2024 年 73 巻 3 号 p. 251-257
Congenital factor Ⅶ deficiency (F7D), a rare bleeding disorder, is a coagulation disorder characterized by prothrombin time prolongation with normal activated partial thromboplastin time. F7D may be asymptomatic and may remain undiagnosed. An 86-year-old woman without professional follow-up for F7D was referred to our department for tooth extraction. The patient had dementia, so F7D was unknown at first visit, but a blood test showed that factor Ⅶ activity of less than 3%. Recombinant active Factor Ⅶ was transfused before and after tooth extraction for hemostatic management, and the patient was discharged 2 days postoperatively without posterior bleeding. Because oral surgery is often performed as invasive treatment, careful history noting, laboratory testing, and appropriate hemostatic management are important.