The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics
Online ISSN : 2186-5477
Print ISSN : 0368-2781
ISSN-L : 0368-2781
Volume 52, Issue 2
Displaying 1-7 of 7 articles from this issue
    1999 Volume 52 Issue 2 Pages 75-92
    Published: February 25, 1999
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2013
    In a surveillance study conducted during 1994 at 24 medical institutes from different geographical areas ofJapan, the susceptibility of clinical isolates to twenty three comparative agents, such as ofloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, tosufloxacin, ampicillin, clavulanic acid/amoxicillin, oxacillin, piperacillin, cefaclor, cefotiam, cefdinir, cefclidin, ceftazidime, cefpirome, imipenem, aztreonam, vancomycin, minocycline, chloramphenicol, clarithromycin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, amikacin, and gentamicin, were tested by the standard broth micro-dilution method. A total of 4,993 isolates tested in this study included Streptococcus pneumoniae, methicillinsusceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), coagllasenegative streptococci (CNS), Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Enterobactericeae, Pseudomonasaeruginosa from patients with urinary tract infections or respiratory tract infections, and Haemophilus influenzae.
    For MSSA, S. pneumoniae, Enterobacteriaceae, and H. influenzae, more than 70% of the isolates wassusceptible to fluoloquinolones. However, resistance occurred in more than 50% of MRSA and P. aeruginosaisolated from UTI. Fluoroquinolones were found to be effective against high level penicillin-resistantS. pneumoniae, the third generation cephem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and ampicillin-resistant H. influenzae.
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    1999 Volume 52 Issue 2 Pages 93-129
    Published: February 25, 1999
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2013
    The frequencies of isolation and susceptibilities to antimicrobial agents were investigated on 560 bacterialstrains isolated from patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) in 9 hospitals during the period of June 1997 to May 1998. Of the above bacterial isolates, Gram-positive bacteria accounted for 29.3% and a majority of themwere Enterococcus faecalis. Gram-negative bacteria accounted for 70.7% and most of them were Escherichiacoli.
    Susceptibilities of several isolated bacteria to antimicrobial agents were as followed;
    1. Enterococcus faecalis
    Ampicillin (ABPC) showed the highest activity against E. faecalis isolated from patients with UTIs. Its MIC90 was 1μg/ml. Imipenem (IPM) and vancomycin (VCM) were also active with the MIC90s of 2μg/ml. Theothers had low activities with the MIC90s of 16μg/ml or above.
    2. Staphylococcus aureus including MRSA
    VCM and arbekacin (ABK) showed the highest activities against both S. aureus and MRSA isolated frompatients with UTIs. The MIC90s of them were 1μg/ml. The others except minocycline (MINO) had low activitieswith the MIC90s of 32μg/ml or above. More than a half of S. aureus strains (including MRSA) showed high susceptibilitiesto gentamicin (GM) and MINO, the MIC50s of 0.25μg/ml or 0.5μg/ml.
    3. Enterobacter cloacae
    IPM showed the highest activity against E. cloacae. The MICs for all strains were equal to or lower than1μg/ml. The MIC90s of ciproHoxacin (CPFX) and tosufloxacin (TFLX) were 1μg/ml, the MIC90s of amikacin (AMK) and ofloxacin (OFLX) were 4μg/ml, the MIC90 of GM was 16μg/ml. Among E. cloacae strains, thosewith low susceptibilities to quinolones have decreased in 1997, compared with those in 1996. But the other drugswere not so active in 1997 as 1996.
    4. Escherichia coli
    All drugs except penicillins were active against E. coli with the MIC90s of 8μg/ml or below. Particularly, flomoxef (FMOX), cefmenoxime (CMX), cefpirome (CPR), cefozopran (CZOP), IPM, CPFX and TFLX showedthe highest activities against E. coli with the MIC90s of 0.125μg/ml or below.
    5. Klebsiella pneumoniae
    K. pneumoniae was susceptible to almost all the drugs except penicillins. Carumonam (CRMN) had thestrongest activity with the MICs for all strains equal to or lower than 0.125μg/ml. FMOX, CPR, CZOP, CPFXand TFLX were also active with the MIC90s of 0.125μg/ml or below. The MIC90s of quinolones had changed intoa better state in 1997, compared with those in 1996.
    6. Proteus mirabilis
    Almost all the drugs except ABPC and MINO showed high activities against P. mirabilis. CMX, ceftazidime (CAZ), latamoxef (LMOX), CPR, cefixime (CFIX), cefpodoxime (CPDX) and CRMN showed the highest activitiesagainst P. mirabilis. The MICs of them for all strains were equal to or lower than 0.125μg/ml. CPFX andTFLX were also active with the MIC90s of 0.125μg/ml or below.
    7. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    The MIC90 of GM was 8μg/ml, the MIC90s of AMK, IPM and meropenem (MEPM) were 16μg/ml. Theothers were not so active against P. aeruginosa with the MIC90s of 32μg/ml orabove. The MIC90s of quinoloneshad changed into a lower state in 1997, compared with those in 1996.
    8. Serratia marcescens
    IPM showed the highest activity against S. marcescens. Its MIC90 was 2μg/ml. GM was also active with theMIC90 of 4μg/ml. The MIC90s of the others were 16μg/ml or above. The MIC50s of CRMN was 0.125μg/ml or below, the MIC50s of CPR and CZOP were 0.25μg/ml.
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    1999 Volume 52 Issue 2 Pages 130-142
    Published: February 25, 1999
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2013
    Clinical background was investigated on patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) from whom 603 bacterialstrains were isolated in 9 hospitals during the period from June, 1997 through May, 1998.
    1. Distribution of age and sex of patients and type of infections
    Among males, those with ages less than 50 years were only 12.5%, and those in the 70's were most frequent (33.3%). Among females, those with ages less than 20 years were only 3.4%, and those in the 60's were the mostfrequent (22.9%). With regard to type of infections, more than a half of infections among males with ages 50years or older were of complicated types, but most of infections among females were of uncomplicated types, especially those of ages less than 50 years.
    2. Ages of patients and types of pathogens
    Escherichia coli was the most frequently isolated in uncomplicated and complicated UTIs without indwellingcatheters. In complicated UTIs with indwelling catheters, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcusfaecalis had mainly detected, they had no relationship with ages.
    3. Effect of antibiotic use on isolation frequencies of pathogens
    Use of antibiotics decreased pathogens isolated from patients with uncomplicated UTIs drastically (183isolates before antibiotics compared to 13 after). Even isolated pathogens from patients with complicated UTIsdecreased drastically with the use of antibiotics when indwelling catheters were not in use (175 isolates beforeantibiotics compared to 53 after), but when indwelling catheters were in use, antibiotics slightly decreased (109 isolates before antibiotics compared to 70 after).
    4. Surgical procedures and types of causative organisms for UTIs
    E. faecalis were more isolated when a surgical procedures were used, and E. coli were more isolated when they were not used in uncomplicated and complicated UTIs without indwelling catheters. In complicated UTIswith indwelling catheters, E. coli and E. faecalis were more isolated when a surgical procedures were used, and P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were more isolated when they were not used.
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    1999 Volume 52 Issue 2 Pages 146-152
    Published: February 25, 1999
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2013
    In vitro properties of a new hydroxypyridone antimycotic rilopirox (RIL) with special reference to its anti-Candida activities were studied in comparison with the three reference drugs, ciclopirox olamine (CPO), oxiconazole nitrate (OCZ) and isoconazole nitrate (ICZ), using several strains of Candida albicans and Candidaglabrata as the test organisms. RIL was potently fungicidal for growing cultures of these Candida strains, whereas all the three reference drugs were slightly fungicidal or fungistatic. Unlike OCZ and ICZ whose anti-Candida activity was decreased by lowering pH or adding serum to culture media, the activity of RIL wasscarecely affected by change in pH or serum addition. However, RIL became less potent in the presence of Fe3+at concentrations of 10-5mmol/ml or above. These findings suggest that RIL will be useful as a topical anti- Candida agent.
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    1999 Volume 52 Issue 2 Pages 153-161
    Published: February 25, 1999
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2013
    We studied clinical effect of a combination therapy with cefozopran (CZOP) and tobramycin (TOB) forinfections in 80 patients with hematologic diseases in 15 institutes. Combined doses with CZOP 2 g and TOB 60-90 mg twice a day had been given intravenously.
    Of the 80 patients, 61 patients (42 with acute leukemia, 10 with malignant lymphoma, 3 with aplasticanemia, 2 with chronic myeloid leukemia, 2 with multiple myeloma, and 2 with myelodysplastic syndrome) were evaluable. Those consisted of 6 patients with septicemia, 49 with suspected septicemia, 3 with pneumonia, and 3 with other infections. Clinical efficacy by the treatment was excellent in 24, good in 17, fair in 9, and poorin 11 patients, and the overall efficacy rate including excellent and good was 67.2%. Microbiologically, 5 of the 6patients with septicemia (1 coagulase negative Staphylococcus, 2 S. pneumoniae, 1 S. oralis, and 1 E. coli) wereresponded. The efficacy rate in patients with severe granulocytopenia showing 100/p 1 or lesser neutrophil countsduring the drug administration was 57.1% (12/21). Side effects and abnormal changes of clinical laboratory findingswere observed in 5 patients, and 16 patients, respectively, but most of them were mild.
    The findings above suggested that the combination therapy with CZOP and TOB is useful as an empiric therapy for severe infections in patients with hematologic diseases.
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    1999 Volume 52 Issue 2 Pages 162-171
    Published: February 25, 1999
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2013
    The clinical efficacy of cefditoren pivoxil (CDTR-PI) was evaluated for 43 pediatric patients with acute otitismedia or acute sinusitis. The causative organisms were identified and their susceptibilities to 6 oral β-lactam antibiotics were measured; ampicillin (ABPC), cefaclor (CCL), cefdinir (CFDN), cefditoren pivoxil (CDTR-PI), cefteram pivoxil (CFTM-PI) and cefpodoxime proxetil (CPDX-PR).
    The ages of 43 patients were distributed from 4 months to 10 years and 7 months, and especially childrenunder 4 years accounted for 72% (31 cases). In 22 cases (51%), Haemophilus influenzae or Streptococcuspneumoniae were identified as the pathogens, but in 18 cases, no causative organisms were defined. Treatment by CDTR-PI was successful in 12 cases out of 15 evaluable cases in which H. influenzae or S. pneumoniae wereidentified as the main causative organisms. From the susceptibility testing of them, some strains of H. influenzaewere found to be ABPC-resistant and some strains of S. pneumoniae were benzylpenicillin (PCG)-resistant.
    To support above clinical evaluation of CDTR-PI, susceptibility testings on clinically isolated H. influenzae (81 strains) and S. pneumoniae (79 strains) were performed using above mentioned 6 oral β-lactam antibiotics.The MIC80s against H. influenzae were; CDTR-PI 0.06, μg/ml, CCL 2, μg/ml, CPDX-PR 0.125, μg/ml, CFTM-PI0.03μg/ml, CFDN 1 μg/ml and ABPC 1μg/ml. Those against S. pneumoniae were; CDTR-PI 0.5μg/ml, CCL>4μg/ml, CPDX-PR 2μg/ml, CFTM-PI 1μg/ml, CFDN 2 μg/ml and ABPC 1μg/ml.
    From those results, it was concluded that CDTR-PI or CFTM-PI may be preferable for the treatment of acute otitis media and acute sinusitis in children.
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  • 1999 Volume 52 Issue 2 Pages 172-175
    Published: February 25, 1999
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2013
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