Online ISSN : 1880-8255
Print ISSN : 1346-907X
ISSN-L : 1880-8255
35 巻, tokubetu 号
  • 大西 靖彦
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 8-14
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 芝田 清吾
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 15-22
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡部 利雄
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 23-26
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 神立 誠
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 27-34
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 牛乳関係
    津郷 友吉
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 35-40
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 肉関係
    橋本 吉雄
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 41-43
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 桜井 守正
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 44-51
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 内藤 元男, 正田 陽一, 永井 次郎, 長沢 弘, 篠原 元, 寺田 忠弘
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 52-60
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relationship between various characters of teats and milking characteristics was studied in order to see the possibility of improving teat conformation in relation to efficiency of milking in 28 Jersey cows in early period of lactation at Kozu Stock Farm. The herd has been bred in considerablly closed population.
    Such characters as length, diameter, tonus of sphincter muscle and size of orifice were mea- sured on teats, and such milking characteristics as maximum rate of flow, average rate of flow, milking time, peak period and yield at recorded milking were recorded. Tonus of sphincter muscle of teat was measured by applying to teat the pressing band which was the modification of that of the apparatus for blood pressure by RIVA-ROCCI, and size of teat orifice was measured by in- serting a cornical brass rod contrived by, JOHANSSON (1957).
    Then, coefficients of simple and multiple partial correlations with such factors as yield at recorded milking, stage of lactation and number of lactation held constant were calculated between these characters of teats and milking characteristics. Furthermore, influences of parents on phenotypic value of these characters of daughters and degree of phenotypic resemblance in half-sibs were estimated by analysis of variance of intra- and inter -class to see the role of inheritance.
    Results obtained here are summarized as following.
    (1) Significant positive correlation was present between length and diameter of teats, but not between these and tonus of sphincter muscle or size of orifice in characters of teats.
    (2) Significant positive correlation was present between maximum rate of flow and average rate of flow and between milking time and peak period, but highly negative correlations were present between the former two and the latter two in milking characteristics.
    (3) In correlations between these characters and yield, stage of lactation and number of lactation, those between tonus of sphincter muscle and yield or stage of lactation, and that between milking time and stage of lactation were all positive; those between size of teat orifice and yield or stage of lactation, and that between average rate of flow and stage of lactation were all negative.
    (4) Significant negative correlations were present in such combinations between characters of teats and milking characteristics as between tonus of sphincter muscle and maximum rate of flow in both simple and partial correlations, between tonus of sphincter muscle and average rate of. flow in simple correlation, between size of teat orifice and milking time in simple correlation, between size of teat orifice and peak period in partial correlation, and between teat length and milking time or peak period in partial correlation.
    (5) Influences of both parents or one of them were significant on such characters as following. Sire and dam: Tonus of sphincter muscle of teat Sire: Size of teat orifice, asymmetry between front and rear teat orifice, asymmetry between left and right teat orifice, teat length, asymmetry between left and right teat length, maximum rate of flow, average rate of flow, milking time and yield at recorded milking. Dam: Diameter of teats, asymmetry between front and rear teat diameter.
    In conclusion, the tonus of sphincter muscle had larger influence upon the maximum rate of flow than the size of teat orifice from the present data and they are fairly heritable characters.
  • 野鶏並びに地鶏と白色レグホーン種との血清学的関係
    佐々木 清綱, 鈴木 正三, 渡辺 誠喜
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 61-66
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 野鶏と白色レグホーン種,並びに地鶏と白色レグホーン種とのそれぞれの血清間には共通性抗原が存在する.
    2) 白色レグホーン種の血清中には野鶏血清中に含まれていない白色レグホーン種特有の抗原が存在する.
    3) 野鶏血清と地鶏血清,野鶏血清と白色レグホーン種血清とのそれぞれの共通性抗原は同質のものと考えられる.
    4) 地鶏と白色レグホーン種との間のF1の血清中には両親と共通な抗原の他にはF1血清特有の抗原の存在は認められなかった.
  • 正木 淳二, 富塚 常夫, 広江 一正
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 67-74
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 各種家畜精液について総脂質-燐およびプラズマロジエン-燐量を測定し,精子に含まれている燐脂質量と精子の生理機能,とくに運動および生存性との関係をしらべた.
    2, 肉眼で観察された精子の運動および生存性と燐脂質量との関係をしらべるために,精子生存指数75以上(11試料)および25以下(8試料)の2群の山羊精液について精子中の燐脂質量を比較した.その結果,プラズマロジエン-燐以外の脂質-燐量については両群の間に差がみられなかったが,プラズマロジエン-燐については前群の方がはるかに多量であった.精子中のプラズマロジエン-燐量と総脂質-燐量の比および精子中のプラズマロジエン量と精液中のプラズマロジエン量の比も前群の方がはるかに高い値を示した.
    3. 精子の代謝能力と燐脂質量との関係をしらべるために,正常な種雄牛2頭より精液を採取し,各15例について酸素消費量,嫌気的解糖量,精液果糖量および精子燐脂質量を測定した.その結果,洗滌した精子の酸素消費量については,37°C1時間および2時間の測定値において両個体とも精子プラズマロジエン量と高度な正の相関を有することが明らかにされた.37°Cにおける嫌気的解糖量については酸素消費量の場合よりやや低い相関が得られたが,精液果糖量と精子プラズマロジエン量との間には相関がみられなかった.
    4. 牛,馬,豚,山羊および兎精液について総脂質-燐およびプラズマロジエン-燐量を測定し,燐脂質含量にみられる家畜精子間の種属差をしらべた.その結果,いずれの家畜でも一般性状の良好な精液では燐脂質の大部分(54~97%)が精子に存在し,また精子中の含量においては家畜間に明らかな差がみられた.とくに精子中のプラズマロジエン-燐量,プラズマロジエン-燐量/総脂質-燐量またはプラズマロジエン-燐量/プラズマロジエン以外の脂質-燐量についてみると,精子の体外生存時間にみられる傾向と同様,牛および山羊精子は兎,豚および馬精子にくらべてはるかに高い値を示し,後者の中では馬精子が最低であった.
    5. 以上の結果は,プラズマロジエンが家畜精子の内在呼吸基質として精子の運動および生存に関与していることを示唆するもので,このアルデヒド産生燐脂質の測定は精子機能の優劣を判定する上に役だつであろうと思われる.
  • 佐伯 祐弌
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 75-79
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 分散分析の結果,第1週目の精液注入量別,日数別受精率の間に高度の有意差が認められた.1回1羽当り,0.005ml以下の原精液を注入した場合,第1週の平均受精率は50%以下であったが,0,01mlを用いると80%以上の受精率を示した.しかし,0.03ml以上の精液を注入しても受精率は上昇しなかった.
    2. 精液注入後最高受精率がみられたのは第2日目(種卵は注入の翌々日から採取)で,その後は日数経過とともに低下した.とくに第2週目に入ると急激に低下し,その平均受精率は25%以下で,精液の注入量によって有意な差はみられなかった.
    3. 注入精子数と第1週目の平均受精率との間には,精子数が150~500万の範囲のとき最も高い相関係数(r=+0.73)がみられた.精子数が150~1,000万の範囲ではこの関係がやや低くなり(r=+0.54),150~12,000万の範囲ではさらに低い関係(r=+0.39)となった.すなわち,注入精子数がある一定の限度までは受精率と密接な関係があるが,この限度をこえると大した関係はなくなる.
    4. 個々の実験成績からみて,一般に精液の性状が良好なるときは原精液0.01ml(精子数にして5,000万)を1週1回注入することによって良好な受精率を期待することができる.しかし,精液の性状が余り良好でない場合は,0.02ml(精子数にして12,000万くらい)を注入するのが安全である.一般に,1回に多量の精液を用いて,注入間隔を長めようとすることは望ましい方法ではない.
  • 菅原 七郎, 竹内 三郎
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 80-86
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 銅線の双極電極を膣内に挿入し,所定の交流を5秒間,3回通電することにより,容易に偽妊娠が起ることを明らかにした.また,この方法は,非常に簡単で便利であるし,誘起率の点でも非常にすぐれていることを認めた.
    2. この方法では16ボルト以上の電圧で刺激すると100%偽妊娠が起ることを認めた.
    3. 子宮の脱落膜反応や組織学的検索の結果,この方法にょって起った偽妊娠は正常なものであることを確認した.
  • 和田 宏, 湯原 正高
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 87-91
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    試料中の植物性エストロゼンは,ペーパークロマトグラフィーと薄層クロマドグラフィー(TLC)によって同定した.ペーパークロマトグラフィーは,一次元上昇法で行ない,濾紙は東洋濾紙No. 50,展開時間は12時間,溶媒としては,酢酸:水(1:1)を用いた.TLCでは,ガラス板に塗布したメルクのシリカゲルGの薄層に試料をつけ,展開距離は10cm,溶媒としては,ベンゼン:酢酸エチル系(2:1)を用いた.
    対照植物性エストロゼンとして,biochanin A, coumestrol, daidzein, formononetin, genisteinを用いた.クロマドグラムは,螢光下で観察し,対照植物性エストロゼンのスポットのRfと螢光の色にもとづいて,試料中の植物性エストロゼンを同定した.
    この研究の結果,レンゲの抽出物中に,biochanin A,coumestrol, formononetin, genisteinの4種の植物性エストロゼンを同定したが,daidzeinの存在は疑問であった.
    大豆の抽出物中には,上記の5種の植物性エストロビンを同定した.大豆もやしでは,biochanin Aを検出出来なかったが,他の4種の植物性エストロゼンを同定した.
  • 山内 昭二
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 92-100
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Studies on morphogenesis of uterine horn, especially with uterine caruncle in Japanese Native Cattle were undertaken. Uteri from thirty-three fetuses ranging from 5cm to 72cm in Crown-Rump length were used in this study. Longitudinal sections of the horn as well as cross sections were studied microscopically beside macroscopical observations. Stainings employed were hematoxylin-eosin, van Gieson's and periodic acid-Schiff procedure. Histolgical measurements were made with an aid of ocular micrometer.
    Prior to appearance of caruncle, a loose bulge of mucosa accompanied by protuberance of epithelium are recognized in uteri of fetuses ranging from 18cm to 28cm in C. R. length. The uterine caruncle first appears in a fetus of 32cm-33cm in C. R. length and thereafer it acquires a trapezoid form during the period up to the stage of 35cm in C. R. length. Afterwards, the caruncle still continues to enlarge exclusively but the qualitative differentiation is not so remarkable.
    In an early stage, the caruncle is identified as a bulge consisted of mucosal tissue exclusively. In uteri of fetuses larger than 35cm in C. R. length, ring muscle layer also elevates slightly beneath the caruncle and some fibers branch off into caruncular stroma in accordance with the growth of the caruncle.
    In mucosa of uteri earlier than the appearance of the caruncle, only capillary vessels are found. With start of the caruncular growth, small blood vessels begin to penetrate into the stromal tissue of the caruncle. Thereafter they increase progressively in caliber and distribution. Circular blood vessels of subcaruncular uterine wall are observed to be larger than those of intercaruncular wall.
    Wandering leucocytes are found very frequently in uterine wall of bovine fetuses larger than 33cm-35cm in C. R. length. Leucocytes are observed to be more frequently in larger fetuses and in outer layers of the uterus. Leucocytes observed are eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes.
    The intercaruncular uterine mucosa of fetuses larger than 45cm in C. R. length is divided in two layers according to the density of stromal cells and these layers respectively represent similar characters as those of adult. Meanwhile, interior of the caruncle is that of embryonal connective tissue.
  • 市川 収, 玉手 英夫, 石田 一夫, 星野 忠彦
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 101-107
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Mechanism of adipositas and effect of fattening have been investigated histochemically in various organs of Yorkshire pigs used for Pig Feeding Standard revising test in case of pork production. During these investigations, occurrence of glycogen was found in nuclei and cytoplasms of zona reticularis in adrenals of the pigs. No one ever found glycogen there.
    Present study describes frequency of occurrence of glycogen-bearing nuclei and cytoplasms, their size and shape and relationship between glycogen-laden cells and fat-stored cells. The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    1. All of eleven sows and nine hogs investigated contained glycogen-laden nuclei of cells in zona reticularis. In the animals containing remarkably large amount of glycogen-laden nuclei, the similar nuclei were also found in zona fasciculata in 18% of the sows and 22% of the hogs and none in zona glomerulosa.
    2. Appearance of intranuclear glycogen seemed no to be related to feeding but to be related clearly to sex. The glycogen tended to appear more intensively in hogs than in sows.
    3. Modus of the intranuclear glycogen deposition were various: i) glycogen occupied all of large or small nuclei, ii) glycogen attached to nuclear membrane and internal space was empty (ringform), iii) round internal bodies located in vacuolized nuclei, iv) flask-like, dumb bell-like or funnel-like bodies attached to one part of nuclear membrane within vacuolized giant nuclei (one kind of internal bodies), v) several granules or rods contained glycogen near chromatin dispered within nuclei (multiple granular form) and vi) hyperchromic or hypochromic glycogen-laden nuclei by stainability to PAS-stain.
    The vacuolized nuclei with free glycogen were divided into giant nuclei and small nuclei.
    4. Modus of intracytoplasmic glycogen were divided into three types as follows: i) a large amount of glycogen in entire cytoplasms (entire glycogenic form), ii) glycogen deposition formed round solitary islet near nuclear membrane (glycogenic bodies) and iii) a small quantity of glycogen in cytoplasms (diffuse form).
    5. On an average, in the section of one zona reticularis, they were indicated as following table: Occurrence of the cells laden the nuclear and cytoplasmic glycogen and cellular fat in the swine adrenals
    In short, it is important that a fact was observed, 1) intranuclear glycogen was related to cytoplasmic glycogen and 2) cellular glycogen in both nuclei and cytoplasms were related to the appearance of fat-stored cells.
  • 永井 康豊, 西川 哲三郎
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 109-112
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Main lipids of fowl feather were identified as a mixture of triglycerides and its component acids were shown to be saturated higher fatty acids such as stearic acid, arachidic acid and cerotic acid.
    It was verified that oil sacks of fowl were wax secreting glands because by analyzing their contents, they were proved to be a mixture of waxes. Its acid components were characterized as saturated higher acids which were shown gaschromatographically to be saturated fatty acids of even and odd numbered carbon chain. Its alcohol components were inferred to be saturated higher fatty alcohols which mainly have carbon number of more than 20.
  • 三須 幹男
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 113-122
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高原 斉, 加藤 嘉太郎
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 123-130
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has long been considered by many physiologists that sweat gland of the dog was not functional. Nevertheless, many sweat glands are found in all parts of hairy skin in the dog. In this paper, we have attempted to investigate the significance of these glands on the point of functional cytology as well as of microspectrophotometry. The results obtained are as follows:
    1) Apocrine sweat glands of dog are obviously functional. But, it is supposed that sweating of these glands is not physiologically important because population of the gland is very small as compared with hair population and secretory tubule of the gland is poorly developed.
    2) Epithelial cells of apocrine sweat gland contain a large amount of lipids and neutral mucopolysaccharides or mucoproteins. They are decreased or increased by its functional phase.
    3) Eccrine sweat glands of dog are found in skin of foot pads. Epithelial cells of these glands are divided clearly into two types, clear and dark cells, as is seen in human eccrine sweat glands. The former contains a large amount of glycogen and the latter a much of Schiff positive diastase resistant materials.
    4) Physiological significance of the eccrine sweat gland in dog differs from that of man's. It has been supposed that role of the gland in dog has been differentiated to mechanical defense from the circumstances by its secretory fluid rather than the regulation of body temperature.
  • 特に赤沈曲線の動揺について
    大井 澄雄
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 131-134
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to ascertain species variation of erythrocyte sedimentation curve in healthy and sick domestic animals, blood sedimentation rate was measured in 14 horses, 23 swine, 25 dogs, 24 cows, 26 sheep and 23 goats. In all instances, 4 parts of blood was drawn from jugular vein into a syringe, containing 1 part of 3.8% sodium citrate solution, but in swine blood only, samples were collected at the occasion of bleeding in slaughter-house. These citrated blood samples were drawn up into Westergren tube and left in water bath at 20°C. Blood sedimentation rate was measured at the range from 5 minutes to 24 hours. Principal results obtained are given in Fig. 1-6 and Table 1 in Japanese text.
    The erythrocyte in horses settled most quickly, whereas in ruminants the sedimentation rates were the slowest. The rates in swine and dogs lay between them.
    The erythrocyte sedimentation curves in dogs and swine varied largely, whereas in horses and ruminants the variation were small. If the sedimentation curves in domestic animals were grouped into the five types, the occurence of these types among species measured could be given as that shown in Table 2 in the text.
  • 三村 耕, 朝日田 康司, 吉岡 勝, 藤本 尚毅
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 135-140
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Observations in the present paper were initiated at Experimental Farm of Hiroshima University, Fukuyama, in summer of 1959 and continued every year to October of 1961.
    The observations were carried out at monthly intervals from May to September or October to Iambs-4.5-10.O month old Corriedales-grazed on pasture of wild grassland a little under 4 ha wide. Observation technique taken was CHAMBER'S method (1959) in which activities of indi viduals under flock management were recorded at 4 min intervals throughout 24hr and they were classified as grazing, eating concentrates, eating hay, ruminating, resting and idling.
    From data obtained in 13 observations, it has been shown that there were three types in the pattern of grazing lamb's behavior. The first was a type of intensive grazing concentrated in daytime which was seen in flock grazed on spring pasture and the second was a type of grazing concentrated in nighttime seen in flock on midsummer pasture. The third was a breakup or dispersed type between daytime and night seen in flock on early summer or autumn pasture.
    The G R Ratio (grazing/ruminating ratio) from present data varied seasonally from about 2 in May through 1 in August down to 0.8 in September. Although leisurely grazing in spring (DORAN, 1943) must be considered, increase of grazing time in spring and decrease in summer were clearly pointed out. These seasonal variations in the pattern of lamb's grazing behavior would largely depend on variations of environmental temperature, daylength, grassland conditions and others. They were discussed with reference to regulation mechanism of body temperature.
    There were evidence of disturbed lamb activities in mixed grazing with cattle, but as these disturbance did not continue for long time, it would not appear therefore that grazing pattern of lambs was much influenced by cattle.
  • 粂野 文雄, 西松 一郎
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 141-146
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In studing in vitro rumen fermentation, cow and calf feces were investigated in place of rumen liquor as medium. Incubations were carried out in all glass artificial rumen for 24 hours, bubbling carbon dioxide continuously and volatile fatty acids (VFA for short) were determined by gas chromatography. It was observed that the composition of VFA produced by feces bacteria quite resembled that of rumen bacteria.
    In order to compare soil bacteria with rumen bacteria, successive incubations of soil bacteria were conducted for 30 days in which half of the previous medium served as inoculum for the next 24 hours' fermentation.
    Lactic and formic acids were produced first, and they then disappeared in a few days and propionic and higher acids increased in longer incubation instead of former two acids. The composition of VFA produced by soil bacteria became to be similar to that of rumen bacteria in 15 days.
    When bacteria population in inoculum are decreased by diluting with salt solution, VFA production in the artificial rumen decreased and formic and lactic acids were produced simultaneously. From these results of the experiments it may be concluded that the rumen bacteria which are responsible for VFA production originate from soil and or feces source.
  • 上坂 章次, 川島 良治, 善林 明治, 鈴岡 正博
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 147-153
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The authors wanted to study on the mechanism of the effects of estrogen or/and goitrogen in cattle fattening from the points of digestion physiology.
    The effects of these two hormonal substances on numbers and activities of rumen micro-organisms were examined in vivo and in vitro. Diethyl-stilbestrol (DES) was used as an estrogen and methylthiouracil (MTU) as a goitrogen.
    The effects of DES or/and MTU on the numbers of rumen micro-organisms in sheep were examined twice in vivo with different basal rations but no significant effect was found. The effects of these two hormonal substances on ratios of kinds of rumen protozoa in sheep were examined but no significant result was found either. It was found that when the concentrates and alfalfa pellet were given to the sheep, the number of rumen protozoa increased, and the ratio of Entodinium also increased but the one of Diplodinium decreased, comparing with sheep when the concentrates and hay were given.
    Using artificial rumen, the effects of DES or/and MTU on performance of cellulose digestion of rumen bacteria in cattle were examined in vitro. But no significant effect was found when the concentration of the hormonal substances was the same with the one which had been used ordinarily for cattle fattening. When the concentration of DES in tube of artificial rumen was over 5mcg/ml, the performance of cellulose digestion of rumen bacteria decreased.
    Using the artificial rumen, the effects of DES or/and MTU on performance of volatile fatty acids production of rumen protozoa in cattle were examined in vitro but no significant effect was found.
    From the results mentioned above, the authors guessed that the principal mechanism of the actions of hormonal substances in cattle fattening was not in the part of digestion physiology but in the other part, for example, the part of endocrinology.
  • 吉田 実, 星井 博, 森本 宏
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 154-159
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Five different sources of fibre, cellulose powder, carboxy methyl cellulose, rice hull, alfalfa meal and soybean oil meal were fed to day-old White Leghorn male chicks for 4 or 8 weeks at 4 different dietary fibre levels. Test diets were so prepared that all of them contained the same levels of crude protein and total digestible nutrients, and adequate levels of minerals and vitamins. Basal diets for starting and growing chicks contained 1.24% and 2.06% of crude fibre, respectively.
    In Expt. 302, triplicated lots of 15 chicks each were fed 5 starting diets for 4 weeks in two electrically heated battery brooders. Then, the chicks of 3 groups out of 5 were moved to cages and experiment was continued until 8 weeks of age, 6 lots of 6 birds each being used as a group. In Expt. 305, 4 groups of duplicated lots of 18 chicks each were fed 4 different diets for 4 weeks. Three groups were moved to cages and experiment run as in Expt. 302. In Expt. 311, triplicated lots of 15 chicks each were fed 3 different diets for 4 weeks.
    No significant difference in growth rate and feed efficiency was observed among the chicks fed the diets of different fibre levels of different sources. It is concluded that the dietary fibre level has little influence on performance of starting and growing chicks, when the dietary levels of energy, protein, minerals and vitamins were controlled carefully.
  • 大島 正尚, 窪田 大作
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 160-166
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Determination of fecal endogenous phosphorus by using method of dilution analysis of P-32 and measurement of daily urinary phosphorus were made using four colostomized laying WhiteLeghorn hens. The hens were fed all mashed diet containning 0.96 percent of phosphorus and 2.80 percent of calcium.
    2. The fecal endogenous phosphorus was determined by using following formula:
    Fecal endogenous P (mg/day)=specific activity of P-32 in feces/specific activity of P-32 in urine ×Total P in feces (mg/day)
    It was estimated that the fecal endogenous phosphorus which was excreted by a hen a day was 6.47±1.02 (St. Dev.) mg on average. It was only 1.49 percent of the total phosphorus in feces on average. Therefore amount of the fecal endogenous phosphorus of the laying hen had little effect on calculation of true digestibility of phosphorus in the diet.
    3. Level of urinary phosphorus was exceedingly high on day of egg laying; while amount of urinary phosphorus was 10 percent of the total phosphorus excretion on day of pause, it reached 34 percent on laying day on average.
    It is inferable urinary phosphorus on laying day is released from bone, simultaneously with calcium which is called for formation of the egg shell. Therefore its amount indicates the degree in which mineral mobilization occurred in the bone for shell formation. The urinary phosphorus level of the hen was estimated to be about 2mg a day when no egg shell formation took place.
    4. Since almost all urinary phosphorus on laying day is derived from bone, the amount of corresponding bone calcium can be estimated by using Ca: P ratio (2.115) of bone. Assuming that all calcium released from bone with urinary phosphorus on laying day is utilized for shell formation, maximum percentage of shell calcium derived from bone can be estimated. Thus it was estimated that calcium derived from the bone constituted 21.7-46.4 percent of shell calcium in each hen, and 41.2 percent on average. Then diet calcium constituted 54-78 percent, and 59 percent on average of the egg shell calcium under the condition of the present experiment.
  • 上坂 章次, 川島 良治, 加藤 啓介, 大崎 豊彦, 岡田 通子
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 167-173
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Three feeding experiments have conducted in order to examine the interrelationship of growth depressing factor and goitrogenic factor in rapeseed oil meal. Day old White Leghorn female chicks were divided into six or eight lots of 25 each. One lot was fed on soybean oil meal diet as a control and other lots were fed on 15% rapeseed oil meal diet with various levels of dried thyroid powder (Thyradin). At the termination of eight or ten weeks feeding period, three chickens representing each lot were killed for thyroid examination.
    Feeding of rapeseed oil meal diet resulted in an obvious enlargement and marked histological changes of thyroid gland. Degree of enlargement of thyroid was not the same in three experiments and was most severe in Experiment III and was slightest in Experiment I. But thyroid of chickens fed on rapeseed oil meal diet containing 10mg% Thyradin were normal or nearly normal on both size and histological feature in all experiments.
    Body weight gain was depressed by feeding of rapeseed oil meal diet. Degree of depression was most severe in Experiment III and slightest in Experiment I, which was in parallel with the tendency of enlargement of thyroid. The addition of Thyradin on it resulted in an increase of gain in Experiment I and II, but it was not found any apparent effect of Thyradin in Experiment III.
    Feed consumption did not change by feeding of rapeseed oil meal diet in Experiment I and it decreased considerably in Experiment II and III. The addition of Thyradin on it showed an increase of feed consumption in Experiment I and II but did not show any apparent effect in Experiment III.
    Feed efficiency was depressed by feeding rapeseed oil meal diet on almost same degree in three experiments and it was not affected by the addition of Thyradin.
    The results of these three experiments suggested that it should be taken into account not only body weight gain but also feed consumption and feed efficiency in considering the effects of rapeseed oil meal on growth of chickens. And it was also guessed that in the rapeseed oil meal, the factors which affected thyroid weight and feed consumption in chickens might be identical or in close relationships and that the factors which affected thyroid weight and feed efficiency in chickens might be different from each other.
  • 庄司 圭吾, 戸塚 耕二
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 174-178
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 橋本 吉雄, 有馬 俊六郎, 三河 勝彦, 金 栄教, 江 柑柑, 上山 英一, 大浦 義教, 遊佐 孝五
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 179-184
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 本地帯は僻地とはいえ,乳牛飼養歴は古いにもかかわらず飼養状態は標準以下で,特に妊娠初期の10月頃の飼養が悪い.
    (2) 本地帯のアルコール不安定乳の75%は秋口2等乳になり春から初夏にかけて正常に戻るものであった.
    (3) 乳成分ではカゼイン,乳糖,クエン酸,燐等の値が低く,pH,電気伝導度,酸可溶蛋白,シアル酸等の値が高い.
    (4) 耐熱性は120°C 30分では正常乳と差は少ないが,128°C 30分では大半凝固して差が生じ,また燐酸加里加熱試験でも差が見られた.カード張力は正常乳よりやや低い.
    (5) 本地帯のアルコール不安定乳の大半は飼料給与の改善により回復する可能性がある.
    (6) 各分房毎にアルコール凝固程度は多少異なる.
  • 宮辺 豊紀, 平野 勝敏
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 185-191
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 本報中の"興常乳"とは搾乳直後の新鮮乳で酸度が正常であるのにアルコールテストによって陽性を示す牛乳(低酸度アルコール不安定乳)のことである.消化と脱燐酸を研究する目的のために,α-よびβ-カゼインをHIPPの尿素法により調製し,ペプシンとトリプシンを用いて人工消化試験を行なった.
    (2) その結果,異常乳のα-およびβ-カゼインともにペプシンで5時間消化したとき,正常乳のそれらよりも消化され難いことが認められた.しかしペプシンでの12時間消化後は正常乳と異常乳のα-およびβ-カゼインの消化率の値に何等顕著な相異は認められなかった.
    (3) ペプシンでの5時間消化後のカゼインの脱燐酸についていえば,正常乳のα-およびβ-カゼインから遊離した遊離全燐の量は殆んど同じであり,一方異常乳の場合,α-カゼインから遊離した遊離全燐の量はβ-カゼインのそれよりも著しく小であった.
    (4) 最初カゼインをペプシンで12時間,さらにトリプシンで12時間消化したとき,正常および異常乳のα-およびβ-カゼインの消化率の値はトリプシン消化時間の初めの5時間においてのみ僅かに増加することが観察された.
    (5) とはいえ,ペプシンとトリプシンで各12時間消化したのちの正常および異常乳のカゼインの消化率と脱燐酸における顕著な相異はみられなかった.
  • 津郷 友吉, 松岡 博厚, 藤森 隆夫
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 192-196
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pen. caseicolumにより熟成した半硬質白カビチーズの遊離脂肪酸の変動をカラムクロマトグラフィーの手段により検討し,その結果を他の数種のチーズについて調査した結果と比較した.得られた結果は次の通りである.
    1) 半硬質白カビチーズの脂肪分解は,C6以上の遊離脂肪酸量からみて,熟成2週間前後から急速に進むことが認められた.熟成3週間の全期間をじ,C6以上の脂肪酸の変化量が最も著しく,他の酸では大きな変化が認められなかった.
    2) 半硬質白カビチーズの遊離脂肪酸量を他のチーズのそれと比較した結果,C6以上の脂肪酸量はブルーチーズの約1/8,硬質チーズの約3~4倍であり,脂肪分解度からみると,両者の中位にあたることが認められた.また軟質白カビチーズは,半硬質白カビチーズに比し脂肪分解度が高いことが認められた.
    3) 分析した半硬質白カビチーズ,ブルーチーズ,エソメソタールチーズ,ゴーダチーズならびにリンブルガー型チーズのクロマトグラムは,各チーズの特性を示すと思われる独特の様相を示した.
  • 津郷 友吉, 加藤 雄志
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 197-203
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Brevibacterium linensおよびCandida rugosaを用いて,風味の比較的穏やかな半硬質表面発酵チーズの製造を試みたが,水分含量45%ていどになるよう調整した製品が組織,風味の点で望ましいものと認められた.
    またここに用いたBrev. linensおよびC. rugosaの蛋白分解酵素系の諸性質を調べた結果,次の点が明らかになった.
    (1) Brev. linensとC. rugosaを同条件で自己消化させた場合,トリクロル酢酸可溶のFolin試薬発色性物質の生産という点からみる限り,C. rugosaの自己消化液の方が窒素1mg当りの活性が強い.
    (2) C. rugosaの蛋白分解酵素系の至適pHは6.5で,チーズカードのpHは,C. rugosaの蛋白分解酵素系の作用に適した状態にある.
    (3) C. rugosaの蛋白分解酵素系は,α-カゼインを強く分解するが,Brev. linensではこの作用が弱い.
  • 大条 方義
    1964 年 35 巻 tokubetu 号 p. 204-210
    発行日: 1964/10/26
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Condensed milk was made adding glucose in place of sucrose and the properties of thus prepared glucose condensed milk were studied.
    The lower the moisture content of glucose condensed milk, the more it resulted first in promoting the development of thickening and solidifiction and then that of brown discoloration of the finished product.
    Canned product of glucose condensed milk, with water content of less than 30%, thickened within one or two weeks and the texture became gritty. Film packed product in "Poly-Cello" bag on the other hand, even with lower 21% water content, kept its consistency of processed cheese-like plasticty for more than 8 months.
    From the results obseved by eletrophoresis, casein fraction, especially γ-casein fraction was found considerably denatured in glucose condensed milk.