Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
A Study on the Formation and Reduction of Fayalite (Fe2SiO4)
Susumu MINOWAMamoru YAMADAYasuyoshi TORII
Author information

1968 Volume 54 Issue 12 Pages 1203-1216


In this work, the rate of formation of fayalite (Fe2SiO4) from mixture of ferrous oxide and α-quartz was measured. The influence of various oxide additions on the formation of fayalite was also studied. These synthetized samples were reduced with H2 or in graphite crucible. The rate of reduction was measured, and reduction products were investigated with X-ray diffraction.
The results obtained are as follows:
1) The rate of formation satisfies with JANDER'S equation.
2) The formation of fayalite was generally delayed by additions. The stoichiometric molar ratio of FeO/SiO2 was altered as a result of the reaction of added compounds with FeO and Si02.
3) Especially, the formation of fayalite was delayed when magnetite and tridymite co-existed with fayalite as a reaction product.
4) The rate of reduction agrees with MCKEWAN'S equation, during the early period of reduction. When the reduction proceeds further with formation of amorphous SiO2, MCKEWAN'S equation was not valid, since fayalite reduction is prevented by amorphous SiO2.
5) FeO was reduced first in the samples which contain FeO and additions. The rate of reduction of fayalite was influenced little by additions.
6) It is found that fayalite is decomposed into Fe and Fe2-xSiO4-y at the primary stage of reduction. When Fe2-gSiO4-y was reduced further, it changed to amorphous SiO2 at low temperature, and α-crystobalite at high temperature.

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