Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 7, Issue 4
Displaying 1-13 of 13 articles from this issue
  • Shunta Hirose
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 513-551
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Three experiments were tried to study the roles of fatty acids in high fat diet as a cause of fat liver.
    1. Normal male rats were put on a diet containing 5% casein, 70% starch, and 20% palmitic acid (a saturated fatty acid) and after 4 days fat liver was produced, which was gradually progressive. At the end of the 4th week the fat drops in many of the liver cells took over most of the space in the cell-body and pressed the nucleus. The ribonucleic acid of the liver cells had become diffused after a few days, and its stainability to pyronin had weakened. On the other hand, in a few days mitochondria in the liver cells had become grossly granular.
    Soon after meal, the fat in the liver cells decreased, but the fat increased when they became hungry again. The fat during the hungry period was mostly neutral fat, but 1 to 3 hours after meal they mostly became phospholipin and then decreased. Glycogen appeared plentifully and it seemed as if the fat was displaced by glycogen. Soon after meal mitochondria changed from granular to fibri- and rod-form.
    In most rats during the course of the experiment fat drops appeared in some of the nuclei of liver cells. Mitosis of liver cells were seen. It seems as if the appearance of fat drops in the nuclei has intimate relations with mitosis. The nuclear diameter had enlarged from the early period and degenerated during the late period.
    2. When the diet contained 15% casein, 60% starch and 20% palmitic acid, fat liver occurred during the early period of up to the 2nd week, the ribonucleic acid became diffuse, and mitochondria became granular, but after the 3rd week the fat in the liver cells disappeared. The ribonucleic acid had become massive, and mitochondria was almost fibri- and rod-form, which seemed to be approaching normal. The nuclear diameter which had enlarged during the first few days of the experiment never returned to normal.
    3. When the diet contained 5% casein, 70% starch same as in the 1st experiment, with 20% of oleic acid (an unsaturated fatty acids) as fatty acid, only a slight fat liver was produced, and at the end of the 4th week the fat liver had progressed only a little. Fat drops were scarce and scattered throughout the liver lobules. The ribonucleic acid did not differed from normal, and mitochondria was almost fibri-form and gradually decreased their number and dispersed. The nucleus had showed no eminent changes.
    From these three experiments it has become clear that using the palmitic acid during the condition of low protein produces fat liver of high degree, and when protein increases, the fat liver recovers, and though a condition of low protein may be existing, the usage of oleic acid lightens the progress of fat liver.
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  • Churyo MORI
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 553-561
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die Bindegewebszellen in der Unterhaut der Maus wurden mit Neutralrot und Janusgrün supravital gefärbt und statistisch untersucht, wobei die von den Autoren definierten Zellarten und die von ihnen angegebene Nomenkulatur absichtlich nicht berücksichtigt wurden.
    1. Die Neutralrotgranula und Mitochondrien in den Bindegewebszellen stehen miteinander in umgekehrter Korrelation. Die Zellen, die viele Neutralrotgranula haben, haben nämlich wenige Mitochondrien, und umgekehrt.
    2. Nach der Art der Verteilung der Neutralrotgranula im Cytoplasma können die Bindegewebszellen in 4 Formen eingeteilt werden. In den 1. Formen verteilen sich wenige, kleine Neutralrotgranula im ganzen Gebiete des Cytoplasmas, in den 2. Formen häufen sich größere Granula an eine Seite des Kerns, in den 3. Formen häufen sich solche größeren Granula an beiden Seiten des Kerns und in den 4. Formen verteilen sich solche größeren Granula zahlreich im ganzen Gebiete des Cytoplasmas. Je weiter sich die Neutralrotgranula im Cytoplasma verteilen, um so größer ist ihre Zahl.
    3. Mit Neutralrot nicht färbbare Vakuolen kommen in der Regel in Zellen mit spärlichen, damit färbbaren Granula und zahlreichen Mitochondrien, also in nicht überalterten oder nicht stark beschädigten Zellen, reichlich vor.
    4. Es ist zwar möglich, aus den mit Neutralrot und Janusgrün supravital gefärbten Bindegewebszellen die von den Autoren definierten Monocyten, Histiocyten usw. auszusondern, aber unmöglich, alle Zellen auf diese Weise voneinander abzugrenzen, weil es alle möglichen Zwischenformen gibt.
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  • Kimio TSUNODA
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 563-571
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    ITO, TAHIRA und TSUNODA haben neuerdings (Arch, hist, jap. 5 (1953). S. 541), erwiesen, daß bei gesunden, gut ernährten Kaninchen die Fettspeicherungszellen der Leber stets Glykogen in wechselnder Menge enthalten. Diese Autoren fassten das Glykogen als ein inter-mediäres Stoffwechselprodukt auf, das bei der in diesen Zellen vor sich gehenden Fettsynthese aus Glukose auftreten dürfte. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung hat der Verfasser bei 5 gesunden, durch Hinrichtung Gestrobenen (Tabelle 1) und bei 28 an verschiedenen Krankheiten gestorbenen Sektionsleichen (Tabelle 2) das Vorkommen des Glykogens in den Fettspeicherungszellen der Leber untersucht. Bei den 5 gesunden Hingerichteten enthalten die Leberzellen immer reichlich Glykogen. Ebenso kann das Glykogen in den Fettspeicherungszellen in allen Fällen mäßig reichlich nachgewiesen werden. Es ist meistens, wie bei den Fettspeicherungszellen der Kaninchenleber, als kleine Granula zwischen den das Cytoplasma ausfüllenden kleinen Fettvakuolen verteilt. Bezüglich der einzelnen Fettspeicherungszellen ist die Glykogenmenge schwankend, indem man öfters solchen begegnet, die trotz des verhältnismäßig großen Fettgehaltes kein Glykogen enthalten. Daher gehen der Fett- und Glykogengehalt der einzelnen Fettspeicherungszellen nicht immer parallel. Im Cytoplasma der KUPFFERschen Sternzellen kommt das Glykogen nicht vor, dagegen wird es in neutrophilen Leukozyten in Leberkapillaren verhältnismäßig reichlich vorgefunden, wobei es im Cytoplasma diffus oder granulär verteilt ist.
    Bei den Lebern aus 28 pathologischen Sektionsleichen ist der Glykogengehalt der Leberzellen im allgemeinen klein, in einigen Fällen kann es überhaupt nicht festgestellt werden. Die Fettspeicherungszellen besitzen in allen Fällen stets Fett in verschiedener Menge, aber das Glykogen ist in der Mehrzahl der Fälle verloren, so daß es unter allen 28 Fällen nur bei 5 in geringer Menge nachgewiesen werden konnte.
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  • Toshiaki TOYOTA
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 573-584
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In essence, the histological figure of the stomach of a hedgehog is not much different from that of man or white mouse.
    The nerves running into the stomach of a hedgehog comprize parasympathetic vagus nerve elements containing thick medullated sensory fibres and sympathetic elements, the parasympathetic fibres being somewhat thicker than the sympathetic fibres in the subserosa of the minor ventricular curvature. The two are able to run in separate groups for some time, but during their running through the outer muscle layer into the AUERBACH's plexus, they come into frequent ramification and mutual anastomosis, so that the histological distinction of the two becomes gradually blurred.
    A part of the incoming fibres come in contact with the nerve cells in the AUERBACH's plexus, to end there, but the majority together with the long processes from the nerve cells penetrate into the outer as well as the inner layers of the muscularis, distributing themselves in these layers, while some of them finally reach the submucosa and end in the MEISSNER's plexus formed therein. Fibres from this plexus spread out further into the mucous membrane.
    In the stomach of a hedgehog too, the terminal formation of the vegetative nerve fibres is always represented by the STÖHR's terminalreticulum. Such a net-work is particularly typically well-developed in the muscular layers.
    The nerve cells found in the AUERBACH's plexus in the stomach of a hedgehog are lower in development than those in man, but are different from those in a white mouse in that the former frequently can yet be distinguished into the two types of DOGIEL's classification. DOGIEL's type I cells by far predominate over those of type II. The nerve cells in the MEISSNER's plexus, however, are small in number and are not beyond the infantile stage of development, so that it is impossible to classify them into the said two types.
    Stout medullated sensory fibers and their terminations have been proved to exist in the gastric wall of a hedgehog, though, may be, in a limited number. The terminations are formed only rarely in the muscularis, where they are predominantly found in the stomachs of man and white mice, but mostly in the submucosa, the muscularis mucosae and the propria mucosae in the case of hedgehogs. In the propria, sensory terminations are found only rarely in human and mouse stomachs, but in hedgehogs, these are rather numerous there. They even penetrate as far as into the connective tissue between the gastric glands and end close to the glands and the epithelium, a fact of considerable interest.
    There are five types of sensory terminations here. The 1st or the unbranched termination is composed of a sensory fibre, which ends in a sharp or a blunt point without ramifying, and is found in the submucosa and the propria mucosae, as is the case with the stomach of white mouse. The 2nd type or the simple branched termination is formed by a sensory nerve fibre branching out into two or three terminal rami which end mostly in sharp, but sometimes in blunt, points, and is found mostly in the submucosa and the propria mucosae in a hedgehog, and not so often in the inner layer of muscularis as in man and white mice.
    The 3rd type or the serpentine temination owes its name to the serpentine winding course of the component sensory fibre, which sometimes runs in simple vortical line in its course. This type is usually void of branches, but in rare cases one or two short lateral branches are seen. The 4th or the glomerular termination is formed by a sensory fibre arranged in a clew-like ending, found in a far simpler formation in a hedgehog stomach than in a human and in a very small number. The 5th or the special termination is perhaps strictly peculiar to hedgehogs and is formed by spherical terminal corpuscles shaped by fibril dissolution of a sensory fibre.
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  • Gozaburo SUGAMATA
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 585-596
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The vegetative innervation of the inferior part of the oesophagus and the cardiac part of the stomach of a dog is nothing different from that in human (STÖHR, SATO), a white mouse (OHI) and a hedgehog (TOYOTA) alimentary tract in essence, but in development, it stands below that of man but above that of a white mouse or a hedgehog, especially in the high evolution of the nerve cells. In a dog, the nerve cells in the AUERBACH's plexus are indeed somewhat inferior in development than those in man, but DOGIEL's types I and II cells are present in distinguishable maturity and in a similar frequency, beside some unspecialized infantile type cells. The nerve cells in the MEISSNER's plexus are very poorly developed, representing only infantile type cells. It is noteworthy that infantile nerve cells are not rarely also found in the muscularis mucosae and the propria mucosae of the cardiac part of the canine stomach.
    The vegetative nerve fibres terminate in these parts, as well in other parts of the body, in STÖHR's terminalreticulum, which stands in tactile control over all tissue cells coming in contact.
    In the inferior part of the oesophagus of a dog have been found some sensory fibres and their terminations, although, may be, in a small quantity. The first type of the sensory terminations in the inferior oesophagus is that of very irregularly arranged branched terminations found in the AUERBACH's plexus, much inferior in development than those in man (SADA). The second represents the serpentine and similar terminations. These terminations do not ramify, as is usual in man, but always end unbranched in the muscularis mucosae and the propria mucosae. The third consists of unbranched and simple branched terminations of fibres chiefly formed in the propria which do not show any winding worth mentioning in their courses. No complex-typed glomerular terminations as found in the propria of the human oesophagus could be detected here in the canine oesophagus.
    There are also a small number of sensory fibres and their terminations found in the cardiac part of the canine stomach. They are rarely formed in the tunica muscularis, as is usual in man, but in most cases in the submucosa and the propria mucosae, and especially in a large number in the latter, an observation strongly reminding of the stomach of hedgehogs (TOYOTA).
    These terminations generally belong to the unbranched or simplest terminations, such complex terminations of glomerular and branched types as found in human stomachs being scarcely observable. These terminations are of the serpentine type ending in peculiar sinuous courses and of similar conformation, but not send out lateral branches, as in man, and the fibres end in sharp points in most cases.
    The above stated fact that there are found some sensory nerve terminations in unmistakable existence in the inferior part of the oesophagus and the cardiac part of a dog, in corraboration of the results of many works in this field carried out at this laboratory, endorses the theory that the reception of sensory stimuli in these parts does not rely upon vegetative fibres, but is effected by cerebrospinal sensory fibres in all cases.
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  • Shigeaki YAMAMOTO, Saiyo ATSUKI, Morio KATO, Seiji OJIMA
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 597-600
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. Upon studying the brain stems of a black camian, a common iguana, a monitor and a snapping turtle, we have found that in these reptilian animals, the abducens nucleus is always situated above the reticular substance and in the floor of the fourth ventricle.
    2. Upon consecutive examination of cross-sections of the brain stems of these animals from the caudal side upwards to the cranial, we have found the abducens nucleus always begins to appear later than the facial nucleus or in some cases after the total disappearance of the latter. That is, the abducens nucleus is always situated more to the cranial side than the facial nucleus in reptilia.
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  • Suehiro TAKAHASHI
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 601-611
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    As rats are fed with non-protein food, fat granules in liver cells increase in size. The phenomenon is especially marked in the central part of the lobule. The author believes that this owes to the disturbance of the liver function which is caused by the lack of protein in food and is a sign for the development of fatty liver.
    On the other hand, fat in the mucous membrane of the small intestine will decrease and 30 days later all the fats tissue disappear from propria mucosae and the submucosa. According to the results obtained here and to those of other investigators, it must be believed to be as the result of hypofunction of the small intestine concerning absorption, synthesis and discharge of fat following the lack of protein in food.
    The genesis of insufficient nutrition which has been previously studied biochemically and hematologically by others is now in this experiment partly explained histocytologically.
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  • Yoshiki TAMURA
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 615-619
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Man ließ das Pankreatin auf die Gefrierschnitte der frischen Mäuseleber einwirken und stellte fest, daß die in den Leberzellen vorhandenen Mitochondrien und andere Körperchen (verschiedene Zelleinschlüße, fettige Körperchen usw.) mit dem Viktoriablau stark färbbar werden. Dies beruht offenbar auf der Demaskierung der Lipoide in diesen Gebilden.
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  • Beiträge zur vergleichenden Histologie des Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Systems. 1. Mitteilung
    Yutaka SANO
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 621-629
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Ich erforschte das ganze Gitterfasergewebe im Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-System als ein Teilsystem desselben. An der adenoneurohypo-physären Kontaktfläche und im neuralen Abschnitt des Hypophysenstiels werden viele Sinusoid-Gitterfasersysteme beobachtet. Dieses System besteht aus vielen sinuösen. Gefäßen und den sie gemeinsam umgebenden Gitterfasernetzen. Es hat sehr eigentümliche VIRCHOW-ROBINsche Räume. Alle Gitterfasergewebe im Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-System bilden ein extravaskuläres Saftbahnsystem für die Gewebslymphe und wahrscheinlich auch für das Neurosekret.
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  • Beiträge zur vergleichenden Histologie des Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Systems. 2. Mitteilung
    Yutaka SANO, Yukihide NAKAGAWA, Yoshikazu OKUNO, Nagayasu OTSUKA
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 631-637
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die Gestalt, die Sekretgranula und die Neurofibrillen der Nervenzellen des Nucleus supraopticus und des Nucleus paraventricularis wurden untersucht. Durch die HEIDENHAINsche Eisenhämatoxylinmethode werden die durch die GOMORIsche Methode unbemerkbaren, außerhalb der Zelleiber ausgetretenen Sekretgranula beobachtet. Sie scheinen dort direkt in die deutlich engmaschigen Kapillarnetze einzudringen. Die gomoriphilen Neuriten des Nucleus supraopticus gehen über die Pars praeinfundibularis tuberis zum Infundibulum, während diejenigen des Nucleus paraventricularis über die Pars para- und retroinfundibularis tuberis. Die gomoriphilen Sekretgranula sind auch in den Wurzelteilen der Dendrniten sichtbar.
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  • Beiträge zur vergleichenden Histologie des Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Systems. 3. Mitteilung
    Yutaka SANO, Yukihide NAKAGAWA, Tsuyoshi NAKAMOTO, Masaru MAEDA
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 639-643
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die quantitativen Beziehungen zwischen der Zellgröße und der NISSL- und der GOMORI-Subsianz wurden in den hypothalamischen neuro-sekretorischen Kerne des Hundes untersucht. Die NISSL-Substanz ist in den kleineren Zellen schollenförmig und im Verhältnis zu der Zellgröße reichlicher vorhanden. Je größer die Zelle ist, umso mehr zerstreut sie sich staubförmig. In den mittelgroßen Zellen ist die NISSL-Substanz staubförmig in der Zellmitte und schollenförmig in der äußeren Zone. Umgekehrt ist die GOMORI-Substanz in den kleineren Zellen geringer und in den größeren reichlicher.
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  • Beiträge zur vergleichenden Histologie des Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Systems. 4. Mitteilung
    Yutaka SANO, Sojun MIYAWAKI, Nagayasu OTSUKA, Tsuyoshi NAKAMOTO
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 645-649
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die Gefäßverteilung, die VIRCHOW-ROBINschen Räume, die gliöse Grenzmembran und die Ependymfasern in den Gebieten des Nucleus supraopticus und des Nucleus paraventricularis des Hundes wurden unter-sucht. Die sehr reichlich ausgebildeten Gefäße dieser Kerngebiete sind alle von den aus Gitterfasernetzen gebildeten VIRCHOW-ROBINschen Gewebslücken umgegeben. Sie haben keine Verbindung mit denjenigen des Trichters und des Trichterstiels. Die Membrana limitans gliae superficialis wird immer dünner nach dem Sulcus tuberoinfundibularis, von wo sie distalwärts völlig verschwindet. Im Gebiete des Nucleus supraopticus und der Wand der Trichterhöhle befinden sich sehr reichliche, vertikal zur Hirnoberfläche verlaufende Ependymfasern, und eine Anzahl von ihnen endet mit dem Endfüßchen an der Pia mater.
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  • Beiträge zur vergleichenden Histologie des Hypothalamus-Hypophysensystems. 5. Mitteilung
    Shizuya HIRAOKA, Teruo IMOTO
    1955 Volume 7 Issue 4 Pages 651-658
    Published: January 20, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Nach der Anwendung der Fixationsmittel, die organische Lösungsmittel wie Alkohol, Chloroform und Azeton enthalten, kann das Neurosekret durch die GOMORIsche Methode nicht gefärbt werden. Andere Fixationsmittel wie Zenker, Susa, Formol, Bouin usw. haben keinen Einfluß auf das Resultat der GOMORIschen Methode. Die GOMORIsubstanz wird durch ZENKER und Susa am besten fixiert. Die Art der Einbettungsmittel übt keinen Einfluß auf das Ergebnis aus. Ausgenommen ist das Celloidinmaterial, das zur GOMORIschen Färbung nicht anwendbar ist. Die Wiederfixation durch BOUIN bestimmt die Schärfe des Befundes, aber 24 Stunden langes Einlegen in diesen Stoff genügt für unseren Zweck. Die Oxydation durch die Mischung von 0.3%iger KMnO4- und 0.3%iger H2SO4-Lösung zu gleichen Teilen in der GOMORIscher Originalmethode kann nicht durch die Oxydation durch eine Lösung von 0.3%igem KMnO4, 0.3%igem H2SO4, 0.5%igem HJO4 oder 30%-igem H2O2 ersetzt werden. Nach der Vorbehandelung nach GOMORI können verschiedene Hämatoxyline und basische Farbstoffe das Neurosekret färben. Insbesondere ist das Hämatoxylin von DELAFIELD und EHRLICH nicht der Originalmethode untergeordnet. Die Farbstoffe der Carminreihe können das Neurosekret nicht färben.
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