Online ISSN : 2185-4033
Print ISSN : 0918-2454
ISSN-L : 0918-2454
藤井 昇宮内 啓宿輪 隆太草野 哲也宮川 博氏原 誠田中 優
ジャーナル フリー

2010 年 60 巻 2 号 p. 59-70

The Dong Pao rare earth deposit is located in a mountainous area of Northern Vietnam, associated with Paleogene alkaline granite intrusion. It was discovered in the late 1950's, and has undergone exploration since then. In the 1980's, a calculation of the ore reserve for the main ore deposit and an outline of the exploitation plan were created by the Vietnamese government. In the 1990's, small scale mining of fluorite was conducted. However, despite a cooperative study by the MMAJ in 2001-2002, there has not been actual development of rare earth mining operations. This is mainly because of technical problems with ore minerals processing.
By the request of the Sojitz Corporation, the authors re-analyzed the existing data and carried out additional surveys of the F3 ore body, one of the main ore bodies at the deposit. Based on the chemical compositions of the rare earth elements and cerium anomalies, zonation in the depth direction was detected, which is associated with weathering, and the ore types in the zonation were classified.
The results of oxygen and carbon isotope measurement and geological observation of host rock beneath the ore body show an unusually high grade rare earth deposit (TREO=10%) formed in association with possible carbonatite, by lateritic weathering of carbonatite ground. It was indicated that bastnaesite, fluorite, and barite would be weathered residues and concentrates.
Using high-grade soft ore from an un-oxidized zone in the regolith, a systematic processing test for gathering bastnaesite showed good results and technical prospects for development. Pit design and an overall mining plan to target recoverable ore at the F3 pit became considerations.
Based on these study results, the Japanese enterprises and organization are jointly intends to conduct Feasibility Studies.
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