Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
Transfer Rate of Oxygen from Gas into Liquid Iron through Molen Slag
Etsurou SHIBATAHaiping SUNKatsumi MORI
Author information

1999 Volume 85 Issue 1 Pages 27-33

The transfer rate of oxygen from gas phase into liquid iron through molten iron oxide-CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slags (CaO/SiO2_??_1) at 1600°C was investigated by blowing the oxidizing gas on the slag surface which covered liquid iron. Gas blowing was started after slag was almost equilibrated with liquid iron or from non-equilibrium state.
The transfer rate of oxygen into liquid iron was affected by T.Fe content in the slag. During the transfer of oxygen, FeO content in the slag largely increased, but FeO1.5 content in the slag was kept very low. When the initial T.Fe content in the slag was below equilibrium content with liquid iron, the slow deoxidation of liquid iron by the slag and an increase in FeO content in the slag occurred at first. After the FeO content increased up to its equilibrium value with oxygen in liquid iron, the transfer of oxygen into liquid iron was accelerated. A kinetic model was developed based on two films theory. The experimental results were confirmed to be interpreted by this model.
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