2018 年 30 巻 2 号 p. 51-57
Crosswalk and pedestrian signal are effective for safe road crossing for the sighted persons. However, this system dependent on visual information is a barrier for person with visual impairment, and therefore, customizable alternative methods are required to recondition the restriction. In this study, we developed a portable crosswalk guidance device which can detect crosswalks and signal lights from images acquired from small camera, and mounted on a hand to present information by haptic sensations: vibration and Braille. To assess the haptic interface, the Braille stimulation of conventional projection's and suggested projection's response time are compared. There was no significant difference between tactile projection methods. Vibration alert system was combined to the crosswalk detection system to inform the detected crosswalk condition. A field test on crosswalk search and detection was conducted comparing the number of successful crosswalk detections between passive search with static upper limb posture and active search with arm swing. The number of successful detection were higher by 40% with active searching protocol. Furthermore, detection of the crosswalk position and direction was confirmed to be more effective when horizontally swinging the hand with the device at an effortless speed, approximately 5.7 degrees per seconds.