Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
Regular Articles
Thermal Characteristics and Development of a Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage Media as Thermo-Functional Fluids
Shigeki Hirano Tsuyoshi Kawanami
Author information

2020 Volume 106 Issue 8 Pages 581-590


For industrial effective use of low-density energy such as factory exhaust heat or solar heat utilization, development of large heat storage with fast heat exchange technology is required. Especially in cold regions such as in Hokkaido, the demand for heat in winter is large, and attempts to use large-scale, high-temperature unused waste heat from steel manufacturers and pulp factories to medium temperature zones such as hot water supply and air conditioning will become increasingly important in near future. Also, in automobiles and factories, the heat engine needs to be cooled during operation and must operate within a certain temperature range. However, if the heat engine is cooled down after it is stopped, it must be heated again as it restarts. Therefore the technology to suppress the temperature drop of the system by the application of heat storage and regeneration technology is expected. Previously, water or aqueous liquids were used for heat storage with heat exchange to suppress temperature drop of the system, however, only the sensible heat can be used for heat storage. For else, polymer phase change substances are used instead. However, high heat transfer characteristics could not be obtained as for their poor fluidity. This paper reports on the thermal properties of phase change emulsions as functional fluid that have both heat storage and fluidity for heat exchanging, moreover, basic characteristics of heat sinks modelled by metal powder additive manufacturing using a copper alloy with high thermal conductivity for the system application.

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