Online ISSN : 2434-9917
Print ISSN : 1882-2088
  • 陳 玉女
    2024 年 18 巻 p. 1-22
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー

    2017 年9 月に国立成功大学は、台湾教育部の「高等教育深耕プロジェクト」による資金を得て、地元台南府城(訳注:台南中心部の別名。清朝時代に台湾府に置かれた城郭と都市を指す)の歴史と文化を密接に結び付けた、台湾初となる新入生必修の教養課程科目として「踏溯台南」(「台南の歴史や文化を感じながら歩く」)コースプログラムを開設した。その影響力と成果は各方面から認められ、幾度となく賞を受賞している。プログラムは、分野・領域横断的な教育から始まり、地域社会や産業界との協力、独自ブランドの立ち上げにまで発展した。さらに、「踏溯文化資産会社」(CHEiTO Company Limited)を設立し、人文科学コース商業化のための実行可能なモデルを提供しただけでなく、地域社会に根ざしつつ、国際社会とも繋がる学際的で革新的な教育と学習のモデルを提示することになった。本プログラムは、2022 年12 月より経常的に大学から予算が配分されることになり、現在では正課での継続的なプログラムとして位置づいている。

  • 閩南語教科書の比較から
    石井 佳奈子
    2024 年 18 巻 p. 23-34
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study focuses on Minnan language education, which accounts for the majority of “Native Language” courses at the elementary education level in Taiwan. It aims to elucidate the evolution of the content of Minnan language textbooks by comparing the course outlines and contents of the textbooks compliant with the 2003 and 2009 curriculum guidelines. Additionally, it aims to examine the relationship between the content of the textbooks and Taiwanese identity. Considering the findings, two key points emerge. First, despite reductions in the amount of text and number of units in the textbooks in line with the current situation surrounding the Minnan language, the concentric circle structure of local education from the 1990s can be observed in today’s Minnan textbooks. This confirms that Minnan language education continues to play a role in local education, as it did before. Second, whereas the 2003 textbooks include descriptions of ethnic groups in both text and illustrations, the 2009 textbooks rarely include ethnic groups and make no reference to them in the text. Instead, the island of Taiwan and its various regions are emphasized, which indicates changes in both Minnan language education and Taiwanese identity.

  • 新たな取り組みをする中等学校3 校の事例より
    大和 洋子
    2024 年 18 巻 p. 35-47
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper presents case studies of three secondary schools that offer unique curricula for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. In 1997, Hong Kong’s sovereignty was returned from the United Kingdom to China. Since then, the local government has implemented various educational reforms, including language policy and a unified examination system. However, in the implementation of these educational reforms, issues surfaced related to the education of ethnic minorities. In particular, the Mother Tongue Education Policy, which aimed to enforce education in Cantonese as the mother tongue, created a disadvantageous situation for ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong SAR Government attempted to solve this problem by supporting minorities in Cantonese education and enabling their early education in the language; however, these efforts have not led to fundamental solutions. Thus, some secondary schools have implemented initiatives within the framework of Hong Kong’s education system, such as adapting the flexible medium of instruction or establishing curricula that allow students to concentrate on the four compulsory subjects tested in Hong Kong’s standardised examinations. The measures also include making on-campus facilities available for students to take applied subjects for the standardised examinations, which many schools had refrained from offering. Other measures include the provision of several courses in compulsory Chinese language subjects to suit students’ levels. Additionally, one school now offers International Baccalaureate Diploma courses at affordable tuition fees. Each of the schools examined in the case studies guarantees ethnic minorities the right to learn.
