Background:Hyperactivity of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and functional deficits in hypertension are reduced after exercise training. We evaluate in arteries, kidney and plasma of hypertensive rats the sequential effects of training on vascular angiotensinogen, Ang II and Ang (1-7) content.
Methods and Results:Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) were trained or kept sedentary (S) for 3 months. After hemodynamic measurements (weeks 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12), blood, arteries and kidneys were obtained to quantify the angiotensin content (HPLC) and angiotensinogen expression (Western Blotting). SHR-S vs. WKY-S exhibited elevated pressure, increased angiotensinogen and angiotensins’ content in the renal artery with a high Ang II/Ang (1-7) ratio (~5-fold higher than in the femoral artery, kidney and plasma, and 14-fold higher than in the aorta). Training promptly reduced angiotensinogen expression and downregulated the RAS in the renal SHR artery (1
thweek), with a specific reduction of the vasoconstrictor axis; significant reduction of the AngII/Ang (1-7) ratio (36%, T
8) occurred simultaneously with significant pressure fall (5%). In other SHR arteries, plasma and kidneys and in all WKY tissues, T-induced AngII and Ang (1-7) reductions were proportional, maintaining the AngII/Ang (1-7) ratio.
Conclusions:Vascular RAS is not equally expressed in vessels, having crucial importance in the renal artery. In the renal SHR artery, training downregulates the vasoconstrictor and preserves the vasodilator axis while in other tissues and plasma training reduces both RAS axes, thus maintaining the vasoconstriction/vasodilatation balance in a lower level. (
Circ J 2015;
79: 1372–1380)
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