Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 16, Issue 2
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • I. Observations on Two Embryos in Early Somite Stage, STREETER's Horizon X
    Tom MORI
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 169-193
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Distribution of alkaline β-glycerophosphatase in two young human embryos of 5 and 8 somites was observed histochemically. In most part of these specimens, the highest activity of the enzyme was detected in neural groove, neural crests, integumentary ectoderm, otic plate, cloacal membrane, gut endoderm and primordial germ cells. In the mesoderm and the notochord, gradated activity of the enzyme was noticed which diminished in its intensity in a caudo-cranial direction. Probable significance of such a gradient of the enzymic activity was also discussed in this report. Sections through the tail region, on the other hand, showed intense and even staining throughout ectodermic, mesodermic and endodermic layers. The epithelial cells of amnion, yolk sac and chorion revealed only a faint or moderate reaction in their free surface, while the mesodermic layer of these fetal membranes showed no remarkable activity of the enzyme.
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  • Tutomu WADA
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 195-227
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    A study was made of features of the terminations of vegetative nerve-fibres using the alimentary tubes of adult cats. The specimens observed were impregnated by SUZUKI's silver-method after they were made into frozen sections. The results summarized in the following description are derived from the data regarding the muscle-layer of colon and the mucous layer of stomach.
    1. According to the mode of branching, the nerve networks of AUERBACH's plexus can be classified into 5 orders. The network of the 5th order are composed of mere neurofibrils from which fine terminal nerve-fibres come out between smooth muscle fibres. From this finding, it became evident that the nerve-fibres of AUERBACH's plexus innervated the muscle fibres in both circular and longitudinal plates of the muscle-layer of colon.
    2. Bundles of nerve-fibres in the alimentary tract are accompanied by the following cells or nuclei, i. e., ganglion-cells, nuclei in leitplasmodium, and intercalated cells. They seem to be innervated in conformity with the function of respective organs.
    3. Of a neurofibrilar structure of peripheral nerve-fibres there exist four basic types as follows:
    a. Fibres composed of dense neurofibrils with very few anastomosis.
    b. Fibres composed of thin neurofibrils with many dot-like swellings and few anastomosis.
    c. Fibres composed of thin neurofibrils with varicosity.
    d. Fibres composed of thin reticulum of neurofibrils with dot-like swellings.
    4. The nerve-cells in MEISSNER's plexus of colon are very often located in groups and occasionally they are found enveloping the ganglion.
    5. Bundles of neurofibrils passing through the lamina muscularis mucosae of stomach contain three kinds of neurofibrils as follows:
    a. The bundle which independently passes through the muscle-plate, and while sending out fine branches on its passage.
    b. The bundle which finds its way with a thin longitudinal bundle of smooth muscle fibres in the mucous layer after forming a network in the innermost part of lamina muscularis.
    c. The bundle which passes through lamina muscularis with blood capillaries.
    6. In the interspace between the cell-basis and the proper membrane of a fundic gland there exists a fine meshed reticulum of neurofibrils from which very delicate neurofibrils come out ending between gland cells. Intercalated cells are also found in some parts of the gastric glands. Their cytoplasma, which are filled with fine argyrophilic reticula, come from the above mentioned basal reticula which send forth thin processes around adjacent gland cells.
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  • Kazunobu KOMURO, Masahiko KODAMA, Koho JO
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 229-235
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    We investigated histometrically the age change on the wall of aortic biginning parts of 30 fetus from the middle of 3rd prenatal month to 10th month. Results are summerized as follows:
    1. The thickness of intima does not show so remarkable a change from 3rd to 10th month.
    2. The thickness of media grows straightly with age and in 10th prenatal month becomes 1.6 times as large as that of 3rd month.
    3. The thickness of the elastic membranes and the smooth muscle fibers with increasing ages, has no remarkable change, and in 10th month, is 1.1 or 1.2 times as large as that of 3rd month. The elastic membranes and smooth muscle fibers show the same thickness from 3rd to 10th month.
    4. There is no change in degree of wave curvature of internal elastic membrane in all above months.
    5. The number of the elastic membranes and the smooth muscle fibers contained in intima per unit thickness does not change in all above months.
    6. There is no change in the density of the elastic membranes and the smooth muscle fibers in unit area. Besides, the density of the smooth muscle fibers is just half of that of elastic membranes.
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  • Toshikazu KITADE
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 237-249
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. Nach der Untersuchung an drei Vögeln, zwei Reptilien und drei Amphibien ist die Lipoidmenge im Blutplasma in der Regel am größten bei den Vögeln, die Menge von sauren Polysaccharidverbindungen in der Knorpelgrundsubstanz aber bei ihnen am geringsten. Ferner, die Lipoide im Blutplasma lassen sich bei den Reptilien mehr nachweisen als bei den Amphibien, die sauren Polysaccharidverbindungen im Knorpel aberr umgekehrt.
    2. Die Arehitektur der elastischen Elemente in der Aortenwand wurde bei vier Vögeln, zwei Reptilien und vier Amphibien untersucht. Bei den Vögeln bilden sich regelmäßig angeordnete, wenig verzweigte dicke elastische Lamellen in der Media, dagegen sind die elastischen Elemente bei der niedrigeren Tieren, außer bei der Schlange, immer stärker verzweigt und bilden ein dichteres Netzwerk.
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  • Eisho RIN
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 251-271
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Es wurde Untersuchungen an einem 7.5monatigen Frühgeborenen, das 24 Stunden nach der Geburt gestorben war, vorgenommen. Die Bindegewebszellen unter dem Epithel von fast allen untersuchten Hohlorgane sind zum größeren Teil Retikulumzellen und Fibrocyten, ausgenommen von dem Ureter, in welchem die Retikulohistiocyten und Fibrohistiocyten in der Überzahl vorhanden sind. Auch in der Harnblase finden sich diese beiden Zellarten zahlreich. Im allgemeinen Kommen die Retikulumzellen in der Nähe von dem Epithel zahlreicher als in der Tiefe vor, und umgekehrt verhalten sich die Fibrocyten, welche in der Tiefe zahlreicher auftreten. Zwischen den Retikulumzellen und Fibrocyten gibt es alle Übergangsformen.
    Die Tatsache, daß unter dem Übergangsepithel des Ureters und der Harnblase die Retikulohistiocyten und Fibrohistiocyten, die Reizungformen, zahlreich erscheinen, deutet darauf hin, daß dieses Epithel für reizende Stoffe von dem Harn durchläßig ist.
    Ausgebildete Histiocyten werden in den meisten Organen nur selten angetroffen. Es handelt sich offenbar darum, daß beim am ersten Tag nach der Geburt gestorbenen Frühgeborenen die Bindegewebszellen keine genügende Zeit hatten, sich durch innere und äußere Reize bis zu den Histiocyten zu entwickeln. Halbgebildete Histiocyten kommen jedoch vereinzelt in der Schleimhaut des Verdauungskanals vor, dessen Epithel schon verschiedene Reizstoffe durchgehen läßt.
    Die Lymphocyten treten in der Schleimhaut des Magens, Darms und Uterus verhältnismäßig zahlreich auf, die Plasmazellen und eosinophile Zellen aber kaum.
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  • Contributions to the Comparative Histology of the Hypothalamo-hypophysial System. 40th report
    Hisao FUJITA, Yuzo HIRAKAWA, Misao OKA
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 273-278
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The hypothalamo-hypophysial system of a 9-year-old female Anthropopithecus niger was histologically investigated and the following results were obtained.
    1. The general view of the hypothalamo-hypophysial system most resembles that of man.
    2. The lobus tuberalis on the anterior side of the hypophysial stalk extends as far as the sulcus tubero-infundibularis, but on the posterior side it is replaced by the fibrovascular zone except on the small distal part of that side.
    3. The lobus anterior is divided into several regions according to the manner of distribution of acidophil, basophil and chromophobe cells therein.
    4. The cells of the lobus tuberalis are mostly basophil tuberalis ones. They also include some undifferentiated cells. The size of lobus tuberalis cells is generally much smaller than that of those of the lobus anterior.
    5. The reticular fiber system in the adenohypophysis is composed of the basement membranes around the cell strands and around the blood vessels and interstitial tissue occupying the space between the two.
    6. The lobus intermedius does not exist as a compact lobe. It has in itself sporadical gland cells some of which run deeply into the lobus posterior, being accompanied by rich reticular fibers and blood vessels.
    7. Neurosecretory cells with remarkable vacuoles are found many especially in the supraoptic nucleus.
    8. The infundibular recess of the third ventricle is shallow. The blood vessels belonging to the portal system invade into the infundibulum and infundibular stem at various points from the lobus tuberalis and the fibrovascular zone. These special vessels in the infundibulum and infundibular stem form vascular loops quite similar to those of human case, and are enwrapped with a thick reticular fiber sheath.
    9. In the lobus posterior there are gomoriphil material densely gathering around the blood vessels in so-called ‘Verdichtungszone’ Some of the gomoriphil granules are found even in the blood vessels.
    10. Gomoriphil material gathers to form a layer around the invading lobus intermedius tissue in the lobus posterior. Furthermore, gomoriphil material is seen within that lobus intermedius tissue and in the blood vessels therein.
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  • Ichizen LEE
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 279-298
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The sensory nerve distribution in the mucous membrane of the goat's larynx is very rich in the laryngeal side but much poorer in the lingual side of the epiglottis, in proportion to the development of the submucosal and the proprial plexus in the sides, becomes ever poorer as we go down from the basis of the epiglottis along the mucous membrane of the laryngeal wall outside the epiglottis, and drastically diminishes in the lower portion of the larynx beyond the rima glottidis. The above finding is little different from that on the larynges of man and other animals. The sensory terminations in the goat's larynx, however, are incomparably poorer than in man, slightly poorer than in dog, but rather better than in rabbit in their development. It is of interest that their terminal mode shows some peculiarities specific to the animals.
    No sensory terminations related with the HERING's blood pressure falling reflex as found in the human and canine larynges were ever found in goat's larynx, as in the case with rabbit, but simple glomerular terminations, nerver found in the rabbit's larynx, were found in my caprine specimens, though in as small number as in the dog's larynx. No sensory terminations composed of such enormous thick fibres as peculiar to the rabbit's larynx were to be found in the goat's as little as in the dog's larynx. Thus, the sensory terminations found in the goat's larynx consist in subepithelial and intraepithelial branched terminations originated in medium-sized fibres and not a few simple glomerular terminations.
    In the laryngeal side of the epiglottis, somewhat rather complex branched terminations spread out over a considerable area subepithelially are found in formation. Their terminal fibres often show perceptible change in size in their courses and sometimes form intraepithelial fibres. Complex branched terminations are not rare either; the terminal fibres of these sometimes have small glomerular bodies formed of fine branched fibres at their ends. The intraepithelial fibres usually belong in the simple branched type and in very many cases run up into the very surface layer of the epithelium.
    Branched terminations may be found in the lingual side of the epiglottis too, but these are far smaller in number and simpler in from than those in the laryngeal side. No intraepithelial fibres were found here.
    In the laryngeal mucous membrane outside the epiglottis, especially, above the rima glottidis somewhat rather complex subepithelial branched terminations and intraepithelial fibres may be found, but in the rima the terminations are considerably worse developed. In the plica vocalis, however, the sensory terminations are better developed at least than in dog, simple branched terminations and intraepithelial fibres also being found in small numbers. In the pars intracartilaginea of the rima glottidis, sensory terminations may be found in a larger number and in more complex forms than in the plica vocalis.
    It may be that the stratified flat epithelium lining not only the laryngeal side of the epiglottis but the wall of the larynx down to the rima glottidis as well in goat and in dog admits of such a formation, so that an abundance of taste-buds are found here, in a number larger than in dog and of course larger than in man. The nerves supplied to these taste-buds, as in the dog's larynx, do not show difference in quantity by locality, as seen in the case with man, where they are gradually distributed as we go down from the upper parts of the larynx toward its lower portions. Thus, in the goat's laryngeal wall, taste-buds devoid of nerve supply and those comparatively well supplied with sensory fibres are found in mixed coexistence in the same place. Comparatively complex proprial plexus is found in the propria beneath the taste-buds, and the sensory fibres from the plexus mostly run toward the taste-buds to end in branched terminations therein, some of them running further intra- and extragemmally.
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  • II. Bezüglich der retikulofibrohistiocytären Gemeinschaft unter dem Epithel
    Yoshihiro MORI
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 299-309
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. Die Lamina propria der Schleimhaut der Nasenhöhle ist am dicksten in der drüsenreichen Regio olfactoria, weniger dick unter dem mehrschichtigen Epithel und am dünnsten unter dem Flimmerepithel. Unter einem dickeren Epithel liegt im allgemeinen eine dickere Lamina propria.
    2. Unter dem Riechepithel bilden die Retikulumzellen das Grundwerk des subepithelialen Bindegewebes. Reizungsformen der Bindegewebszellen sind dort selten, ausgenommen von dem JACOBSONschen Organ.
    3. In der Lamina propria mucosae unter dem mehrschichtigen Epithel kommen Fibrocyten mehr vor als Retikulumzellen. Reizungsformen treten häufig auf.
    4. Dicht unter dem flimmernden Epithel kommen Retikulumzellen und Fibrozyten vor. An denjenigen Orten, an welchen die Lamina propria dick und locker gebaut ist, kommen unter dem Flimmerepithel Retikulumzellen mehr vor als Fibrocyten, dagegen kommen in der dünnen, faserreichen Lamina propria fibrocyten mehr vor. Immerhin treten zahlreiche Reizungsformen auf.
    5. Die Reizungsformen der Bindegewebszellen, d. h. Retikulohistiocyten, Fibrohistiocyten, Histiocyten und monocytäre Formen, sind im Maxilloturbinale, im Nasoturbinale, im Vorderteil der Nasenscheidewand und im Vorderteil des Nasenbodens besonders zahlreich zu finden. Diese Orte sind diejenigen, die von außen am meisten gereizt werden.
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  • Toshio NAGANO
    1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 311-345
    Published: February 20, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The seminal epithelium of the domestic fowl was studied in thin sections observed with the electron microscope. The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    1. The cytoplasm of seminal cells contains a great number of fine granules (microsomes) which vary in density as well as in size from a few to 200mμ. Rough and smooth surfaced Types of the endoplasmic reticulum are observed in the cytoplasm of seminal cells. As the rough ones decrease, the smooth ones increase in number during the differentiation of seminal cells, at least, until the spermatid grows elongated. These observations differ from those on the cat as reported by BURGOS and FAWCETT. The origin of endoplasmic reticulum may be closely concerned with the microsomes connected like a beaded chain, with spindle fibrils and remnants.
    2. The GOLGI apparatus of each of all seminal cell types of this animal consists of GOLGI granules, lamellae and vacuoles. The GOLGI apparatus is identical with the‘Idiozom’of light microscopy. It appears that the GOLGI granules are probably equivalent to the S-microsomes of MORITA being scattered in the general cytoplasm, and both the lamellae and the vacuoles of GOLGI apparatus may be developed through the expansion of S-microsomes or from chains of them fusing with each other.
    3. Internal structure of the mitochondria observed in this material is extensively variable. Some show the striae, i. e., cristae mitochondriales of PALADE which are seen as a connection of the fine granules in some parts, while others are seen as masses of fine granules or small vesicles. These granules and vesicles may belong to the category of the microsomes.
    4. The centrosome observed in the GOLGI area of the resting cells is cylindrical in form and its wall consists of several parallel filaments embedded in the osmiophile substance which may correspond to the A-substance of MORITA. This substance is also found separately, lateral to the wall of centrosome. It appears that this substance is in a ring just like a‘ring centrosome’of the spermatid. The cylindrical centrosome may be transversely divided into two forming the diplosome. In some cases, at one pole of the spindle during the anaphase of the mitotic division, there are two centrosomes, each of which shows essentially the same structure as that of the resting cell.
    5. The spindle fibrils are observed as the strands or tubules, and in some parts as a file of small vesicles which are called the S-microsomes. Hence, it may be considered that the spindle fibrils arise from the beaded chains of microsomes, and attaining a tubular appearance, again lose the tubular features or remain as the bead-like strands in some parts, during the mitotic cycle. In this point of view, the author agrees with KUROSUMI's description of sea urchin blastomeres.
    6. During the period while the spermatids are maturing, the karyoplasm appears as an aggregation of coarse granules similar to those of the cat and toad as reported by BURGOS and FAWCETT. These granules do not grow into filaments or lamellae as are found in certain animals.
    7. The acrosome developes from the granule within a vacuole in the GOLGI apparatus of the spermatid. The tip of the elongated nucleus is found inserted into the acrosome just like a key put into a lock. The acrosome consists of a homogeneous substance and there are no filamentous elements.
    8. It is noticed that the origin of the caudal sheath is not concerned with the nuclear membranes but with the beaded strands of the microsomes. The head, except for the anterior part covered by head cap, and the middle piece of spermatid are surrounded by the caudal sheath.
    9. Besides a centrosome, it is observed in the late spermatid that the middle piece has a cylindrical shape resembling a centrosome, but is much longer than the latter. It seems that the middle piece may correspond to the‘distal centrosome’, which has been elongated.
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