2024 年 34 巻 2 号 p. 2_119-2_130
In this study, from the perspective of physical education teachers, who are the human resources for physical education and sports management, we will clarify how to promote lessons on Olympic and Paralympic education in the unit of “Sports as Culture” in the area of “Physical Education Theory.” We found that, regarding “difficulty,” physical education teachers from both schools frequently answered “lack of teaching materials” and “lack of time.” Furthermore, regarding “solutions,” junior high school physical education teachersʼ answers were “considering plans,” “improving awareness and understanding” and then “devising lessons,” while the most common responses of high school physical education teachersʼ responses were, after “Improving lessons,” “Examining plans” and “Improving awareness and understanding.” These differences were thought to be due to the high level of expertise of high school teachers and the systematic practice orientation of middle school teachers. From these results, we obtained the following suggestions. Based on the “difficult” results of the former, we suggested the need to utilize teaching materials related to Olympic and Paralympic education and to develop cross–curricular and cross-disciplinary learning guidance models. Regarding the latter “solution,” we suggested the need for teacher training and the development of learning instruction models that take into account the differences in the characteristics of physical education teachers at junior high schools and high schools.