Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 10, Issue 3
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • Rikichi ABE
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 351-373
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    I wish to call the distalmost part of the end colon of the snapping turtle the anal part of the end colon, since this part, unlike the rectum of mammals, has a histological picture closely resembling that of the so-called anal bladder. Its large lumen suddenly tightens up with the appearance of many longitudinal folds and opens out into the cloaca. This part probably corresponds to the zona columnaris ani in man and other mammals.
    The crura corporis caverni penis of right and left penetrate far into the lateral sides of the anal part of the end colon and the urethra and show a cavernous communication between the latter organs.
    On the ventral side of the urethra is found the radix orporis cavernosi urethrae which extends up to the tip of the glans penis. In cross-sections, the corpus is seen in a semilunar form. Many septula running dorsoventrally come out from the tunica albuginea lining the wall of the corpus and a net system of blood vessels is formed in the interstices.
    The corpora cavernosa penis are well developed near the anal part but lose much in development as they go distalwards along the cloaca. Presently, however, they are seen jutting forcefully into the lumen of the cloaca. A longitudinal narrow furrow runs between the two protruding corpora, which are covered by a mucous membrane in common. These protruding parts form the root part of the so-called glans penis together with the corpus cavernosum urethrae, which is not yet raised out of the cloacal wall in this part, but before long it stands out free from the wall and becomes covered in the same mucous membrane as the corpora cavernosa ponis. The two corpora cavernosa penis come again into mutual communication along the dorsal side of the urethral body, upon entering the glans penis.
    The corpus cavernosum penis, in particular in its part within the glans penis, contains many trabecular villi of various size sticking out from the tunica albuginea lining the wall of the large cavern running through it. The inner side of the cavern is lined by a single-rowed layer of endotholial cells. The mucous membrane covering the glans penis is composed of a thick stratified cylindrical epithelium and a propria rich in melaniferous fibrocytes.
    The proximal part of the cloaca is provided with conspicuous longitudinal mucous folds. The epithelium lining it is a stratified cylindrical one, which near the distal end passes over into a flat epithelium without cornification. The propria consists of a fibrous connective tissue and does not contain pigment cells. The tunica muscularis is observable in the vicinity of the anal part of the end colon but gradually fades out in the more distal parts.
    The innervation of the cloaca in the proximal part where the tunica muscularis is observable is similar to that in the anal part of the end colon. Here, AUERBACH's and MEISSNER's plexuses containing a small quantity of sympathetic nerve cells are formed, though not in strong development, and sensory fibres are also found in a considerable quantity. As the distal parts devoid of a muscularis is approached, the nerve supply becomes weaker. The sensory fibres end in the muscularis and the propria. No intraepithelial fibres have ever been observed here.
    The sensory terminations formed in the muscularis are of the unbranched and the simple branched types in which the fibres run very peculiar courses of successive loops. The terminal fibres end usually in sharp points. The terminations found in the propria comprise unbranched and simple branched ones in which the fibres run specific winding courses while changing their size.
    The innervation of the penis shows many interesting points. The vegetative nerves in the corpora cavernosa penis and the corpus cavernosum urethrae originate in the vegetative nerve bundles running along the aa. profundae penis and their branches the aa. corporis cavernosa urethrae. The corpora cavernosa penis
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  • Kyohei FUJISAWA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 375-380
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die Färbbarkeit von weißen Staphylokokken, Prodigiosusbacillen, Colibacillen, Mäusetyphusbacillen und Dysenteriebacillen ändert sich beim Zusatz des betreffenden Immunserums, und zwar vermindert sie sich bei basischem, elektrisch positiv geladenem Safranin, Viktoriablau (alkohollösl) und Anilinblau (alkohollösl.) und vermehrt sich bei saurem, positiv geladenem Ponceau PR, Trypanblau und Alkaliblau (alkohollösl.). Diese Erscheinung ist an den am meisten negativ geladenen weißen Staphylokokken am deutlichsten.
    Die Alkoholloslichkeit der Farbstoffe, d. h. ihre Beschaffenheit, sich in Alkohol zu lösen, aber nicht in Wasser und apolaren Flüssigkeiten, schien in obiger Erscheinung belanglos zu sein.
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  • Toshio ITO, Yasuhiro NARITA, Kimio TSUNODA, Katsumi SHINDO
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 381-398
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Bei einem 63 jährigen, an Hirnerweichung gestorbenen Mann wurden die Schweißdrüsen der Perianal- und Nasenflügelhaut in Serienschnitten beobachtet, folgende interessante Ergebnisse wurden gewonnen.
    1. Wie von ITO und seinen Schülern angegeben, sind die Drüsenzellen im Drüsenepithel der e-Schweißdrüse mannigfaltig gestaltet und unregelmäßig angeordnet. Sie lassen sich in dunkle Superficial- und helle Basalzellen einteilen, die beide im großen und ganzen zweizeilig miteinander angeordnet sind. Die Interzellularsekretkanälchen sind ausschließlich zwischen den Basalzellen zu finden. Die Superficialzellen führen feine, mit Hämatoxylin-Eosin violett angefärbte Sekretgranula und zeigen Bilder der lebhaften apokrinen Sekretion. Dagegen sind im Drüsenepithel der a-Schweißdrüse die einheitlich dunklen Drüsenzellen regelmäßig einschichtig angeordnet und enthalten grobe, mit Eosin rot angefärbte Sekretgranula. Zwischen diesen a-Schweißdrüsenzellen finden sich keine Interzellular-sekretkanälchen, wie das bei den Superficialzellen der a-Schweißdrüse der Fall ist. Aus dieser vergleichenden Beobachtung der beiden Schweißdrüsen ersieht man, daß die e-Schweißdrüse eine viel kompliziertere histologische Struktur hat als die a-Schweißdrüse, daher möchten wir annehmen, daß die erstere eine höher differenzierte Schweißdrüse als die letztere ist. Die Drüsenzellen der a-Schweißdrüse und die Superficialzellen der e-Schweißdrüse stimmen in folgenden verschiedenen Beschaffenheiten überein; erstens umgrenzen beide unmittelbar die Drüsenlichtung und haben ein dunkel erscheinendes Cytoplasma, zweitens haben beide keine Interzellularsekretkapillaren und drittens üben beide die apokrine Sekretion. Diese Verhältnisse sprechen für die Annahme, daß die a-Schweißdrüsenzellen und die Superficialzellen der e-Schweißdrüse einander phylogenetisch homolog sein dürften.
    2. Sowohl in der Perianal- als auch in der Nasenflügelhaut wurde eine Anzahl gemischter Schweißdrüsen vorgefunden. Bei solchen Schweißdrüsen ist der Drüsentubulus auf eine gewisse Strecke hin dick und hat eine weite Drüsenlichtung, welche durch das Drüsenepithel mit Beschaffenheiten der a-Schweißdrüse umgrenzt ist. Daher sieht ein solcher Abschnitt ganz gleich wie eine a-Schweißdrüse aus. In der anderen Strecke ist der Drüsentubulus dünn und hat eine schmale Drüsenlichtung; ebenso ist das Drüsenepithel von gleicher Art wie das der e-Schweißdrüsen. Daher hält man einen solchen Abschnitt beim Anblick für einen Drüsentubulus der e-Schweißdrüse. Zwischen den beiden Strecken findet sich ein Abschnitt, dessen Drüsenepithel auf einen Übergang zwischen der e- und a-Schweißdrüsen hindeutet.
    3. Die oben erwähnten Ergebnisse stützen natürlich die ITO'sche Angabe, daß die e-Schweißdrüse auch die a-Sekretion ausüben, sie stehen aber der SCHIEFFERDECKER'schen entgegen, daß die Schweißdrüsen sich durch den Sekretionsmodus in e- und a-Drüsen einteilen lassen. Ebenso widersprechen sie seiner zweiten Angabe, daß die beiden Schweißdrüsenarten zwei ganz besondere und miteinander nicht verwandte Drüsen vertreten sollen.
    4. Die gemischten Schweißdrüsen kommen bei Menschen ausschließlich in solchen Körperregionen vor, wo die e- und a-Schweißdrüsen gleichzeitig verteilt sind. Leider konnten wir in der vorliegenden Untersuchung die Frage nicht lösen, wohin die Ausführungsgänge der gemischten Schweißdrüsen ausmünden
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  • Yuichi WATANABE
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 399-413
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Since the epidermis of the pars cutanea membranae tympani consists in a 3-4 rowed non-cornified flat epithelium, we may well expect to find intraepithelial fibres formed in it, though no papillae are found in formation beneath the epidermis. The mucous part consists of a single-rowed cubic epithelium and a thin propria in the largest part, but in its periphery, the epithelium turns into a 2-3 rowed cylindrical or ciliated one. As the mucous part represents an extension of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity, it is equally easy to guess that this part is also supplied with sensory nerves. Between these two parts, we find a connective tissue layer connecting them. This layer contains a well-developed outer radial sublayer and a far worse-developed inner circular sublayer.
    A surprisingly large number of nerve fibres are found diffused in the tympanic membrane, forming frequently unexpectedly stout nerve bundles. All these nerve bundles run out of the anulus fibrosus surrounding the tympanic membrane into the membrane and comprise some chiefly formed of thick sensory fibres and others chiefly formed of thin vegetative fibres. The former mostly come from the n. auriculotemporalis and the latter from the plexus tympanicus. Naturally, perivascular plexus of vegetative nature are also found along the blood vessels. The nerve bundles send out small branches gradually as they go from the periphery toward the center of the tympanic membrane. The upper half of the tympanic membrane is richer in nerve supply than its lower half.
    The chiefly sensory nerve bundles originating in the n. auriculotemporalis enter through the radial fibre layer into the corium of the cutaneous part and run therein distally toward the center of the membrane, and their branch fibres further toward the epidermis, but no such complex branched terminations or corpuscular terminations as have been mentioned in some past reports could be found in this part. Subepidermal endings were not observed either. I found that these branch fibres end mostly in sharp points closely beneath the epidermis or running further up into the epidermis as short intraepidermal fibres. Only rarely I found branched terminations formed by very thick fibres, but for these were found in a tympanic membrane taken from a senile subject, they may be assumed to have represented more or less pathological formations.
    The nerve bundles chiefly of fine vegetative fibres coming from the plexus tympanicus form their own plexus by ramification and mutual anastomosis, mostly in the peripheral part of the tympanic membrane. Anastomosis occurs also between these fibres and the perivascular plexus. Such plexus formation abruptly falls off as the tympanic membrane is entered, that is, the formation follows the development of the blood vessels. The vegetative fibres from these plexus, including the perivascular plexus, finally pass over into STÖHR's terminal reticula, which spread out in contact with blood vessels, the connective tissue and in particular, the fibrocytes which they often penetrate right through, but they never seem to enter any smooth muscle fibre. No such periterminal net-work, as so-called by BOEKE, could be demonstrated.
    Sensory fibres are also found in the mucous part of the tympanic membrane. Those found in the peripheral part thereof are derived from the glossopharyngeus coming via plexus tympanicus. These sensory fibres in some cases form their terminations subepithelially, but in most cases within the epithelium here too. Beside unbranched terminations, branched terminations are often enough found in this part. The intraepithelial fibres here are somewhat different from those in the cutaneous part in that they often run peculiarly winding and rather long courses before ending.
    The sensory fibres found at the center of the tympanic membrane usually originate in the n. auriculotemporalis.
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  • Tetsu KARIYA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 415-423
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Es wurde das durch Einführung der Suspension von Kobaltblaupartikelchen in geringem Ausmaße beschädigte Hirngewebe der Maus nur mit Formalin fixiert, und die Gefrierschnitte wurden mit lipoidfärbendem Viktoriablau sowie mit Neutralfett und dgl. färbendem Sudanschwarz B und Sudan III gefärbt. In der beschädigten Stelle entwickelten sich sog. Fettkörnchenzellen mit reichlichen fettigen Granula. Die Gesamtzahl der Granula und ihre Färbbarkeit mit Viktoriablau im ganzen erreichte am 5. Tage nach der Suspensioneinführung den Höhepunkt, die mit Sudanschwarz B aber am 7. bis 10. Tage und die mit Sudan III am 15. bis 20. Tage. Nach 35 Tagen verminderte sich die Zahl der mit solchen Farbstoffen färbbaren Granula wie auch ihre Färbungsstärke.
    Die Erythrocyten im Extravasat vermehren ihre Färbbarkeit mit Viktoriablau bis zum 2. Tage und büßten sie dann ein.
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  • Takehiko KANEDA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 425-431
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Das in gewöhnlichen Präparaten unter dem gewöhnlichen Mikroskop strukturlos erscheinende NISSL-Grau besteht aus nervösen und gliösen Bestandteilen in unlösbarer Verwickelung, wie verschiedene Versilberungsmethoden die Verhältnisse zum Teil veranschaulichen können. Es ist aber bekannt, daß je reichlicher die Neurofibrillen im Grau vorhanden sind, um so ultrastrukturell lockerer das letztere gebaut ist. Lockerer gebaute Substrate färben sich auch bekanntlich nach der Azanmethode mit stärkerem blauem Ton. Es wurde die Ultrastrukturdichte des NISSL-Graus in verschiedenen Teilen des Mäusehirns in Gefrier- und Celloidinschnitten nach der Azanfärbung ermittelt, wobei ein besonderes Augenmerk darauf gerichtet wurde, daß das Celloidineinbettungsverfahren die Ultrastrukturdichte des NISSL-Graus beträchtlich erniedrigt, trotzdem sie durch die Dehydratation eine starke Schrumpfung des Gewebes hervorbringt. Die Erniedrigung der Dichte beruht auf der Auslösung fettiger Substanzen aus den molekularen Gefügen. Zur Ergänzuug wurde eine analoge Beobachtung an der an Lipoiden am reichsten Markscheide gemacht.
    Der Verfasser beabsichtigt noch, demnächst eine andere Mitteiltung mit farbigen Tafelabbildungen erfolgen zu lassen.
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  • Takeshi UKEI
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 433-453
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The author, using 218 hamsters of both sexes of various ages ranging from birth to 160 days, made a study on the postnatal development of the parenchymatous cells of the anterior pituitary in the hamsters. The results obtained were as follows:
    1. The parenchymatous cells in the anterior lobe are consisted of chromophobes, acidophils and basophils (beta cells and delta cells). In these cells, the mitoses are most numerous in number at 2nd and 3rd day, and always found throughout life, although they are rare in adult. The amitoses are found rarely in young animals, but not at all in adult.
    2. Chromophobes are generally small cells and have fine filamentous cytoplasm. The outlines of the chromophobes are not so clearly defined as in the chromophils. The nuclei are round or oval, relatively chromatinpoor and contain, as a rule, 1-2 fuchsinophilic nucleoli. They are thought of undifferenciated cells.
    3. Acidophils are characterized by the presence of fuchsinophilic or orangeophilic granules in the cytoplasm. They are clearly outlined, and generally round or oval in shape, although often appear considerably elongated when lie at the capillary wall. The negative image of the GOLGI's apparatus, which is restricted as a cap to one side of the nucleus, appears more numerous in female than in male. The count of these cells in the anterior pituitary increases far more in female than in male. The number of the cells of the anterior pituitary in male adult, reveal about 30per cent of all parenchymatous cells, and in female about 50per cent.
    4. The cytoplasm of the basophils contains varying amount of granular material, which are stained by the periodic acid-SCHIFF reaction. These basophils are more numerous in male than in female. In male adult, the number of cells reveal about 50per cent, and in female about 30per cent of all parenchymatous cells.
    5. The irregularly shaped beta cells are delineated by a distinct cell boundary and contain coarse granules which are stained by the periodic acid-SCHIFF reaction as well as GOMORI's aldehyde-fuchsin method. Especially, some of them appear to envelop the acidophil or chromophobe. In female the most of the basophils are beta cells and are scattered generally throughout the anterior pituitary, while in male they lie scattered in central region, being less in number.
    6. The delta cells are large, oval or round, and have respectively a distinct cell boundary. The fine granules, which are positive to the periodic acid-SCHIFF reaction, but do not stain themselves with GOMORI's aldehyde-fuchsin, are distributed throughout the cytoplasm. A negative image of the GOLGI's apparatus is seen as a clear, granula-free ring which surrounds a red (periodic acid-SCHIFF reaction) or dark blue (MARTIN's modification) centrum. The delta cells in male, which abound in the ventral area and lie along the cleft opposite the pars intermedia, are generally larger than those of female distributing in the central region.
    7. Occasionally, the cytoplasm of the delta cell of the male, contains a vacuole.
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  • I. Observation of Histologic Changes of the Gastric Mucosa and their Genesis
    Takashi NAKAO
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 455-469
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The author fed rats 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 days after the total extirpation of the parotis gland or the parotis, submandibular and sublingual glands to confirm the ratiocination which can be reached theoretically from the internal secretion theory of salivary glands (OGATA), the gastric hormone productin theory (FUJIE) and the saliva histamine-splitting theory (FUJIE and author). The rats gained or lost weight till 10 days after the operation, but 20 or 30 days later they lost weight without exception. Histamine in blood of the operated rats showed a very high value. In normal rats histamine increases in the blood after the diet-admistration, then decreases during 2 or 3hrs., but in these operated rats it was found to have already increased before the diet-administration and it reached the extreme high value after the administration, not decreasing even 6hrs. later. On the other hand, various abnormal changes can be observed in the gastric mucous membrane. The author classified them in 9 ways, 1. dilatation of the capillary blood vessels and hyperaemia, 2. infiltration of the cells, 3. multiplication of connective tissue in the propria mucosae, 4. atrophy or degeneation of the gastric gland, 5. deficiency in the surface region of the mucosa, 6. bleeding on the surface of the mucosa, 7. atrophy of the mucosa, 8. local necrosis of the mucosa and 9. local scar in the mucosa. Many kinds of these changes can be observed with prolonged feeding after the extirpation of salivary glands.
    In a case where rats are injected 1/100mg of parotin (salivary gland preparation) every morning and evening, the loss in weight can not be prevented but the histamine value in the blood at the starved condition approaches the normal value and the pathologic changes in the mucosa are positively mitigated.
    According to the above results and the discussion based on them, it is believed that the total extirpation of the salivary glands brings about a surplus condition of histamine in the blood owing to the incomplete treatment of the gastric hormone productin (histamine-like substance) which had been secreted in the blood, because the ulcerous changes in the gastric mucosa caused by surplus histamine and the anti-histamic action of saliva absorbed into blood have been previously demonstrated by FUJIE.
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  • Akira KANESADA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 471-481
    Published: June 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Lymphoid tissue occurrng in the liver and bone marrow of reptiles and birds was investigated in an attempt to clarify its phylogentical significance. In reptiles, the frequency of occurrence of lymphoid tissue is greater in the liver than in the bone marrow. Moreover, the lymphoid tissue occurring in the marrow assumes a very primitive appearance and is quite absent in some species. In birds, on the other hand, the lymphoid tissue is well developed in the bone marrow and the frequency of its appearance often predominates over that in the liver. This infers that the lymphoid foci in the liver and bone marrow are corresponding structures, and that in the course of phylogenesis lymphoid tissue appears earlier in the liver than in the bone marrow. In order to substantiate this inference, the origin of lymphoid tissue in the liver was pursued below to the level of amphibians. It was revealed that lymphoid tissue, though primive in appearance, also occurs in the liver of anurans. This tissue may be considered to be derived from the granulocytopoietic foci of the liver of urodeles.
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