Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 7, Issue 1
Displaying 1-14 of 14 articles from this issue
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 1-4
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die Achillessehne von 50tägigen Feten, 2 Wochen alten Jungen und Erwachsenen von Meerschweinchen wurde mit Formalin fixiert und nach Zerkleinerung im Elektronenmikroskop untersucht. Die untersuchten Mikrofibrillen waren 8-135mμ dick, und ihre Querzonenperiode betrug 16-77mμ. Die durchschnittliche Dicke der Mikrofibrillen nimmt mit dem Alter zu. Dickere Mikrofibrillen führen durchschnittlich eine längere Strukturperiode.
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  • II. Nähere Beobachtung über die periodische Querzonierung der kollagenen Mikrofibrillen
    Masaji SEKI
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 5-17
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Das Sehnengewebe von jungen Meerschweinchen und das regenerierte Gewebe aus der geschnittenen Sehne von Mäusen wurden im Elektronenmikroskop untersucht. In der Grundsubstanz der Gewebe befinden sich Ketten aus Teilchen von 6-8mμ Größe. Diese Teilchen müssen die Natur des Dipols besitzen. Die Teilchen der Ketten verbinden sich oft z. B. je drei und drei in Längsrichtung und bilden Stäbchen. Dies erfolgt vermutlich durch eine wellenartige Fortpflanzuug der Bindung und Trennung der als Dipole anzusehenden Teilchen längs der Kette. Im lebenden Körper müssen solche Teilchenketten durch thermische Bewegung stets ihre Form und ihren Ort ändern. Wenn Ketten von gleicher Struktur sich parallelisieren, ziehen sie sich elektrostatisch aneinander zu einem Bündel. In der so gebildeten Mikrofibrille ordnen sich die gleichartigen Teilchen in angrenzenden Ketten in Querrichtung und formen gemeinsame schattendichte Querzonen. Die Erscheinung, daß nachher in den Mikrofibrillen Strukturperioden hoherer Ordnungen auftreten, ist vielleicht dadurch bedingt, daß die wellenartige An- und Abbindungen der Teilchen wie in der singulären Teilchenkette wiederholt in den Mikrofibrillen von sich gehen.
    Die oben geschilderten Verbindungen der Teilchen bzw. der Teilchenketten müssen, selbst wenn sie letzten Endes durch die Hauptvalenzen der Moleküle geschehen, anfangs hauptsächlich durch die Dipolenrichtwirkung hervorgerufen werden.
    Wenn in der Grundsubstanz des Bindegewebes, in welcher Schwärme von zwanglosen Teilchen in Unordung vorhanden sind, die Teilchen sich kettenartig anlagern und ein netziges Gefüge bilden, so sind die Maschenräume des letzteren größer als die vorhin zwischen den ungeordneten Teilchen gewesenen Räume. Aus dieser Tatsache darf man aber auch schließen, daß in den Mikrofibrillen die Gefügeräume in den schattendichten Querzonen mit regelmäßig geordneten Teilchen größer sind als in den schattenschwächeren, in welchen sich die kleinen Teilchen und Moleküle ungefesselt und ungeordnet befinden, eine Annahme, die durch anderweitige Beobachtungen von Autoren über die bevorzugte Silberkörnerablagerung in den schattendichten Queszonen erhärtet wird.
    Im Inneren der aus den zahlreichen Mikrofibrillen bestehenden kollagenen Fibrillen entwickelt sich somit eine sehr große, mit gewissen Farbstoffen färbbare Oberfläche, einmal auf der Oberfläche der Mikrofibrillen, dann vielleicht in den schattendichten Querzonen der letzteren.
    Die Vermehrung der Gebilde mit größeren Gefügelücken ist schließlich eine Art von Reifung, die sich an der kollagenen Substanz vollzieht.
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  • Yasuhiro NARITA
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 19-38
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In 17 Fällen wurde die Gl. ceruminosa des äußeren Gehörganges aus 5 bis 10 monatigen Menschenembryonen histo- und cytogenetisch untersucht. In der Haut des äußeren Gehörgangs finden sich keine ekkrinen Schweißdrüsen, deren Anlagen auch in der Embryonalzeit nicht angetroffen werden.
    1. Wie bekannt, entwickelt sich die Gl. ceruminosa aus den Epithelzellen der Haaranlage. Im 5. Fetalmonate findet man eine der Haaranlage entlang senkrecht herabsteigende keulenförmige und eine haken (retorten) förmige Anlage, welch letztere durch die Knickung der Endanschwellung der ersteren gebildet wird. Die solide Endanschwellung der keulenförmigen Anlage, die aus hellen Epithelzellen zusammengesetzt ist, bildet später den langen Drüsentubulus (den sezernierenden Abschnitt der Drüse), während der dünne Epithelstrang, welcher die Endanschwellung und die Haaranlage miteinander verbindet, aus dunklen Epithelzellen besteht und schon die Beschaffenheiten des Ausführungsgangs zeigt. Die inneren Oberflächen der Epithelzellen sind nämlich schon mit Crusta (Cuticularsaum) versehen.
    Daraus ergibt sich, daß der sezernierende Abschnitt und der Ausführungsgang sich schon im Stadium der keulenförmige Anlage unterscheiden lassen.
    2. Bei der hakenförmigen Anlage ist die schmale Lichtung des der ganzen Länge nach ausgehöhlten Ausführungsgangs durch ein zweischichtiges Epithel umgeben. Die kubischen Epithelzellen der inneren Schicht sind an ihrer freien inneren Fläche mit einer Crusta versehen, die Kerne der mehr platten Epithelzellen der äußeren Schicht sind verhältnismäßig dicht angeordnet. Also kann man sagen, daß der Ausführungsgang der embryonalen Ohrenschmalzdrüse im 5. Fetalmonat histologisch ausgebildet wird.
    3. Im 5. Fetalmonate tritt auch im Inneren der Endanschwellung der hakenförmigen Anlage das schmale Lumen (Drüsenlumen) auf, das sich im 6. Monat deutlich erweitert und von regelmäßig einschichtig angeordneten kubischen Epithelzellen (Drüsenzellen) umschlossen ist, was mit den histologischen Beschaffenheiten des Drüsentubulus der a-Schweißdrüse übereinstimmt.
    4. Im 6. Fetalmonate kommen schon solche Drüsen vor, bei denen der Drüsentubulus gewunden das Knäuel (Drüsenkörper) bildet. Nach dem 7. Fetalmonat stellen sich alle Drüsen als Knäueldrüsen dar. Der Ausführungsgang nimmt, im Gegensatz zu den e-Schweißdrüsen, an der Knäuelbildung nicht teil. Im 9. und 10. Monate nimmt der Drüsenkörper an Größe beträchtlich zu, der lange Drüsentubulus zeigt, wie bei den a-Drüsen der Erwachsenen, an verschiedenen Stellen auffallende Dickenunterschiede, so ist z. B. im dickeren Abschnitt das stark erweiterte Drüsenlumen von mehr abgeflachten Drüsenzellen umgeben, dagegen im dünneren ist das schmale Drüsenlumen von verhältnismäßig hohen Drüsenzellen umringt.
    5. Die Myoepithelzellen differenzieren sich erst im 6. Fetalmonate, wenn in der Endanschwellung der hakenförmigen Anlage das schmale Drüsenlumen in Erscheinung tritt; sie erstrecken sich longitudinal als spindelförmige Zellen zwischen den Drüsenzellen und der Membrana propria. Bei den das Knäuel bildenden Drüsen aus 6monatigen Feten wurden Myofibrillen in einigen Myoepithelzellen nachgewiesen, was auf den Eintritt der Funktion der Muskelzellen hindeuten dürfte. Anderseits sind sogar im 9. Fetalmonate eine Anzahl undifferenzierter Myoepithelzellen vorhanden, welche aber im 10. Fetalmonate vollkommen verschwinden.
    6. Die Drüsenzellen sind immer, wie bei anderen a-Schweißdrüsen, regelmäßig einschichtig angeordnet
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  • Kimio FUJIE, Takashi NAKAO, Sachiyo HORIO, Masahiko MATSUI
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 39-47
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The authors have searched the effects of productin (FUJIE), a gastric hormone, on the liver cells. For this purpose, the authors have performed the following experiments: 1. sesame oil (37°C, 1cc.) was instilled into the stomach of starved rats, 2. the same administration of sesame oil was performed after ligation of the pylorus, 3. histamine (3mg) was injected subcutaneously into starved rats, and 4. 2hrs. after sesame oil administration, histamine was injected subcutaneously. Then the authors have analysed histamine in the blood quantitatively, and observed the plastosomes in the liver cells.
    It has been demonstrated, according to the results obtained in each experiment, that the thickening and the changes of the forms of plastosomes in the liver cells have a relationship with the quantity of histamine in the blood. Regardless of a giving or not giving sesame oil or even of a starvation, cells showed active functional figures, with thick plastosomes, when there was a large amount of histamine in the blood, on the other hand, most of the plastosomes were long rod-shaped, when the histamine in the blood decreased. The phenomena have no relation with metabolic substances in the cells. Therefore the thickening and granulating of the plastosomes hardly occurred by the acting of sesame oil itself, but might have been brought about by productin (histamine) which is secreted from the gastric mucosa followed by instilling of sesame oil.
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  • Sadahiko TSUTSUMI
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 49-53
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Es wurde die Milch von Frauen und Meerschweinchen in den verschiedenen Laktationsperioden im Elektronoskop untersucht. Um die Zeit der Entbindung kommen unter den Milchkügelchen von 10 bis 300mμ Durchmesser solche von 10 bis 50 bzw. 10 bis 100mμ verhältnismäßig reichlich vor. In den anderen Perioden vermehren sich die größeren Milchkügelchen auf Kosten der kleineren Formen. Die fettigen Milchkügelchen sind wahrscheinlich um die Zeit der Entbindung von einer dickeren Eiweiß- und Hydratationswasserschicht umhüllt und können sich weniger leicht miteinander verschmelzen und vergrößern.
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  • Korenobu KARASAWA
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 55-70
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In adult rabbits, chief lymphoid organs such as the mesenterial lymph nodes, vermiform appendix and spleen as well as other several small lymph nodes were removed. The total weight of the removed lymphoid organs amounted to approximately 80per cent of their entire lymphoid organs. In rabbits the mesenterial lymph nodes unites into a large mass called pancreas ASELLI, and its weight is about one half of the total weight of all the other lymph nodes.
    Simultaneons extirpation of chief lymphoid organs and several other small lymph nodes resulted in a marked drop in the number of blood lymphocytes, down to 30 to 40per cent of the pre-operative values, and such a pronounced lymphopenia persisted for several weeks. No other remarkable alterations were observed in the blood picture, except for a post-operative granulocytosis which disappeared within 2 or 3 weeks. The continuity of the lymphatic pathway, interrupted by the removal of the mesenterial nodes, was rapidly re-established.
    The main factor responsible for the reduction of the number of blood lymphocytes was the removal of mesenterial nodes, and accordingly these nodes are considered to be the most important source of blood lymphocytes.
    In the absence of the chief lymphoid organs, there appeared a compensatory new formation of lymphoid tissues in the periportal areas of the liver, often on a large scale and, though to a much lesser extent, also in the bone marrow. In the remaining lymph nodes there was no remarkable hyperplasia of lymphatic tissue, except in the remaining portions of the resected mesenterial nodes.
    The removal of the chief lymphoid organs did not induce anyspecific alteration of myelopoietic tissues in the bone marrow, except for the formation of a few small lymphoid foci therein.
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  • Natsuo OHTOMO
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 71-82
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The epithelium of the papilla circumvallata in hedgehog tongue is of noncornified stratified flat type, and is taller on the surface facing the oral cavity than on the sides lining the circumvallating fissure, being provided with occasional taste-buds. On this top surface are found a few grooves sunk into the papillar trunk. No taste-bud is found in the epithelium lining such grooves. These findings are similar to those in dog, but in proportions the former are somewhat smaller than the latter. No taste-bud is formed in the epithelium lining the wall of the circumvallate fissure, as is the case in dog. In the papilla foliata, taste-buds are found in the epithelium facing the oral cavity as well as in the gemmal epithelium lining the side fissure, as in dog.
    Nerve plexus consisting of thick medullated sensory fibres and thin unmedullated vegetative fibres is found at the basal part of the circumvallate and foliate papillae, as in human and canine tongues, but in development, that in hedgehog is poorer than that in dog. The sensory fibres enter the papillar trunk and go up close to the epithelium to end there in unbranched and simple branched terminations. Nowhere can be found anything resembling the complex corpuscular terminations found in human tongue. Intraepithelial fibres are found in a small number in the epithelium facing the oral cavity of papilla foliata but never in the same place of the papilla circumvallata. Such intraepithelial fibres are unbranched.
    The development of sensory fibres to the taste-buds in the two kinds of papillae above is somewhat lower in a hedgehog than in a dog. The terminations are generally unbranched or simple branched. Extra- and intragemmal fibres are not very rare and are in general represented by unbranched terminations.
    The fungiform papillae in the posterior part of hedgehog tongue are morphologically similar in essence to those in man and the sensory innervation thereof resembles closely to the case in dog. Basal plexus of weak development is formed at the basis of the papillar trunk, from which sensory fibres reach out close to the epithelium and end there in unbranched or simple branched terminations. Intraepithlial fibres are often found in the epithelium facing the oral cavity provided with a thin corneate plate. The development of the sensory fibres for the tastebuds is somewhat weak, but intra- and extragemmal fibres are not rare here also.
    In the mucous membrane of the radix linguae posterior to the sulcus terminalis, almost no lymphatic tissue as seen in human tongue is observable. The formation of mucosal papillae to the epithelium in this part is also very poor. The development of sensory fibres here is proportionately poor, their terminal formation being small in number and unbranched or simple branched in type.
    However, as the development of mucosal papillae is better in the anterior part of radix linguae, the sensory fibres are also richer in number and their terminations are more complex there. In particular, in the vicinity of the foramen caecum there are found very peculiarly shaped, strongly developed terminations of indefinite form deserving special mention. They are morphologically very near to the special sensory terminations found by SETO in the tarsus of human eye-lid. They belong to the branched type of endings, but the number and the arrangement of the branches is utterly undefinable. The fibres also show very peculiar characteristics, the trunk fibres being very stout in general, the branches showing peculiar change in size and frequent fibril dissolutions in their meandering courses, finally to end in sharp or blunt points.
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  • Natsuo OHTOMO
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 83-92
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The epithelium of the oral and laryngeal parts of the pharynx in hedgehog is composed of stratified flat epithelium and its height is tallest at the transitional part to the radix linguae and the palatum molle, growing lower as we pass over the lateral walls to the dorsal wall. Tall epithelium is also found on the dorsal side of larynx and the under-mentioned special mucous appendage. In the pharyngeal epithelium are found rather numerous taste-buds, especially in the ventral and the lateral walls of the laryngeal part and the lateral walls of the oral part as well as in the special mucous appendage.
    The formation of papillae into the epithelium is generally in ratio with the height of the epithelium, and the development of the sensory nerve fibres is abreast with that of the papillae. It follows that the mucous membrane of the hedgehog pharynx is never rich in sensory innervation. The sensory terminations found here are in their majority either of unbranched or of simple branched and simple plexus-like ones, but in the parts showing special structures some interesting endings are observed.
    As the transitional part of the epiglottis into the radix linguae and the palatum molle is provided with well-developed epithelium and papillae, so the sensory fibres are also abundant here. These are stout fibres forming subepihelially, especially in the papillae and sometimes in the lymph tissue their terminations, among which are often found simple glomerular or plexus-like terminations. In the dorsal and lateral walls of the oral part abutting on the nasal part, however, the papillae as well as the epithelium are weak in development, so that the sensory fibres are small in number and their terminations are also limited to unbranched or simpe branched endings of thin fibres.
    In the dorsal side of the larynx, especially at its upper levels, in parallel with the good development of the papillae and the taste-buds sensory fibres are abundant and their terminations include also many complex branched, and simple glomerular endings, though no intraepithelial fibres are detected.
    On the dorsal wall of the laryngeal part is found a mucous appendage peculiar to this animal, consisting of a discus-like mucous fold attached to the median line of the dorsal wall at the level of the entrance of the pars laryngica. Its epithelium and papillae are extremely well-developed containing taste-buds here and there. Consequently, the sensory fibres therein are also very remarkable. It is thought that this appendage constitutes one of the receptor organs active at food ingestion. The sensory fibres are stout and frequently end in complex branched, ansal or glomerular terminations.
    The taste-buds fonud in various parts of the mucous membrane of the hedgehog pharynx are large in number and show no degenerative status as those in human pharynx. The sensory fibres in connection with them are always stout and powerful, ending in simple glomerular or ansal terminations beneath the taste-buds which further, not rarely, pass over into intra- or extragemmal fibres. Thus, these taste-buds seem to be on equal footing with those in the oral cavity, showing that they are active organs enjoying full physiological functions.
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  • Suehiro TAKAHASHI
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 93-100
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In the liver cells of rats fed with non-protein food for 30 days, glycogen did not increase much even immediately after feeding. Solely from this result it would be considered that a hypofunction of the liver cells was caused by the lack of protein in the cells. But in a previous pager it was shown that the epithel of the rat's duodenum, when treated in the same way, fell into a hypofunction or a atrophic degeneration. Therefore the author infused glucose solution into the peritoneal cavity of rats, which were fed with non-protein food for 30 days and found that a large amount of glycogen appeared in the liver cells. Consequently the decrease of glycogen in the liver cells was caused not only by the hypofunction of liver cells, but also by the hypofunction or by an absorptive disturbance of the small intestine.
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  • Tsuyako IZUTA
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 101-119
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The differentiation of intestinal epithelium in fresh human embryo from the 2nd month to the 9th month were investigated systematically, from the points of both their fine cell structures and its histochemistry.
    1. At the end of the 2nd month the limits between epithelial cells were indistinct and a pile of 3 to 4 nuclei were found in the middle of the cells, and in the cytoplasm numerous vacuoles were found. In these cells glycogen and fat stainings were unsuccessful. At the beginning of the 3rd month the epithelium thickened, because the epithelial cells piled up together and the intestinal lumen was blocked temporarily. At the end of the 3rd month, the intestinal canal became passable and the limits between cells became detectable again. The epithelial cells were then arranged in one layer, and at the same time the cuticular border appeared.
    2. Formation of the villi began at the end of the 3rd month, because the mesenchyme developed into the lumen of the intestinal canal, and simplification of the epithelial layer occurred simultaneously. Epithelial cells changed prior to the simplification of the layer. Nuclei stood side by side and formed a line in the superficial portion of the epithelium and then move to the basal portion, but on the contrary, the vacuoles moved from the subnuclear zone to the supranuclear zone.
    3. The villi began to grow rapidly at the end of the 4th month, and then the cuticular borders were formed in all of the epithelial cells. Their development began from the tip of the villus. And their form became similar to those of adults at the end of the 7th month.
    4. Granules with ribonucleic acid as their main constituent element appeared in the supranuclear portion of cells of the villus tip at the end of the 3rd month, and they remarkably increased during the 6th month and then disappeared by the end of the 7th month. It is conceivable that the appearance of grains which contain ribonucleic acid has very much to do with the differentiation of epithelium, but its meaning is not yet clear.
    5. Mitochondria in epithelial cells were very much rod-like or filament-like. At the end of the 3rd month when the cuticular border appeared the granular mitochondria became crowded in the supranuclear zone. Around the 4th or the 5th month the granular and rod-like mitochondria became densely distributed in the supranuclear zone, and the filamentous and rod-like mitochondria were loosely distributed. According to the above-stated observations we can imagine that the cells perform several different functions in the supranuclear and subnuclear zone. The number of mitochondria decreased when ribonucleic acid was plentifully in the cytoplasm. It is probably significant that mitochondria became numerous at the end of the 7th month and that their form became like those in adults.
    6. Goblet cells appeared at the end of the 3rd month, and they suddenly increased from the 5th month, and were still found in the intestinal glands during the 9th month.
    7. PANETH cells appeared for the first time at the end of the 6th month, and about this time there were already seen in several forms, such as unriped cells, as a typical granulous cell or as vacuolous cells. PANETH cells increased in number, and in the 9th month vacuolated ones were particularly rich.
    8. Basalgranular cells appeared in the mesenchymal layer and penetrate into the epithelium as they developed. They appeared for the first time at the end of the 3rd month, and ripe cells were found with unriped ones at the same time. The apex of the ripe cell reached the surface of the epithelium.
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  • Natsuo OHTOMO
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 121-126
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
  • Natsuo OHTOMO, Eiichi SAKURAOKA
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 127-130
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
  • Hachiro SETO, Komao FUNAHASHI
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 131-141
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    No nerve cells have been proved in the human ependyma.
    The sensory fibres supplying the ependyma probably come from the meningeal nerves originating in sensory cerebral nerves. They penetrate into the SILVI's duct through its caudal dorsal side and into the fourth ventricle from its lateral side near the central canal in the medulla oblongata, in small bundles, finally to form free terminations close under or within the ependyma. The subependymal terminations represent the main and the intraependymal fibres the subordinate terminations.
    The subependymal terminations are divided into the simple typed and the complex typed. They are fluctuating in their local frequency, being very scarce in the central canal of the medulla oblongata, while simple typed ones are more frequent in the fossa rhomboidea, especially on its outer sides, and both simple and complex types are found in the SYLVI's duct, especially in its dorsal wall. Besides, some special sensory receptors are found in the dorsal central gray matter of the SYLVI's duct.
    The simple typed terminations consist of one or two each of thick fibres, which show the peculiarities of common peripheral sensory fibres in their terminal areas, and form uncircumscribed branched terminations. Some of the branches show specially shaped fibril distensions in their courses or at their tips. Some of them run into the ependyma to go over into intraependymal fibres. These simple terminations contain special glial cell nuclei, smaller in number than in the complex typed ones. These cells probably effect special internal secretion concerned with the transmission of stimuli.
    The complex typed terminations are composed of two or three each of thick fibres, which run far more complicated winding courses and send out more numerous branches than in the simple typed ones, and end in uncircumscribed complex branched terminations. The branches generally end in sharp points, but before terminating or at their ends often form two kinds of peculiar terminal bodies, the one of which consists of fibril distensions of larger sizes and variable forms and the other of small nodular distensions formed at the tips of many short rami which are divided again from the terminal branches. These formations are called racemose terminations.
    The receptive area at the dorsal side of the SILVI's duct is nearly triangular in shape, and the special terminations therein are each composed of a ground tissue with numerous special cell nuclei and thick and thin fibres running into it. The thick fibres oftener run peculiar ansiform courses.
    The intraependymal fibres are small in number but evenly distributed over all the central cavity. Some of them are thick fibres which directly run into the ependyma through the subependymal tissue, and the others originating in the subependymal terminations. They are usually represented as unbranched or simple branched terminations and run both between and through the ependymal cell bodies.
    The receptive organ in the brain comprises beside the pia mater (STÖHR) also the ependyma. The physiological function of the sensory terminations connected with the ependyma consists in the reception of the stimuli caused by the physical and chemical changes of the cerebrospinal liquor, and concerns the mechanism of its flow regulation and the adjustment of its chemical composition. We assume that these sensory terminations cause the phenomea of headache, vertigo, nausea, vomitting etc. in pathological cases.
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  • Hachiro SETO, Tadashi SADA
    1954 Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 143-154
    Published: September 20, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The human vestibulum nasi is divided into the pays cutanea provided with vibrissae and the pars mucosa. The latter is again divisible into the cornified, the non-cornified and the transitional parts counting from the anterior end. The relative areas of the three parts are very variable locally and individually. The papillae are well developed in the cornified part, but posterior to it, they become much poorer.
    The vegetative nerve fibres from remarkably well-developed plexus submucosus in the nasal gland layer, with their termination represented by the terminalreticulum. This stands in tactile control over the acini and the ducts of the nasal glands. The vegetative fibres running out from the plexus into the propria form also the well-developed terminalreticulum in the papillae. This may be to establish control over the blood capillaries strongly developed in the papillae.
    The sensory nerves in the vestibulum nasi are generally not so good in development, the majority running as far as into propria, especially into the papillae, to end there or to ascend into the epithelium to become intraepithelial fibres.
    The sensory terminations found in the papillae are divided into two broad types. The one comprises the unbranehed and the simple branched terminations. The former are composed of a single fibre ending sharply in the upper part of a papillae without branching out, while in the latter there are found a few rami sent out from the stem fibre which often develop to a simple arborized termination.
    The second type comprises small corpuscular terminations. These consist of uncapsulated glomerular, genital nerve body-like and MEISSNER's tactile body-like terminations. The first of these three are rather abundant, but the other two are only rarely found.
    The intraepithelial fibres are closely dependent on the development of papillae. In the transitional part they are very scarce and are represented by simple very fine fibres, because the papillae are very poor in development here. In the non-cornified mucous part they become somewhat thicker and often ramified. The intraepithelial fibres gain in size in the cornified mucous part, are oftener ramified and end close beneath the corneal plate. In the anterior area of this part, where the epithelium is covered with corneal scales, we find some peculiarly shaped intraepithelial fibres in the extremely thinned epithelium over strongly developed papillae, stout in thickness and low in stature. The epithelium, though it shows cornification, must be looked upon as belonging to a special mucous epithelium without showing an uninterrupted deciduation of epithelial scales, so that the intraepithelial fibres here may be regarded as normal growths.
    Very rarely, degenerated intraepithelial fibres are found also in the pays cutanea of the nasal vestibule. These are assumed to be relics from embryonic life.
    Intraepithelial fibres are also observed in the ducts of the nasal glands, but in very simple form and in very rare instance only.
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