Online ISSN : 1347-7935
Print ISSN : 0021-4884
ISSN-L : 0021-4884
13 巻, 6 号
  • 原稿種別: 目次
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 799-803
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 文献目録等
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. Misc7-
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. App4-
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 北村 芳太郎, 粕川 礼司
    原稿種別: 本文
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 409-410,476
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of the present paper is to introduce an easy method for intravenous injection to male guinea pig. The used needle is 23 gauge in size for intradermal injection. The technique is as follows; Very important is to fix a guinea pig firmly on a board. By pressing on the pubic area, the penis is protruded and becomes erect. By drawing back the foreskin of the penis, two veins appear on the dorsal surface of the penis, which is held between the left fore- and middle-fingers. Then the glans is pinched between the fingertips of the left thumb and ring finger, so that the dorsal penis veins become fully dilated. Before injection, the skin is cleaned by alchohol and a small meedle is inserted into the vein. On that time, be careful not to move the syringe, holding it firmly with the right ring- and little-fingers on the board. (See the illustration in the original) And the solution is administered rapidly with caution not to outflow from the vessel. With this technique, intravenous injection into male guinea pig will be carried out very easily and surely.
  • 梅田 健一
    原稿種別: 本文
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 411-430,476-47
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This experiment was undertaken to study what influence it might have upon the growth of foreign body granulation tissue developed by implatation of sponge of 3 mm^3 in the rat and rabbit's subcutaneous tissue at the back, when anti-collagen sera were given and control groupe was injected of the normal corresponding serum. To this effect we orderd three experiments to be prepared. The first experiment: 0.1ml of anti-rat collagen rabbit serum was injected locally into the implanted sponge of the rats every other days and the histological picture of foreign body granulation tissue was investigated tranitionally after 3 to 21 days. The second experiment: 4.0ml of anti-rabbit collagen duck serum was injected into the rabbit intravenously and investigating pathomorphologically in the picture of the foreign body granulation tissue in like manners of the first experiment. The third experiment: 4.0ml of immunizing rabbit collagen rabbit serum (immunologic specificity was negative) was injected intravenously into the implanted sponge of the rabbits and histological findings was investigated as similar in the first experiment. As a result of the first and second experiments we observed that when the anticollagen sera were injected, the formation of collagen fiber in the granulation were weaker and the nuclei of the fibroblasts were degenerative and had irregular form, while exsudative inflamatory changes stronger than when normal corresponding sera were injected. After 3 weeks, the granulation tissue ghowed fairly tendency to hyalinization in the control groups, but could not be yet observed such tendency in the antisera injected groups. The influence in the second experiment was much definite than in the first experiment than anti-serum was given locally. The third experiment, we observed that no findings of the pathological changes between tne experimental and control group. It is reasonable from the above to presume that anti-collagen serum has restrict on the process of the foreign body granulation.
  • 村中 正治, 可部 順三郎, 梅園 和夫, 加賀美 年秀, 阿部 昭治, 野原 浩, 荒木 英斉, 宮本 昭正, 奥村 浩, 勝田 保男, ...
    原稿種別: 本文
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 431-434,477
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Clinical mass survey on drug hypersensitivity was carried out in the urban population. 5822 employees of 4 companies were subjected to the investigation, consisting of both sexes from 17 to 60 years old. (male 3249, female 2528) The incidence of subjects with an episode of drug hypersensitivity was as follows: Name of drug Per centage Pyrazolone-derivatives 1, 73% Penicillin 1, 12% Sulfonamide-derivatives 0, 55% Aspirin 0, 29% other drugs (PAS, Choramphenicol, etc.) 0, 48% Total 3, 74% Twenty-two out of 32 severe cases were due to the penicillin hypersensitivity. Concerning the clinical symptoms, each drug showed a tendency to produce characteristic symptom respectively. For example, aspirin produces urticaria, antipyrine produces fixed eruption, sulfonamide derivative produces scarlatina- or morbilliform-eruption and penicillin produces a shock. Family history and past history revealed a higher incidence of allergic diseases in drug- sensitive subjects than in non-allergic subjects. However, no significant difference was observed in per centage of cases with an episode of any chronic purulent disease between the two groups with and without a drug hypersensitivity.
  • 村中 正治, 可部 順三郎, 北村 芳太郎, 奥村 浩, 竹田 浩洋, 菊谷 豊彦, 西沢 一郎, 林 盈六, 遠山 正道, 河野 保, 茂 ...
    原稿種別: 本文
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 435-444,478-47
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The investigation was made on 372 subjects with allergic history of drugs. Numbers of hypersensitive subjects classified in each drug were as follows: Name of drug No.of subjects Pyrazolone-derivatives 161 Penicillin 87 Sulfonamide-derivatives 43 Aspirin 30 PAS 36 Streptomycin 11 ACTH 10 other rugs 52 (Barbiturate, Chloramphenicol, etc.) Following results were obtained. 1) Laboratory examinations such as liver function test, blood examinations, electrophoretical serum protein pattern, ultracentrifugation of serum and intradermal skin reaction with 10-^6 histamine solution, revealed no significant abnormalities. 2) The classification of the drug hypersensitivity into immediate and delayed types were attempted from the latent time between administration of the drug and onset of the hypersensitive manifestations. The latent time in cases of shock was shorter than 30 minutes after either injection or oral administration, and a similar trend was observed in the majority of subjects with urticaria and angioedema-type manifestation. Positive intradermal skin test was often obtained in subjects with short latent times, and most of them belonged to shock type or urticarial type with severe symptomes. On the other hand, latent time in most of other types such as morbilliform, erythema multiform, eczematous form, fixed eruption, and drug fever, was longer than in the former types. The intradermal skin test, both immediate and delayed reaction, proved negativ in the majority of the latter types. 3) Investigation on the intradermal skin test in the subjects with hypersensitivity revealed that the incidence of positive reaction was correlated closely with the type of hypersensitivity, the grade of severity as mentioned above, the kind of drugs, and the time elapsed after the last hypersensitive manifestation. Intradermal skin test was oftern negativ when the test was done more than a year after the last episode of severe hypersensitivity even in the case of shock or urticaria. Similar trend was observed in Prausnitz-Kustner test. All the skin sensitizing antibodies obtained from sera of these subjects were thermolabil. 4) In the drug hypersensitive subjects, allergic diseases were observed frequently in their familial and past history, but there was no significant difference in frequency among each type except urticaria. 5) There was no correlation between the total dosis or frequency of drug administration and sensitization to the drug. Thirty-four out of 82 subjects with penicillin hypersensitivity experienced the occurrence of hypersensitive manifestation at the first administration of penicillin. 6) The subjects with allergic past history of one drug, showed an increased tendency to be sensitive to other drugs. Cross hypersensitivity between antipyrin and aspirin was relatively frequently observed than between other drugs, especially in the type of urticaria. Erythromycin, phenacetine, and papaverin are likely to be less potent to sensitize the human subjects.
  • 村中 正治, 遠山 正道, 北村 芳太郎, 可部 順三郎, 奥村 浩, 大塚 正己, 塚田 隆, 堂前 章, 勝田 保男, 山崎 昭, 宮田 ...
    原稿種別: 本文
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 445-451,479-48
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    我々はアレルギーの立場よりパス過敏症の検討をおこなった.対象は4結核病院を中心にしたパス過敏症113人である.1) パス過敏症の発生頻度は3.35%〜5.28%とかなり高く, 男女比はほぼ1:2で女子に多かった.2) パス内服を開始してより, 過敏症状発生までの潜伏期間は, 3〜35日が大多数であって, 14日前後が最も多かった.3) 過敏症状は発熱型が最も多く75%, 皮膚発疹がこれについで64%, 以下, リンパ線腫脹, 四肢痛, 眼球結膜充血, 呼吸困難, しびれ感, ショック等であった.4) パス-Na の生食溶液による皮内テストは陽性率10%内外で, 診断的価値があるとは思われなかった.5) 54例に減感作治療をこゝろみ, 45例に成功した.成功率は83%の高率で, 減感作完了後, 1日8〜10gの内服をつゞけることができ, 結核症の予後もよかった.6) 減感作前後におけるパス内服による末梢血中の血小板減少率を測定した.減感作前の8例平均値は-44%, 対照の-7.5%に比して著明に減少の傾向を示した.減感作後の6例平均値は-21%であった.7) 同検査を試験管内で行うことをこゝろみ, 減感作前の過敏症者の試験管内血小板減少率は, いずれも正常値上限-20%をうわまったが, 減感作後のそれは対照値とことなるところはなかった.8) 上記の方法を用いて減感作実施後の患者の血清中にいわゆる blocking antibody 様物質が存在するか否か検索し, 7例中2例に血小板減少抑制傾向を認めたが, 健康者血清においても同様の傾向を示す場合が認められたので, 積局的に blocking antibody の存在を主張する根拠はえられなかった.
  • 入野 敏夫
    原稿種別: 本文
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 452-468,480
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 抗ウサギ腎モルモット血清を唯一回注射する事により, 妊娠ウサギ腎にアナフィラキシーショックを惹起した.抗血清は一群には左腎動脈より, 他の一群には耳静脈より注射し, 各々の腎糸球体の変化を電子顕微鏡により検索した.2) 左腎動脈より惹起注射を行った群では, 右腎には変化なく, 左腎にわずかに基底膜の部分的な膨化と上皮細胞の腫脹並びにボ氏腔の血漿様小顆粒を見るにすぎなかった.3) 一方, 耳静脈より惹起注射した群では, 基底膜の膨化, 肥厚, density の低下を主とし, mesangial cell の著明な増生, 腫脹並びに上皮細胞, 内皮細胞の腫脹を加えた多彩な変化を認めた.4) これらの実験成績並びに妊娠時にアナフィラキシー現象が強調される事より, 腎炎発生の機転には内分泌臓器が重要な役割を演じているのではないかと考えられる.この点に関し, 今後研究を続けたい.
  • 阿部 守邦
    原稿種別: 本文
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 469-475,481
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    生体内で起り得る条件で作成されたペニシリン(Pc)に特異的な感作抗原である Pc-albumin complex の Pc と albumin の結合様式を検討した.S^<35> 標識 Pc-albumin につき総量, Penicillenic acid 残基量および蛋白量より結合比を算定し, 一方 complex の Penamaldate 法処理前後の紫外吸光の差より, Pc は主に Pnicilloyl protein conjugate として存在することを推定した.次に直接 penicilloyl albumin conjugate を作成, Pc HSA complex および penialloyl HSA conjugate を抗原としてそれぞれの抗血清, 感作時は Eggalbumin 使用, および抗 Pc 単独血清とPCA, 赤血球凝集反応, 寒天ゲル内沈降反応を検討し, 再抗原は強い交叉反応を示しまた抗 Pc 単独血清とも強く反応することを認めた.更に両抗原および Pc 単独で700人に皮内反応を行い, 蛋白結合抗原は陽性率高く, かつ同一被験者に一致する例が高率に認められた.以上の結果より感作機序として, Pc は生体内で penicillenic acid に転換後蛋白と結合し主として penicilloyl protein conjugate を形成し完全抗原となる過程を想定した.
  • 原稿種別: 文献目録等
    1964 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 476-481
    発行日: 1964/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー