A case was found in a two-year-old girl. The Combined nevus was not visible on her body when she was born. Around six months after birth, a black spot started to appear on the outside of her right eyebrow. The size of the black spot was measured at 5×4mm when it was examined medically for the first time. It grew to 8×7mm in one year. The skin tumor showed the black nodal with a thickness of 9mm. The spot was made of a combination of two different pigmented cellular nevi. One was a Blue nevus, cellular type and the other was a Spitz nevus, dermal type. The boundary of the two diseased area was clearly defined. It has been more than one year since the operation and there has been no reappearance of the nevus. The Combined nevus, Blue nevus and Spitz nevus, has been reported only once in Japan so far, therefore the two-year-old girl's case is regarded as rare as hen's teeth. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2003; 18: 303-307]