Online ISSN : 2435-0761
Print ISSN : 0040-8921
16 巻, 3 号
  • An Analytical Study on a Series of 12 Cases Verified by Myelography and/or Autopsy
    Takeo OKUYAMA, Soji SUZUKI, Koji OHNO, Tadashi ADACHI, Motohide TAKAHA ...
    1969 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 187-209
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2022/11/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    1. The clinical, roentgenographic and pathological investigations were carried out in a series of twelve cases of the spinal metastasis involving the spinal cord confirmed by myelography and/or planned autopsy. 2. The clinical course prior to and the mode of onset of the spinal cord symptoms Were varied and summarized as follows: (1) In two out of 4 cases of breast carcinoma, the clinical course was slow in progress. (2) Three cases of lung carcinoma were rapid in clinical course and fairly acute in onset of spinal cord involvement. (3) In one of 3 cases of sarcoma, the onset of spinal cord symptoms was abrupt without noticeable prodromal signs and symptoms, and the complete transection of the spinal cord developed almost instantaneously. 3. Spinal cord symptoms at the final stage were as follows: (1) Eight out of 12 cases presented complete motor paralysis and sensory disturbance. In seven out of the above 8 cases, dysfunction of urinary bladder was noticed. (2) Four cases with paresis developed no disturbance of urination, and no sensory deficit was observed in three out of the above 4 cases. 4. The longest survival period after the onset of cord symptoms was 6 months in the present series. 5. On the plain x rays of the spine, the bony destruction was disclosed in eight out of 12 cases. 6. Myelographic examination was carried out in 8 cases and revealed abnormality of the dye column in 6 patients. In one of the 6 patients, the plain x-rays of the spine disclosed no bony destruction. 7. Autopsy was carried out in 9 cases and revealed various types of the spinal metastasis. Though the marrow spaces of the involved vertebrae were filled by tumor cells in two cases of sarcoma, no discernible evidence of destruction in the bony architecture could be elicited not only on the plain x-rays of spine during life but also on the roentgenograms of the specimen of spine obtained at autopsy. In one case of breast Carcinoma, intramedullary metastasis was verified.
  • Yutaka UDA, Noriko YANAGAWA, Yasuo NAKAZAWA
    1969 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 211-221
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2022/11/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The lipid composition of liver, spleen, and brain in Niemann-Pick disease was examined. Sphingomyelin, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylinositol were determined quantitatively. In liver and spleen, a marked increase in sphingomyelin concentration was found, and cholesterol accumulation in all the tissues. The fatty acid pattern of these sphingomyelins differed significantly from other phospholipids, and further showed special feature in brain compared with those in liver and spleen. However, as regards other phospholipid components, the fatty acid pattern in liver was distinguished from other tissues.
  • Hiromichi OHIWA
    1969 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 223-237
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2022/11/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Under high pressure environment, the CO, retention due to hypoventilation caused by increased airway resistance was observed. As to the reason for this fact, it is considered to be due to breathing of respiratory gas of increased density. So it can be assumed that the ventilatory mechanics and the alveolar gas exchange may essentially change by this phenomenon, but the respiratory and metabolic responses under high pressure during air breathing has not yet been clarified. Therefore, the author conducted a study on the respiratory response under high ambient pressure, especially under high pressure corresponding to the depth at which air breathing is possible, and studied its influence on exercise under several high pressure conditions. The subjects were 4 medical students who underwent bicycle ergometer exercise at 200 kg.m/min. Each subject wore an oronasal mask and a mouthpiece with non-return valve and after arriving at the steady state of the ambient pressure in question their respiratory function was measured during rest and during exercise under high pressure (1, 2, 3 and 4 Ata). In all subjects, no change in the respiratory minute volume and the respiratory rate was observed, but a significant increase of the tidal volume was observed. Therefore, it can be assumed that there was an increase in the physiological dead space as the alveolar volume was almost constant. A characteristic phenomenon in this experiment was the decrease of the alveolar ventilation in spite of the average increase of 5 mmHg of the alveolar pCO2. The elevated alveolar CO2 tension (pCO2) was clue to the increase of the oxygen equivalent, and the tendency of the dullness in the ventilatory response was recognized. The remarkable fact in this experiment was the unchangeability or rather the decrease of CO2 output during the exercise while the O2 uptake showed a considerable increase. Therefore the RQ decreased to 0.7. The work efficiency (work input: work output ratio) decreased in all cases and showed a decrease of 20% at 4 Ata compared to the value at 1 Ata. Under high pressure, the change of the ventilatory pattern by the increase of the tidal volume is assumed to be converted to the dominant elastance which is not so influenced by the high pressure atmosphere, and it is accompanied under high pressure environment. The effectiveness of breathing shown by the decrease of the ventilatory response. The alveolar hypoventilation and the increased alveolar pCO2 naturally cause the decrease of the CO2 output. However, under high pressure, the O2 uptake increases due to the increase of the oxygen cost and of the O2 depot in the tissue etc., therefore the work efficiency decreases. It seems that the fatigue appears more easily in the early period compared to that at 1 Ata. The work tolerance decreased 20% at 4 Ata compared to the value at 1 Ata.
  • Reiichi OKUDA, Takao FUSAYAMA
    1969 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 239-249
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2022/11/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The effect of mold temperature on surface roughness, porosity, and crystal grain size of castings was investigated by using a surface analyser and observing casting surfaces and profile sections. Mold walls of a cristobalite investment after heating were also examined in their profile sections or with a scanning electron microscope. Findings were as follows: 1. With the gold alloy, which is adhesive to mold walls, smooth casting surface as impression of mold walls was generally obtained regardless of mold temperatures from 400 to 900 °C but lower mold temperatures produced concentrated subsurface porosity and higher mold temperatures produced widely scattered and fewer but larger porosity and larger grain size. Mold temperature of 700°C seemed optimum for the gold alloy. 2. With the copper alloy, which is not adhesive to mold walls, higher mold temperatures produced gross surface roughness partially in the smooth surface comparable to the gold surface. The gross roughness was due to depressions gathering mainly near sprue and remarkably increased with mold temperatures higher than 700°C. Internal porosity was scarcely found in the copper alloy but higher mold temperatures produced larger crystal grains. Mold temperature of 600°C seemed optimum for the copper alloy. 3. Heating up to 400 to 1000°C did not change the roughness of the investment mold walls.
  • Hideo ITO, Tadao SODA, Tamio NAKAJIMA, Toaki ONO, Suketomi HIROSE
    1969 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 251-259
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2022/11/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    An unusual mucoepidermoid tumor which occurred in the mandible is described. The tumor was successfully removed by hemimandibulectomy and neck dissection. The clinical, radiographic and histologic findings indicated the central origin of the tumor. The most probable source was assumed to be the inclusion of the retromolar mucous glands in the mandible during the course of development.