Online ISSN : 1884-2534
Print ISSN : 1343-0688
ISSN-L : 1343-0688
国際車いすバスケットボール大会観戦者の観戦動機と観戦意図における関係性に関する研究 : スポーツへの心理的関与の違いに着目して
棟田 雅也山下 玲
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 32 巻 3 号 p. 3_333-3_351


With the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games hosting, attention has begun to be paid to spectators of parasports. However, there has been limited research on spectators of parasports. It is essential to clarify the motivations for spectatorship, which can predict future spectatorship behavior, and there is room to consider the relationships among factors and moderating variables. The purpose of this study was threefold : (1) to identify the structure of spectator motivation and to provide basic data for the development of a valid a reliable spectator motivation scale for parasports (2) to investigate the relationship between spectator motivation and spectator intention, and (3) to compare and verify how the relationship between spectator motivational factors and spectator intention differs depending on differences in spectators' psychological involvement in sport. By conducting a questionnaire survey with international wheelchair basketball spectators (n = 993), we were able to identify a parasport spectator motivation scale consisting of six factors and 19 items. Furthermore, in examining the relationship between the factors and each variable, we were able to identify factors that had a significant effect. In addition, by using the moderating variable, we were able to clarify that there were differences between spectator motivation and spectator intention depending on the psychological involvement of the spectator in the sport. It is hoped that these results will be used as primary data for organizers of parasports events to promote the uniqueness and singularity of parasports and to stimulate spectator behavior.

© 2022 日本スポーツ産業学会
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