Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
12 巻, 4 号
  • I. 正常成熟齧歯類脳における分布について
    岡田 雅晶
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 493-507
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Phosphorylase activity of the brain of adult mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits was investigated histochemically by TAKEUCHI-KURIAKI's method with iodine reaction.
    The rats and guinea pigs presented far more constant, intense and extensive activity than mice and rabbits. The white matter generally exhibited an intense brown color between the myelinated nerve fibers. The grey matter showed fairly characteristic distribution of the enzyme in the different regions of the brain. A moderate purple staining was consistently demonstrated in the paraventricular structures such as the area postrema, subcommissural organ, walls of the third ventricle and SYLVIan aqueduct, medial margin of the caudate nucleus. The neocortex as well as the optic tectum and cerebellar cortex showed strong or moderate brownish purple color. Nuclei of the brain stem gave characteristic staining; a purple color was encountered in the mesencephalic and motor nuclei of the fifth nerve, nuclei of the facial and hypoglossal nerve and nucleus ambiguus, brown or purplish brown color occurring in the striatum, interpeduncular and inferior olivary nuclei.
  • II. ラッテ脳 Phosphorylase の胎生末期より成熟期に至る発育変化について
    岡田 雅晶
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 509-529
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Phosphorylase activity of the brain of rats from late fetal life to adults was investigated histochemically by TAKEUCHI-KURIAKI's method, using the iodine reaction.
    The phosphorylase of late fetal or newborn rats was generally slight in activity, except for moderate or strong action in some structures; arachnoid membrane, choroid plexuses, ventricular walls, area postrema, pineal and subcommissural bodies, raphe of the medulla oblongata, some brain stem nuclei such as the nucleus of the mesencephalic tract and motor nucleus of the fifth nerve, nuclei of the abducens, facial and hypoglossal nerves, nucleus ambiguus. Slight reaction appeared in the ventral thalamic and habenular nuclei on the 3rd day, in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices and superior colliculus on the 5th day after birth. The enzyme activity showed a general increase at 14 days and reached the maximal intensity at about 21 days of age, and exhibited slight decrease of activity from 2 months after birth. The white matter showed an initial activity at different ages from 5 to 21 days, to attain maximal activity by 1 month, which occurred between the myelinated nerve fibers.
  • 徳田 幹夫
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 531-539
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    9種の硬骨魚と2種の軟骨魚の血漿の類脂質の量を染料ビクトリア青を用いる著者の方法で測定し, それが硬骨魚に甚だ多く, 軟骨魚に著しく少いことを見た. 両者の軟骨基質の過ヨード酸 Schiff 反応とトルイジン青での異調染色は硬骨魚よりも軟骨魚に強く現われ, 軟骨魚の軟骨基質には酸性多糖類化合物が著しく多いことが示された. ただし軟骨魚の体内に酸性多糖類化合物が多いこととその血液に類脂質が少いことが如何に関係しているかをまだ詳らかにしない.
  • 古田 快太郎
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 541-552
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previously the author fed rats a non-protein diet during 10 and 20 days and observed morphologically that the secretory function of the pancreatic cells is quite inferior even after the administration of the same diet and the secretion of the gastric hormone productin (FUJIE) which is believed to be a histamine-like substance secreted from the gastric epitlelial cells and to promote active pancreatic secretion is also minor. The author, hereat, performed similar experiments using author's histidine-diet (non-protein diet added histidine hydrochloride daily 1mg and 5mg per rat), in order to give a solution for the problem of the cause of the above phenomenon, that is: Is it due to the lack of absolute quantity of protein? or Is it due to the lack of histidine which is an amino-acid connected to histamine?
    Results obtained here are manifested as follows. The secretory function of the pancreatic cell and the secretion of productin have been initiated actively after the histidine-diet administration and they are similar to that of normal rats; the loss in weight was somewhat minor in the case of feeding histidine-diet than in that of non-protein diet; however the abnormalities in the cell structure, which are marked only in the cases of non-protein feeding and believed to be due to the lack of protein, are also here so often recognized that it can hardly be considered that histidine can mitigate the protein lack. It is noticeable that the secretory function, especially the production of zymogen granules of the pancreatic cells which is promoted by the histamine-like gastric hormone productin, is not disturbed when histidine was contained in diet, even if protein extremely lacked in the diet.
  • 横山 達也
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 553-570
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    猫直腸の粘膜筋膜の内輪層は肛門に近づくと消失するが, 外縦層は犬の場合と異って肛門柱帯下部にまで延びている. 又筋膜の外縦層は肛門に入ると消失するが, 内輪層は肛門中間帯の周りに延びて内肛門括約筋を作る.
    肛門中間帯の拡りは人に於けるよりも遙かに狭く且つここには乳頭形成は見られないが, 肛門柱帯には人の場合と異って乳頭の形成を見る. 猫肛門では犬で強力に発達する肛門腺の形成は見られず, 又人で著明な肛門管も殆んど形成されていない. 然し猫に特有な肛門嚢は肛門中間帯の陥没で出来た事を示す甚だ大きな嚢状形成物で, 外肛門括約筋の中に深く入り込み, その上皮下組織内には強力な発達の毛嚢腺と汗腺とが認められる.
    猫直腸下部でも多数の植物線維を伴って知覚線維の進入が認められる. 前者は Auerbach 及び Meissner 神経叢と密接な関係を結ぶ. 両神経叢内の神経細胞の発達は人の場合より遙かに劣勢, 植物線維は何れも終網に移行する. 知覚線維の1部は粘膜下膜と粘膜筋膜内に単純な分岐性終末或は複雑な係蹄状終末に終るが, その多くは粘膜固有膜に来て専ら腸隠窩の周りに非分岐性及び単純な分岐性終末に終る.
    猫肛門でも Auerbach 及び Meissner 神経叢の形成を見るが, その中の神経細胞の発達は直腸に於けるよりも弱い.
    猫肛門の粘膜に対する知覚線維は直腸に於けるより遙かに多く, 其多くは上皮下に終る. 尚お此線維は乳頭形成を示す柱帯に対しては乳類をもたない中間帯に対するよりも多量に見られ, その終末もより複雑に作られる. 即ち可なり複雑な分岐性終末で表わされるものが多い. 又柱帯には上皮内線維も見られるが, 人や犬に於けるよりは発達遙かに劣勢, 専ら非分岐性終末で表わされる.
    中間帯では僅かの非分岐性終末を上皮下に見るに過ぎず, 上皮内線維も甚だ稀である.
    猫直腸下部と肛門の外膜内及び内外両肛門括約筋の間に小型の Pacini 氏小体が発見される. 之に入る知覚線維は一般に分岐することなく鈍状に終っている.
    猫肛門外皮部にも人の場合と同様に可なり多量の知覚線維の進入を見るが, その多くは毛嚢頸の特殊組織内に入って専ら叢状終末を形成する. 尚1部は乳頭層内に進んで単純な分岐性終末に終る.
    猫肛門では人に於けると異なり, 犬の場合と同様, 陰部神経小体の存在は認められない.
  • 伊藤 五郎
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 571-586
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    人3-4ケ月胎児の肘関節の滑液組織に向う知覚線維は僅少, その多くは線維層に, 稀には滑液層の中に非分岐性或は単純性分岐性終末として終る. 関節嚢及びその周囲には知覚線維は比較的多く, その終末は前者同様単純性或は稍々複雑な分岐性終末で表わされる.
    Pacini 氏小体は先人の所見と異って肘関節では関節嚢には勿論, その周辺更に外皮内にも発見されない. そしてこの部に見られる小体様終末としては専ら骨膜内に形成される Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体で表わされる. 尚お本小体の外, 骨膜内には特殊分岐性終末も多数発見される. 之は Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体と異って骨端部のみならず骨幹部にも発見され, 恐らく骨膜の疼痛に関する終末であり, Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体は関節に特有な甚だ線細な感覚の感受器ならんと考えられる.
    骨膜に形成される分岐性終末は専ら太い線維に由来し, その終末枝は著明な太さの変化を示し, 多くは骨膜の内層に入り, 時には筋間中隔に入って尖鋭状に終る. この終末は骨膜に特有なもので甚だ強力な感じを与える.
    肘関節に見られる Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体も膝関節の場合 (下田及び野崎) と同様に筋組織を以て直接起始或は終止する骨膜内に形成される. 然し関節から離れた骨膜内にも又筋間中隔内にも稀ならず発見される. 上腕骨の内側上顆には特に多く, 又肘頭下部にも可なり多数証明される. 本小体は円筒状を呈し, 幅広い内棍内には特殊核が1-2列性に並ぶ. この周囲は同様幅の広い明るい層から成り, 更にその周りは内輪, 外縦の結合織層で構成される. 内棍には1条の知覚線維が入り, 非分岐性或は単純性分岐性終末に終る. 本小体は屡々集合的に形成されるが, 各小体に入る知覚線維は稀ならず1条の母線維に由来する. 又 Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体の異型と見られる終末も屡々発見される.
    手関節に於ては知覚終末の形成は肘関節に於けるよりも遙かに劣勢を示す. 即ち関節嚢及び滑液膜内には勿論, 骨膜に於てさえも著明な分岐性終末は発見されず, 鈍状に終る非分岐性或は二叉分岐性線維が見られるに過ぎない.
    更に驚く事には手関節の骨膜には Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体の形成が何処にも見られない. この事は何の関節にも Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体が形成されるものとは限らない事を示す. 更に驚く可き事は Golgi-Mazzoni 氏小体が手掌の近位部の皮下組織内に可なり多数に発見された事であり, 又予想に反しこの部には Pacini 氏小体が何処にも発見されなかった.
  • I. 齧歯類に於ける正常分布
    石井 良明
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 587-611
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cholinesterase activity of the central nervous system was histochemically investigated in rodents (mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits) by using the KOELLE 3rd method. The result were as followed.
    1. The pattern of cholinesterase distribution is remarkably similar but the intensity of activity somewhat differs in the animal species, being highest in mice and rats, intermediate in guinea gigs and lowest in rabbits.
    2. The most intense reaction is given in the caudate nucleus, putamen, amygdaloid nuclei (especially pars posterior of the nucleus lateralis), tuberculum olfactorium, optic tectum, interpeduncular nucleus, locus caeruleus, nucleus ambiguus. An moderately intense activity occurs in the 1st layer of the neocortex, nucleus accumbens septi, diagonal band of BROCA, subfornical body, nucleus habenulae, anterior ventral nucleus of the thalamus, reticular nucleus, fasciculus retroflexus, nuclei pontis, nucleus lemnisci lateralis and most of the cranial nerve nuclei. An intermediate staining is exhibited in the neccortex, olfactory bulb, anterior dorsal nucleus of the thalamus, posterior nucleus of the thalamus, nucleus paraventricuralis, nucleus supraopticus, red nucleus, DEITERS' nucleus, granular layer of the cerebellum, inferior olivary nucleus, the GOLL and BURDACH nuclei and the floor of the fourth ventricle.
    A low activity is present in the substantia nigra, superior olivary nucleus and main sensory nucleus of fifth nerve.
  • II. ラッテ胎生末期より成熟期に至る Cholinesterase の組織化学的変化
    石井 良明
    1957 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 613-637
    発行日: 1957/08/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has histochemically studied the alteration of cholinesterase of the brain of rats from late fetal life to adult. The results were as followed.
    1. The periods of time necessary to attain maximal enzyme activities varied: the medulla oblongata and midbrain attained their maximal reaction at 14 days of age, diencephalone and nuclei cerebri at 21 days of age, while cerebral cortex in the age of 3 months.
    2. In the medulla oblongata, the nucleus ambiguus gave marked activity in the late fetal life followed by the maximal reaction at 5 days of age. The nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve and dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve showed the similar changes.
    3. In the pons, the earliest and marked activity was demonstrated in the locus caeruleus, while moderate reaction appeared in the motor and mesencephalic nuclei of the fifth nerve from newborn animals.
    4. The midbrain showed an initial activity at varying ages. For examples, nucleus of 3rd nerve and mesencephalic nucleus of the fifth nerve in 20th days of fetal age, nucleus interpeduncularis in the newborn animals, colliculus rostralis at 10 days of age. The activity of the nucleus of 3rd nerve was followed by rapid increase from 2 weeks of age.
    5. The evident activity was demonstrated in the corpus LUYSI, fasciculus retroflexus and habenular nucleus in newborn animals. The ventral thalamic nucleus was the first reacting nucleus in the thalamus, to reach the moderate staining by 3 days of age.
    6. A slight activity made its appearance in the striatum by 10 days of age, followed by gradual increase to attain maximal activity at 21 days of age.