Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
20 巻, 3 号
  • 山本 敏行, 西尾 光男, 本多 良勝, 菅原 正直, 川津 進, 渡辺 純夫
    1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 335-348
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    台湾猿の陰核は甚だ知覚神経線維に恵まれ, それ等の終末様式も多種多様である. 然し分岐性終末と小体様終末とに大別することができる.
    分岐性終末は無論非被膜性で, 少数の終末枝から成る単純型から甚だ複雑な叢状終末に至るまで, 多彩な形状を示す. 単純型は陰核の全域に亘り上皮直下に広く分布し, 複雑型特に叢状終末は専ら陰核亀頭基部及び陰核亀頭と包皮との共通性上皮の上皮下に発見されるのが一般である. 後者はその拡がりや構成の複雑性に於ても又出現頻度の点に於ても優に小体様終末の夫に匹敵するから, 陰核の刺激感受に甚だ重要な地位を占めるものであることは疑うべくもない.
    小体様終末は糸球状終末, Pacini 氏小体及び終末棍の3者に区別される. 糸球状終末は専ら陰核亀頭基部及び共通性上皮の上皮下に分布し, 何れも有被膜性で, 可なり大型且つ複雑に構成される. Pacini 氏小体には更に典型的な小型 Pacini 氏小体と長楕円形の特殊型のものとが区別され, 前者は陰核海綿体の白膜の周囲に, 後者は陰核亀頭の深部結合組織内に発見される. 特殊型は屡々数個が結合組織によって密に束ねられ, 甚だ大型の複合型として表わされることも稀でない. 終末棍は陰核亀頭, 特にその冠状部に於て, 固有膜の深層に多量に発見される. 本小体は迂曲長楕円形を呈し, 多くは複合型で表わされる.
    陰核包皮内板の上皮下には非分岐性及び単純性分岐性知覚終末の外, 余等の所謂小体様終末第I型及び第II型も多量に発見される. 然しこの部に於ける知覚終末の発達は陰核内に於けるよりは尚お遙かに劣勢である. 包皮外板に対しては一般有毛外皮に於けるより多量の知覚線維の分布を見, 之等は一部乳頭内に非分岐性及び単純性分岐性終末を以って終るが, 大部分は毛包頸内に専ら柵状終末を形成して終る.
  • 山田 正興, 浦上 勉, 藤沢 靖憲
    1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 349-354
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Constancy of DNA content per nucleus has been resulted from various investigations, while the change of amount of various nuclear proteins and their relations to nuclear volume remain uncertain. The aim of this report was to solve those questions, using the nuclei isolated in citric acid medium from the liver of well-fed or starved quinea pig, and evaluations were made on the mean size of nuclei and on the amount of nuclear protein per nucleus separated into both basic and residual fractions. Obtained results were summarized as follows: The amount of residual protein in nuclei per nucleus and the mean volume of nuclei were lower in starved than in well-fed animals, while the content of basic protein in nuclei per nucleus was not influenced from starvation.
  • 山本 豊城
    1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 355-389
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tissue cultures of the nervous tissue have been widely used among neurocytologists, using mainly a roller-tube method. In the ordinary roller-tube method tissue fragments in approximately 1mm square are used as explants, which fact makes it hard to observe neurons, coexisting with numerous other cells in tissue fragments, in the early stage of tissue culture under the phase contrast microscope. In order to overcome this disadvantage, various enzymes have been used to dissociate neurons from other cellular components in tissues prior to cultivation.
    Since the procedure of the dissociation method utilizing enzymes, however, is rather complicated and time-consuming, the cells are apt to die, and thus far the cultivation of neurons from central nervous tissues has been failed by this method. OKAMOTO introduced the mechanical dissociation method in lieu of the enzymatic dissociation method particulary for this purpose.
    This is to report the results obtained from the cultures of cerebellar cortices of various animals cultivated by OKAMOTO's dissociation method.
    Materials and methods.
    Cerebellar cortices of various new-born animals (31 puppies, 23 kittens, 2 rabbits, 2 guinea-pigs, 1 rat, 1 goat, 1 ox and 8 chickens) as well as embryos (16 human and 30 chicken) were used in the present investigation.
    Cerebellar tissues, obtained from young animals and embryos by decapitation, were cut in fragments as small as possible in GEY's balanced salt solution on the slide glass according to OKAMOTO's dissociation method.
    One drop of the suspension obtained by this method was mounted in plasma clot on 12×50mm cover glass No. 1. The clot consisted of equal parts of heparinized rooster plasma and embryonic extract from 7-day chiken embryos. After clot had become firm, each cover glass was inserted respectively in one roller-tube. One hour after explantation, 2ml of medium, consisting of 50% human ascitic fluid, 45% GEY's balanced salt solution and 5% embryonic extract, was added to each tube. The glucose content of this medium was increased to somewhat 300mg-% and 1000 units of Penicillin were added per 1ml medium. The cultures were incubated at 37°C. The medium was changed once a week. Cultures were observed from time to time with low power microscopy, and photographs were taken with still and time-lapse cinematographic technique, using phase contrast microscope.
    Several staining methods such as supravital staining with methylene blue, JACOBSON's method, BODIAN's copper protargol method and NISSL stain were applied to the cultures.
    1. Although various animals were used in the present observation, in terms of cellular growth in vitro the satisfactory results were obtained only in puppy and kitten as it was in the case of an ordinary roller-tube method.
    2. The suspension obtained by OKAMOTO's method contained mechanically dissociated cells as well as small fragmented explants measuring 0.1-0.5mm in diameter. Cellular growth was observed both from the dissociated cells and coexisting tissue fragments. Although the dissociated nonneuronal elements appeared to start growing later and have less reproducibility than the ones growing from coexisting small fragmented explants, by and large they did not seem to have any significant morphological differences among them.
    3. Pomerat classified astrocytes grown in vitro into 2 types; fibrous and protoplasmic, according to the usual classical classification.
    However, since the astrocyte changes its morphological features depending on the age of culture and its localization in the outgrowth, astrocytes cultured in vitro should rather be classified according to the morphological characteristics observed under phase contrast microscope in the living state as follows:
    Type I. Fusiform astrocyte.
    Type II. Astrophorous Astrocyte.
    A. Oligodendro-astrocyte, B. Standard astrocyte, C. Multidendroastrocyte.
    Type III. Membranous astrocyte.
  • III. Androgen 及び下垂体性 Gonadotrophin 投与去勢マウス副腎皮質の組織学的変化
    木村 昭一, 進藤 正好, 後藤 敬喜, 木山 成一
    1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 391-411
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Eightyfour male mice of D. D. strain were used in this experiment. At the 10th postnatal day all animals but normal control were castrated. Being put in gonadectomized status for 30 days, some of them were respectively administered with 1γ, 10γ and 100γ testosterone propinate (T. P., TEIKOKU Hormone Co.) daily for 5 days. Within the various lapse of time, they were decapitated. In addition, the other castrated animals were injected with 10 I. U. pituitary gonadotrophin (hypophorin, TEIKOKU Hormone Co.) daily for 10 days. Five hours after the final injection they were sacrified. The adrenal cortex, especially X-zone, was histologically investigated and the following results were obtained.
    In 1γ T. P. administered mice, the hypertrophied X-zone followed by the early castration was reduced in size. This phenomenon began to be caused after 5 days, and the width of this zone became to be only 1/3 to 1/4 of whole size of cortex by androgen injection; in particular the atrophic changes were most prominent 10 to 20 days after the administration. It was obvious in present observation that the action of androgen to prevent the hypertrophy of X-zone was persistent when animals were once injected with the hormone, and the reduction in size could not be easily recovered to the castration level of non-treated. In the case of 10γ T. P. administration, the influence of androgen to X-zone was more significant. In spite of the animal difference, the involution, already occurred in general a day after the injection, became severer in 10 days and eventually this zone disappeared in 20 days. The administration of 100γ T. P. did not always make the progressive reduction in X-zone in parallel to the amount injected. The degree of involution was approximately equivalent to that by 10γ injection.
    By means of injection of GTH there were neither observed any unequivocal changes in zona glomerulosa nor in zona fasciculata. The places subject to be attacked by cell damage was only X-zone: When the animals were castrated, this zone was increasingly proliferated, but the injection of GTH induced the marked atrophic or degenerative sign, which frequently showed an equivalent involution to the amount of it. In an extreme, it happened to even completely disappear.
    This indicates that GTH give a more immediate effect upon X-zone than androgen, since within the shorter time the changes were usually promoted in it. It was understood in present investigation that both T. P. and GTH have together the inhibitory action to the proliferation of its cellular components. However no evidences would naturally arise that both hormones play a role in the stimulation to the secretory activity in X-zone cells.
  • I. 細胞構造及び分泌機能
    鷲見 和恒
    1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 413-434
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Serial paraffin sections of the salivary glands in the golden hamsters which had been fixed in ZENKER-formalin or 20% neutral formalin, were stained with HEIDENHAIN's azan and by SUZUKI's silver-impregnation method respectively. The results of the observation are summerized as follows:
    1. In the submaxillary gland of the golden hamster, as those in other rodents, a special duct, ‘granular duct’, developed well in the portion between the isthmi and striated duct. The cytoplasm of the epithelial cells in both granular and striated ducts consists of two different substances: the ground- and granuloplasm. The former occupies the apical portion of the cell body, involving the nucleus, and projects basalwards into the latter with its numerous thin laminae. So the stripes observed in this portion are nothing but the figures of the transverse sections through these laminae.
    2. Polarity of GOLGI's apparatus in these cells are not so apparent as those in other exocrine glands. As a rule this apparatus tends to appear in the apical portion of the cell body but in this case its major parts often occurs beneath the nucleus.
    3. Secretory substances in the granuloplasm are produced by fusion or liquefaction of granules, and accumlated towards the basement membrane to be expelled at this spot, while those in the groundplasm of the cell of granular duct proceed in opposite direction. Judging from the data above, it may be said that the glandular cell in the granular duct have the bipolarity relating to secretion process.
    4. Among the glandular cells of granular duct, there exist so-called intercalated cells of nervous character. They seem to be a transmitting element of stimuli between nerve fibers and receptors, and have much resemblance to the CAJAL's interstitial sympathetic neurons in form and structure.
    5. Any sorts of the formations often observed on the free surface of the absorbing epithelial cells, such as cuticula or brush border, could not be observed in the cells of the striated and granular duct. All the data obtained in the present studies suggest that the cell in both portions of the duct system in salivary glands may have endocrine function.
  • II. 血管及び神経分布
    鷲見 和恒
    1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 435-451
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper dealt with the problems of blood-vessels and nerve-endings in the salivary glands, with the special reference to the duct system. Using the salivary glands in the golden hamster, as in the previous studies, the specimens were treated by a method of the injection with India ink and the silver-impregnation method of SUZUKI.
    1. The parenchymal arterioles, which are derived from interlobular arteries, ramify to form close capillary networks around the ducts and alveoles. Among the parts of the salivary glands, the striated ducts are supplied most abundantly by capillary networks with elongated meshes.
    2. In general the capillary network around the striated duct is of epilemmal character, but some capillaries derived from them pass through the basement membrane to form hypolemmal network among cells lining the duct.
    3. In preparats stained with Azan the figures of red-stained substance attached to the inner wall of the hypolemmal capillary could often be observed. The origin of this substance could also be traced back to the cytoplasm of the duct cell.
    4. The blood of the capillaries both in hypo- and epilemmal networks is collected into the venules in the parenchym, and carried away from the gland by interlobular veins.
    5. Forming delicate terminal reticulum with CAJAL's interstitial cells and unmyelinated nerve-fibers, the nerve elements in vegetative nature supply the whole salivary glands. The nervous terminal reticulum, as reported by many other investigators, situate for the greater parts in the connective tissues surrounding the ducts and alveoli.
    6. Very delicate nerve fibrils of unmyelinated nature derived from the reticulum pass through the basement membrane of the striated duct, and run waving, without any influence of the running directions of the ducts, among the cells in their hyponuclear regions.
    7. The nerve fibrils supplying the granular duct terminate to the so-called intercalated cells in the duct. In other words, the granular duct receives the nervous stimuli from two different nerve reticuli. one with intercalated cells lies inside the basement membrane, another outside the duct with CAJAL's cells.
  • 浦上 勉
    1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 453-465
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many studies have made on the effects of cell nuclei followed after fasting. Mostof them were related to the problem of DNA constancy, and a few paid attention to the protein content of nucleus, the results however were not agreeable among authors. For example, HARRISON reported that the nuclear mass was not influenced by fasting, while LAIRD et al. reported that a decrease of the protein content was due to it. The aim of this report was to certify this point and to investigate the nuclear size with relation to the nuclear mass or protein content of nucleus. On the nuclei isolated in citric acid solution from rabbit liver, there found a positive correlation coefficient between both the mean dry-weight and mean volume of nucleus, that is, the animal had the heavier nuclei, also had the larger nuclei. From what constituent, differences of the nuclear mass or site could be derived? To solve this question the second experiment was attempted. The results show that both the contents of protein in tissue and in isolated nuclei per nucleus from the liver of fasted guinea pig decreased with a similar ratio and the nuclear volume decreased lower than the former.
    From these results, it can be pointed out that individual differences of the nuclear mass or its size may be depended on nutrition.
  • 1960 年 20 巻 3 号 p. 467-473
    発行日: 1960/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー