2007 年 43 巻 3 号 p. 189-196
We think practicing walking pattern over and over makes walk-handicapped people break plateau. For practicing walking pattern easily, a Locomotion Interface (LI, for short) can be used. LI is a piece of equipment that can give a user the sense of walking while his/her actual position remains localized in the real world. An LI system named GaitMaster3 (GM3) is developed that has two footpads, which can move to present a virtual terrain for each foot. A new gait-rehabilitation program is developed in which the footpads on the GM3 follow a motion sequence to move the user's foot, the user mounts on the GM3 and iteratively experiences the motion for each foot. We conducted a 2-month experiment with the assistance of a handicapped person. The effectiveness of our system was verified through EMG, video analysis, average walking velocities and ADL.