category were submitted to ANOVA to assess the differences of communication behaviors among family member. As a result, adolescents expressed utterances indicative of connectedness (acknowledgememt, agrees with/accepts/incorporates other's ideas, requests information/validation, and states other's feeling/mindreads/dictates feeling) much more than their father significantly. In the next step of analysis, the data (11 categories except for 3 categories) were submitted to factor analysis using principal component solution with varimax rotation. This analysis showed the structure consisted of 3 components (permeability, self-expression, and separation).

© 1999 日本青年心理学会
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