仙台高等専門学校広瀬キャンパス 教育研究紀要
Online ISSN : 2423-9364
ISSN-L : 2423-9364
菅谷 純一與那嶺 尚弘岡 義次山内 誠白根 崇大場 譲今井 裕司熊谷 和志高田 稔
研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

2009 年 39 巻 p. 1-6


Original "Delivery lesson" that is the activity of the IT liaison center has been developed for three years in this school as part of a losing interest in science measures and a regional contribution. It lectures on the single theme executes in the delivery lesson for the elementary school and the junior high school in the vicinity. Additionally, the support of science partnership project (SPP) of JST is received in 2006 fiscal year, and "Delivery lesson" of the course type study activity done. Moreover, there is "Delivery lesson" etc. of the experience type rotation method of the electronically controlled engineering department that delivers the subject booth of open campus.  In this thesis, it introduces the content and the feature of the approach of these "Delivery lesson", and the effectiveness of the losing interest in science measures is evaluated from the analysis of the questionnaire of comparison analysis with the open lecture and "Delivery lesson" etc.

© 2009 独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構 仙台高等専門学校