Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are performed for the treatment of cancer in
children, especially leukemia. But, the side effects of these tr eatments are a problem
of continuing concern, and improving the patient's quality of life (QOL) following
successful treatment remains a challenge. Especially with radiation therapy, disorders
of reproductive function are considerable, and cases of inferti lity are extremely high.
Currently, research on the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue i s being energetically
pursued, but because of factors such as reduction in number of egg cells and physical
disruption due to tissue fragmentation, the successful fertiliz ation rate of the thawed
ovum has been extremely low. Accordingly, cryopreservation of t he ovaries as an
entire organ has been attempted, but this has yielded little success. This study focused
on a method for cryopreservation through the application of sup ercooling under a
variable magnetic field, and the development of a freezing syste m allowing for an
arbitrary change in frequency of magnetic field applied to the specimen. To confirm the
interrelation between a variable magnetic field and supercooling, physiological saline
solution was frozen under a variable magnetic field, and the pro gress and stabilization
of supercooling was verified for magnetic field frequencies from 200 to 200 kHz.
Additionally, ovaries were frozen under magnetic field, and histological assessment of
the tissue was performed.