2024 年 50 巻 1 号 p. 1-10
Interpersonal relationship-building skills are important for caregivers in the performance of their duties. This is because they are interpersonal support workers. In this study, we interviewed eleven caregivers to identify social skills that are useful for caregivers to build smooth relationships with their care recipients. The definition of social skills in this study is "interpersonal behaviors that allow caregivers to relate to and build interpersonal relationships with their care recipients through verbal or nonverbal means, as well as cognitive ways that enable the expression of these behaviors" for caregivers to provide good long-term care to their care recipients. The obtained 366 social skills were classified into six categories: "communication and information transfer", "forming and maintaining relationships", "manner and attitude", "trouble dealing and prevention", "Care and Consideration" and "Management". Based on these results, we discussed the social skills desired in caregivers.