Online ISSN : 2187-4654
Print ISSN : 0286-8385
ISSN-L : 0286-8385
2003年5月宮城県沖を震源とする地震による土砂災害 (速報)
井良沢 道也松村 和樹川邉 洋平松 晋也牛山 素行安田 勇次
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 56 巻 2 号 p. 23-31_2


An earthquake having 7.0 Magnitude (M) occurred at 18:24 on June 26 2003 in the sea offshore Miyagi. The earthquake caused damages in huge area of Tohoku district to houses, public facilities, farmland etc, and triggered many slope failures in Sanriku and Kitakami district. Particularly there were much damage in Iwate and Miyagi prefecture. However, the magnitude of earthquake is large, the damages are comparatively small. This may be considered that the period characteristic of this earthquake was relatively short. And as a thing peculiar to sedimentrelated disaster, a slope failure due to liquefaction occurred in the gentle slope of Tsukidate town. This area was artificial filled land developed for farmland, and the failure occurred at the filling land in a valley. An incline of the failed land was gentle, in less than 10 degrees. We suppose that liquefaction-phenomenon occurred by this earthquake, so the slope failure occurred in the gentle hills. This paper summarized the investigations related to the property to the earthquake damages, focused on slope failures, rock falls, cracks.

© 社団法人砂防学会
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