Journal of Rural Economics
Online ISSN : 2188-1057
Print ISSN : 0387-3234
ISSN-L : 0387-3234
The Role of Agricultural Economics in New Food and Agricultural Education and Research
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2024 Volume 96 Issue 2 Pages 272-280

This report presents an analysis of Fukushima University’s School of Food and Agricultural Sciences, a university where the field of agricultural economics constitutes an independent department and course, and which was newly established in 2019. The process of its establishment, the structure of its educational and research organization, and its function and role in designing a new field of food and agricultural sciences with a focus on agricultural economics are discussed. The establishment of new agricultural faculties and the increase in enrollment capacity are expected to come to a head amidst a declining population. First, it is necessary to devise a stratagem (vision) to ensure the position of agricultural economics under the pressure of organizational restructuring that will increase under the declining population. Second, graduate school education (training of researchers) needs to be upgraded. Third, there are issues to be addressed, such as new human resource development plans and market development.
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© The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
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