Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 5, Issue 3
Displaying 1-16 of 16 articles from this issue
  • Hachiro SETO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 275-282
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
  • Hachiro SETO, Shunsuke UTSUSHI
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 283-288
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
  • Nobuo KOGA
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 289-325
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The author has investigated the function of the uriniferous tubules in abnormal metabolism, especially in the case of poisoning, placing the principal object on the mitochondria. For this purpose the author performed the following experiments:
    1. D.A.B (p-dimethylaminoazobenzene, i. e. butter yellow) was given for a long term as the experiment of chronic poisoning.
    2. The D.A.B. -diet was stopped on the 30th day, then normal food was given and the recovery of the cell was observed.
    3. An olive oil diet, a diet which contains everything in the D.A. B. -diet except D.A.B., was given to observe the effect of D.A.B. alone and at the same time to make comparison.
    Comparative observations were performed after the injections of a large, a intermediate and a small amount of Neo-Neo-Arsemin (Arsenobenzol-Natrium) which is an arsenic compound, as the experiments of acute poisoning.
    According to the results of these experiments, it was demonstrated that the changes following the poisoning were most marked in the portio principalis. The portio principalis could be divided into 3 parts-the proximal part, the distal part from the glomerulum and the intermediate part in between - according to the minute structure of the cells and their characteristic changes. Their special functions and rôles played in urine secretion were also demonstrated.
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  • Mikio YASUDA
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 327-335
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. The two subdivisions of the basophiles of the fowl pituitary-“cyanophilic beta cell” and “fuchsinophilic beta cell”-are morphologically and cytologically distinct.
    The most important features in the differentiation of the two types are the functional affinity to the portal blood vessels. Their significance is at present obscure.
    2. Cyanophilic beta cell contains two kinds of droplets, one is a blue in color, and the other is an orange to red.
    3. PAS positive granules are found in the beta cell of fowl pituitary, therefore the granules are glycoprotein in nature.
    4. The GOMORI positive droplets are identical with the orange to red droplets stained by the CLEVELAND and WOLFE's method.
    5. There is no correlation between the PAS positive granules and the GOMORI stained granules or droplets in the fowl pituitary, but in the cow pituitary the GOMORI positive granules are responsible for the margenta color staining of the basophiles by the periodic acid SCHIFF reagent in the Mc MANUS technique.
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    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 337-346
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Der Harnweg des männlichen Kaninchens wurde in HELLYscher Flüssigkeit fixiert. Die Schleimhaut wurde mit Eisenhämateinlack und Hämatoxylin-Azur-Eosin gefärbt und beobachtet.
    Das Epithel des Nierenbeckens des Ureters und der Harnblase ist ein Übergangsepithel. Stellenweise dringen in das Epithel Blutkapillaren ein. Das Epithel der Urethra ist ein mehrschichtiges Zylinderepithel, in das die Blutkapillaren nicht eintreten.
    In der oberflächlichen Schicht der Lamina propria der Schleimhaut des Nierenbeckens, des Ureters und der Harnblase um die Ausmündung des Ureters bilden Retikulumzellen den Mutterboden verschiedener freien Zellen. In der tieferen Schicht sind aber Fibrocyten die wesentlichsten Zellarten. Man sieht neben den Retikulumzellen und Fibrocyten mehr oder weniger zahlreiche Monocyten, Fibrocyten und Histiocyten. In der ganzen Schicht der Lamina propria der Schleimhaut des Corpus vasicae sind Retikulumzellen zahlreich zu sehen, aber im Halsteil der Blase sind mehr Fibrocyten und in der Urethra wieder mehr Retikulumzellen.
    In der subepithelialen Schicht des Blasenhalses, in welcher viele Bindegewebsfasern vorhanden sind, befinden sich ziemlich zahlreiche, aus den Fibrocyten entstandene Fibrohistiocyten. In der faserarmen subepithelialen Schicht des Corpus vasicae sieht man dagegen ziemlich zahlreiche Monocyten und Lymphocyten.
    In der oberflächlichen Schicht der Tunica propria mucosae der Urethra sind nicht wenige, aus den Retikulumzellen gelieferte Monocyten vorhanden, in der Tiefe aber ebenso viele Fibrohistiocyten und Histiocyten aus Fibrocyten.
    Lymphocyten sind in kleiner Zahl in allen Teilen der Harnwege zu treffen. Es sind aber keine Lymphknoten ausgebildet.
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  • Takashi SATOMI
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 347-353
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Um zur Histochemie indirekt beizutragen, wurde das Redoxpotential des Harns von 147 Schwangeren mit den Indikatoren bestimmt.
    1. Das Redoxpotential des Harns fällt mit dem Fortschreiten des Schwangerschaftsmonats (d. h. die reduzierende Potenz der Harnsubstanzen als Ganzes nimmt zu), um schließlich unmittelbar vor der Entbindung am niedrigsten zu werden. Zahlenmäßig durch rH ausgedrückt: von 20 bis zu 16-17.
    2. Das Redoxpotential des Harns sank bei der Eklampsie bis zu rH15.
    3. Die Wasserstoffionenkonzentration des Harns schwankte auch während der Schwangerschaft sehr, blieb aber durchschnittlich unverändert. Das spezifische Gewicht sank durchschnittlich etwas. Diese Veränderungen stehen indessen mit dem Redoxpotentiale in keiner Zusammenhang.
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  • II. On the Absorption Activity of the Transitional Epithelium of the Urinary Bladder and the Ureter
    Manji NEMOTO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 355-373
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In this experimental study, following the cytological study of the transitional epithelium in the normal state (NEMOTO, 1953), the author studied cytologically the absorption of india ink, milk and olive oil transmitted through the epithelium of the urinary bladder and the ureter of the dog. These substances were repeatedly infused into the lumen of the urinary bladder from the ureter of the operated dogs. At 3 hours after the first infusion of the india ink, the fine carbon particules first appear in the supperficial cells (Deckzellen) of the transitional epithelium of both the bladder and the ureter, then in the underlying tall columnar epithelial cells and finally in the basal cells. In these cells the fine cardon particles are deposited in the stainable granules which, as described in the previous paper (NEMOTO, 1953), are the ordinary cytoplasmic inclusions of the transitional epithelium occuring in variable size and number in the GOLGI-field. At 48 honrs after the first infusion the carbon particles are found in the connective tissue of the lamina propria mucosae, where they are partially stored in the histiocytes. In these cells they are also deposited in the vacuoles or the stainable granules. Finally the stainable granules with the deposition of the carbon particles are found in the capillary lumina in the lamina propria.
    At 5 or 6 hours after the first infusion of the olive oil or milk, fine particles of the fat deposited in the stainable granules of the cytoplasm occur in the superficial cells of the bladder and the ureter, especially in the cases of the milk infusion, these are found after 20 hours in the underlying columnar epithelial cells and the basal cells.
    At 48 hours after the first infusion the fat particles appear in the connective tissue of the lamina propria and are partially stored in the histiocytes; they are like the carbon particles found in the stainable granules. The capillaries in the lamina propria also contain various amounts of the fat granules in their lumina. From the cytological findings mentioned above, the autheor came to the conclusion that the mucous menbrane of the bladder and the ureter possesses the activity to absorb india ink and fat infused into the lumen. The transitional epithelium may play an important role in the absorption process of the mucous membrane. In the second experiment the author injected intravenously india ink, lithion carmine, milk and emulsion of olive oil and liver oil into dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits, and he observed cytologically the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder and the ureter.
    In contrast to the infusion of these substances into the lumen, the particles or granules of india ink, carmine and fat were found only in the histiocytes of the lamina propria mucosae of the urinary bladder and the ureter. The effort to detect them in the transitional epithelium proved quite in vain. This fact suggestes that these foreign substances would not be transported through the transitional epithelium when they are administered by way of the blood stream.
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  • Bunsuke OSOGOE, Terumasa IKEDA
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 375-378
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
  • Hisashi MORITA
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 379-384
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die Nervenfasern von dem Halssympathicus, Vagusstamm und Plexus coeliacus des Kaninchens wurden nach einer Formalinfixierung mit einer frisch bereiteten wässerigen Lösung von einem mittelstarkpolaren, lipoidfärbenden Farbstoff Viktoriablau welche nur weinig Alkohol enthält, gefärbt. Eine Nachfärbung mit Kernechtrot wurde empfohlen.
    1. Die Markscheide färbt sich blau, wobei sie strukturlos oder wabenartig erscheint. Je dicker die Fasern sind um so deutlicher ist die Wabenstrukur.
    2. Der Achsenzylinder ist mit Viktoriablau stärker färbbar als die Markscheheide und die SCHWANNsche Scheide. Durch eine dickere Markscheide gelangt aber der Farbstoff nur schwere zum Achsenzylinder.
    3. Die feinen marklosen Fasern im Plexus coeliacus werden bis zu denen von 0.6-0.3μ Dicke mit Viktoriablau zierlich dargestellt wobei sich keine Varicositäten der Fasern bemerken lassen.
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  • II. On the Parietal Cells
    Tamotsu NAKANO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 385-393
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    It is well known that the parietal cells show a functional movement and a circle of the functional image following the administration of food. NAKAMURA (1952) has reported that the functional movement and the functional circle are characteristic according to the nature of the diet. In this paper it is noticed that the circle of the functional image of the parietal cells are also variable according to the temperature of the diet even with the same kind of food.
    Food of the same kind, kept at 5°C, 37°C or 55°C was given. In the case of 5°C, the parietal cells first show the produtive image of the secretory substance (30min. after the administration), then its discharging image (after 60min.), but afterwards the functional images become less active. In the case of 37°C, both discharge and production are marked from an early period (after 30min.), then they reach the maximum (after 60min.), but afterwards the function fell off as in the former case. And in the case of 55°C, discharge and production can be recognized soon after the administration (after 30min.) and they reach the maximum (after 60min.). Then the functional images of discharge and production decrease to its minimum (after 2hrs.), but they show again the maximum image 3hrs. after the administration.
    Here, it is very interesting to note that the functional images of the parietal cells are comparable with the ones of the peptic cells which were reported in a former paper. In the peptic and parietal cells the secretory substances are produced practically at the same time, but are always discharged somewhat earlier by the parietal cells.
    Broadly speaking the peptic and the parietal cells go hand in hand, and the characteristic fuuctional image of the peptic cells according to the difference of the food temperature reported in the 1st paper can be applied to the parietal cells.
    Therefore the author believes that the secretion of gastric juice itself will be characteristic according to the temperature of the food and is convinced that the suggestion which the author made in the forgoing study (I) i. e. as for the study of the digestion in the stomach, not only the nature of food but also its temperature must be taken into consideration, is not untrue.
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  • Naohide UETA
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 395-406
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Various arteries and veins of rabbit and goat were stained with the azan method and with WEIGERT's resorcin fuchsin. The various amounts of elastic, muscle and collagenous fibers of the intima media and abventitia of the walls of blood-vessels were numerically described and comparatively investigated.
    The amount of each tissue component in arteries as well as their mutual relationships change according to the distance from the heart. Namely, the elastic fibers in the intima and media are in abundance near the heart and decrease gradually in the peripheral arteries. On the other hand they are contained richly in the adventitia of the peripheral ones.
    The muscle fibers are seldom found in the intima except near the heart. The muscle of the media is found richly in distant arteries. In the adventitia they appear irregularly.
    The collagenous fibers in the three layers of a teries are, in comparison with the thickness of the wall, richer in arteries near the heart.
    Comparing several arteries it was found that the intima of arteries near the heart is richest in elastic fibers, but is relatively poor in muscle fibers. Peripheral arteries are rich in collagenous fibers and elastic fibers become fewer. In the media the elastic fibers are the most abundant and the muscle fibers are the least so near the heart, but further to the periphery the muscle fibers increase gradually and finally dominates over the other fibers. At the same time the collagenous fibers become intermediately numerous and the elastic fibers become much less in amount.
    In the adventitia of arteries near the heart the collagenous fibers are as a rule the most abundant and the muscle fibers are the least. In distant situated arteies the elastic fibers increase in number.
    The quantities of the tissue components of veins in the three layers also change according to the distance from the heart. The elastic fibers of the layers become generally fewer in more peripherablly situated veins.
    The relation of the three tissue components in each layer of the veins change at different rates in different veins, so that there are no regular changes according to the distance from the heart.
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  • I. On the Cells of the Rabbit's Parotid Gland in the Alloxan-Diabetes
    Noboru HONJYO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 407-415
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    There can be recognized no marked changes in the gland cells of the parotis of the rabbits which were put into alloxan-diabetesdining 30 days. In the 40th day some of the cells, and in the 50th day most of the cells show remarkable changes, in which secretion granules, secretion vacuoles and plastosomes become indistinct and the giant vacuoles appear in the basal portion of the cells.
    The epithelial cells of the secretory duct show the normal image till the 10th day, then in the 20th day plastosomes become thick and the granular forms increase. In the 30th day the vacuoles appear in the subnuclear portion and they grow up into the giant ones in the 40th day. In the 50th day it is more remarkable and the section of the secretory duct seems as if it is surrounded by the wide lucid zone.
    It is considered that these giant vacuoles in the cell base are not the space followed to the shrinking of the cell but the product of the cell and that it seems not only the product but the substance, produced for the endocrine secretion, because they are accumulated in the basal portion of the cell.
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  • II. On the Cells of the Parotid Gland of the Dogs which Pancreas are Completely Excised
    Noboru HONJYO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 417-425
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The total excision of the dog's pancreas was performed, then the author observed the cells of the parotid gland from the 1st day to the 8th day after the operation.
    In the gland cells, the secretory function seems somewhat abnormal after the opertion, and in the 6th day the remarkable change appears, then the basal portion of the cell is occupied by the giant vacuoles.
    In the epithelial cells of the secretory duct, the structure is quitely normal till the 4th day, but in the 5th day plastosomes in the basal portion of the cell show some tendency to trausform into giant granules and in the 6th day the big vacuoles appear in the subnuclear portion.
    Then, in both the gland cell and the epithelial cell of the secretory duct the giant vacuoles appear in the basal portion on the 6th day after the operation. These vacuoles increase, fuse together and make a lucid zone.
    Such changes as above mentioned are quite identical with the ones which are recognized in the parotid gland of the alloxan-diabetes rabbits. Therefore it is believed that the giant vacuo es have a relationship with diabetes and they can be important proof for the endocrine secretion theory of the parotid gland.
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  • III. On the Effects of the Glucose Injection
    Noboru HONJYO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 427-435
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    It was previously demonstrated that the giant vacuoles appeared in the basal portion of both the gland cells and the epithelial cells of the secretory duct of the rabbit's parotis which were put into alloxan-diabetes.
    These vacuoles disappear soon after the intravenous injection of glucose and reappear in the same portion after 30hrs.
    During 30hrs. small vacuoles reappear and disappear, but it is not remarkable, the plastosomes in the epithelial cell base are always active form which seems to produce the vacuoles.
    In the comparison of the movement of the giant vacuoles and the value of blood-sugar, there can be seen a inversive relationship between them: when the value of blood-sugar is high, the cell has no vacuoles, when it is low, the vacuoles reappear in the cell base, therefore the author believes that the substance in the vacuoles is consumed during high blood-sugar, so it can not be accumulated in the cell base though it is produced in the cell, and when the value of blood-sugar becomes lower, the comsumption becomes inferior, the produced substance is accumulated in the cell base, then the vacuoles reappear.
    Here the author can reach the conclusion that the substance contained in the giant vacuoles, is the one to descend blood-sugar or at least to control an ascension of blood-sugar.
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  • IV. Injection of Insulin and Glucose into the Alloxan Diabetes Rabbits
    Noboru HONJYO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 437-443
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The giant vacuoles which appear in the basal portion of the parotid cells of the alloxan diabetes rabbits, disappear rapidly after the injection of insulin and glucose then the vacuoles reappear in the same portion after 9hrs. and at 18hrs. later the cell-image revives completely into that, before the injection.
    In the comparison of this movement with the one after the injection of glucose alone, it is demonstrated that the process of the disappearance seems somewhat late, but the reappearance is very rapid, and the difference between them is naturally clear because the revision of the cell image, in the case of the injection of glucose alone, is 30hrs. later.
    It is considered that these results must be due to the addition of insulin and the substance, contained in the giant vacuoles, has a inferior demand according to the existence of insulin. Therefore it can be believed that the content of the vacuoles must have a similar action to insulin i.e. the descending action for the blood-sugar.
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  • V. On the Effects of the Injection of Atropin and Glucose into the Alloxan Diabetes Rabbits
    Noboru HONJYO
    1953 Volume 5 Issue 3 Pages 445-453
    Published: September 20, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The author researched the movement of the giant vacuoles, which appears in the basal portion of the parotid cells in the alloxan diabetes rabbits, followed to the injection of atropin then glucose.
    The giant vacuoles did not decrease after the injection, though glucose has been injected, and on 2hrs. later the disappearance of the vacuoles can be recognized at last. As it is compared with that after the injection of glucose alone (Study III), it can be understood as a clearly prolonged disappearance of the vacuoles and it must be owed to the action of atropin to control the secretion.
    These results are common to the gland cells and the epithelial cells of the secretory duct. Then the giant vacuoles in the basal portion of these cells, as mentioned often in the forgoing studies (Study I, II, III, IV), must be the secretory substance, dischargeable by the secretory function of the cells.
    After the disappearance of the atropin action the giant vacuoles show the similar movement to that followed to the injection of glucose along and they reappear then they are accumulated in the cells 30hrs, later.
    From the results obtained here and before, the author can reach the important conclusion that the giant vacuoles, appeared in the basal portion of the parotid cells followed to the alloxan diabetes, contain the substance which has an action to descend blood-sugar, and it is so called the secretory substance, produced in the cells and discharged form the cells with the secretory fuuction of the cells.
    Here, it must be newly recognized that the parotid cells irrespectively of the gland cells and the epithelial cells of the secretory duct, have both the secretory functions of saliva secretion (exocrine function) and the secretion of insulin-like substance (endocrine function).
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