2021 年 141 巻 12 号 p. 1327-1332
Particularity of ocular immunity is manifested by “Immune privilege”. For example, it has been generally known that corneal transplantation is a typically successful organ transplantation compared with other organs. This immune privilege can be explained by “immune-suppressive ocular microenvironment” and “anterior chamber-associated immune deviation, ACAID”. This review focused on molecular mechanisms of the “immune-suppressive ocular microenvironment” and “ACAID”, so that possible anti-inflammatory strategies could be raised. Especially, in murine ACAID model, anti-inflammatory actions were induced probably through induction of Treg cells. As an anti-inflammatory strategy, anti-inflammatory Treg cells could be induced in vitro. Treg cells that are specifically responsive for a specific antigen can be induced by culturing spleen cells with the antigen and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). The induced Treg cells were activated by stimulation with the specific antigen. When the induced Treg cells were adoptively transferred to recipient mice, antigen-induced inflammation was effectively suppressed. The Treg cells may be able to be efficiently induced by eye-based mechanisms. Further analyses of mechanisms underlying the ocular immune privilege can be useful for development of new anti-inflammatory strategies on the eye basis.