Landscape Planning & Horticulture
Online ISSN : 2758-8882
Print ISSN : 2185-3657
Creating a Yayoi Forest Using Native Plants in Gossa Kite Archaeological Park
Sho SuenagaMayumi Hayashi
Author information

2022 Volume 22 Pages 23-27

"Gossa Kaito remains" is a remains of the Yayoi period. The remains has been maintained to open as a remains park, and needs a plan for planting design in the park. In this project, we planned and carried out planting events mainly to contribute for learning the history and environment. This project is collaborated with Awaji city as administration and local residents. Considering environment and maintenance situation of the remains, we used plants in Yayoi period and plants in region to express regional characteristics. Through the consultation between administration, local residents, and experts, carried out events of the planting two times. According to result of questionnaire survey, people had a high evaluation for the planting events. Thus, thought carrying out process of maintaining park such as planting with local residents is good for interaction and learning. In future, it is important to continue planting in "Gossa Kaito remains" to cooperate and gain the understanding with administration, local residents more.
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© 2022 Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Landscape Planning and Horticulture Academy
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