In this paper, we examine hypotheses regarding the mutually beneficial relationships between
universities, companies, and students involved in practicums. Also, the aim is to present perspectives
for improving the structure of practicums. The professional college system, introduced in 2019. In
the operation of actual practicum courses, there are various challenges. That cannot be solved by the
framework of the professional college system alone, as highlighted by Takahashi, Takahashi, Kondo,
and Sato ‘2023ʼ. This study posits that a fundamental issue lies in the need for universities, companies,
and students to clearly share the placement and expected functions of practicums.
The research analyzed the operational challenges of practicums at CAT by comparing them with
other universities. We conducted semi-structured interviews with companies that accept interns
from CAT, clarifying the placement of practicums and their relation to recruitment activities within
these companies. Based on these findings, the study presents hypotheses on the practicum ecosystem,
organizing perspectives for improving the structure of practicums.
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