e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
Online ISSN : 1348-0391
ISSN-L : 1348-0391
  • Jingmin Tang, Takeru Nakashima, Masashige Miyamoto, Xiaoni Zhang, Masa ...
    原稿種別: Technical Note
    分野: Instrumentations and Techniques
    論文ID: 2025-001
    発行日: 2025/01/11
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2025/01/11
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス 早期公開

    Mixing solutions and evaluating their concentrations are common and often critical tasks in laboratory experiments. Traditionally, these tasks have been conducted though manual optimization and by sampling across all conditions. Here, we present an alternative approach adopting a robotic system integrated with Bayesian optimization whereby solvents are automatically and autonomously mixed to the desired concentration. The solution control system has a robot-controlled pipette and an optical transmission setup that makes both the liquid injections and measurement evaluations. A demonstration achieved the target solvent concentration after several iterations. The methodology can be applied to various research scenarios, and the presented system can be extended to sophisticated applications. In this technical note, we provide details of the system for installation in other laboratories.
