The author has been stayed in Western Europe and North America from September to December in 1967 which oversease accademic study supported by the Japan Ministry of Education. Main purpose of the study ware politico-economic geographical views on the core areas and its marginal lands (frontier and border regions) in each countries, in especially, stayed in West Germany and its neighbour countries during the first half Period. This article is the first report of the above study, and the author has to express my hearty thanks to Prof. Dr. Peter Scholler. Wiss. Assistant Dr. Alois Mayer and Herrn Heinz Heineberg of Geography Instiute in the Ruhr University (Bochum), Herrn Edmund Linden, Director of Econmic Development Department of Stadt Dusseldorf. In this article, the Ruhrgebiet covered 26 administrative districts by development planning of the Siedlungsverband Ruhrkohlenbezirk (SVR), and the author has to make clear two points : 1) developing patterns in the Ruhr and 2) to explain detail the reorganize through views the SVR's plannings in 1960 and 1964. We have distinctly recognise that the Ruhr is core area in the Rhein-Ruhr Metropolitan Area caused by highest population density and its economic activities. But we can seperated six patterns in the Ruhr within physical features, historical tendency and economic activities as follows : Ruhr Valley, Hellweg axis, Emscher valley, Recklinghausen hills, Lippe valley and Munsterland (Fig. 1 and 2). All most of people lives in urban areas but no one of cities can be said to dominate the others, so called, the Ruhr is most typical polycentric urban areas in the world. On the development patterns ; Ruhrgebiet is based upon the Ruhr coal field and harlf-and-over of workers employed into industry but Hellweg cities (Essen, Bochum and Dortmunt) has many employees into the tertiary industry more than the others. In especially, Cities of Recklinghausen hills are based upon coal mining and chemical industries which called one-industry and one-class towns in commonly (Tabe 1). These differential patterns are distinctly appeares in landscape which shown in Fig. 3. The Ruhr valley is old coal mining area and changes to residential and recreation areas in today, but population is saturated. Hellweg region is core area in the Ruhr and cities developed along the Hellweg route, and Altstadt and Neustadt developed in each cities. Urbanizing is expanded during World War II and we can see lack of open space and occured air pollution, but on the other hand, these urbanized areas has original town planning-siedlungsplanung in Essen and Bochum. Emscher valley developed after mid-nineteen century based upon coal mining industry, and all most of all cities are small and medium size. Population dencity is very high and city function is very simple, so that this region faces to occuring serious problems into economic and social sides which caused by declining of coal mining industry. And so many worker's colonies has become slum. Recklinghausen hills is fertail agricultural region and new residental estates (siedlung) developed by expand of coal mining after 1920's period. Some big coal chemical factories established in this region. Along the Lippe valley, small size cities located and new town-for example Wulfen-construacted after the war. This region has growing to new developing land in the Ruhr. To north region, Munsterland is agricultural lands and agriculural products supply to the Ruhr, its northern limit of coal field. Munsterland has become supplying area of workers to the Ruhr.