The temperature correction and the check system of the conductometric flow injection analysis for measuring the salt content in food were proposed. The temperature dependences were approximated by linearity at 5°C interval around the center temperature of 20°C, and the resulting slopes (dC/dt) of the straight lines were calculated. The temperature coefficients were defined as the quotients where dC/dt where devided by observed conductivities (Cs) at standard temperature (Ts: nearer temperature to 20°C in each temperature section).
Temperature coefficient, α=dC/(Cs dt)
One can calculate the conductivity (Ct) at an arbitrary temperature (t) within each temperature section by following equation.
where, αn means the temperature coefficient of the specific temperature section to which t belongs.
The availability of this correction method was evaluated under different temperatures and resulted in good agreement with biases less than 0.2% (w/w) designated as NaCl.