The clarification of apple juice has been studied by using two kinds of endo-polygalacturonase (PG) and two kinds of exo-PG produced by Aspergillus nigre and one kind of pectinesterase (PE) produced by Asp. oryzae. Every one of these pectolytic enzymes by itself could not clarify apple juice. The clarification of apple juice was only accomplished by the joint action of endo-PG I and PE I, and a mixture of endo-PG II or either of exo-PGs had no activity for apple juice even in the presence of PE I. Both endo- and exo-PGs were extremely adsorbed onto protopectin. Exo-PGs had weak activity to digest protopectin, whereas endo-PG II was inferior to endo-PG I in digesting protopectin.