2011 年 77 巻 781 号 p. 3469-3479
Compared with the machining process for mass production, the machining processes such as deburring are performed on a wide variety of products in various quantities by workers on a piece-by-piece basis. Accordingly, the accuracy of the product depends on the worker's skill. The partial over grinding or machining mistakes caused by these factors often result in useless products and wasted materials. The aim of this research is to develop a finish machining support system that is possible without machining mistakes. The machining is supported by using the haptic device and controlled by the bilateral control system. Here, we propose a control method based on a machining model made up of several components, including tool speed, feed speed of the tool and others, in order to control the robots under conditions in which it is possible to achieve highly accurate machining surfaces. The motion of a slave robot that requires precise control is controlled automatically, and the worker is given the force calculated by this control method. The effectiveness of this system is shown in a machining experiment.