The self- and mutual-diffusivity of Ca45 in FeO-SiO2-CaO and FeO-SiO2 melts equilibrated with solid iron have been measured in the temperature range 1 270 to 1 450°C using the capillary reservoir method with Ca45 as the radioactive tracer. The results obtained are represented by Ds = (2.54 ± 0.50) exp (- 39 700 ± 10 000/RT) (cm2/s) for the self-diffusivity of Ca45 in FeO 60 mass%-SiO2 33 mass%CaO 7 mass% melt and, Dm= (190 ± 10) exp (- 52 500 ± 10 000/RT) (cm2/s) for the mutual-diffusivity of Ca45 in FeO 68 mass%-SiO2 32 mass% melt.