Using first-principles band calculations, we investigate various bulk properties, such as redox potentials, crystal and electronic structure, diffusion properties of Li, defect formation of Li/M site exchange, solubility limits for dilute Li/vacancy composition, and elastic properties of Li
4 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) in the Olivine-type structure. The calculated redox potentials showed in a better accordance with experiments by the using GGA+
U method for
Ueff (=
J)=4.0 eV than the GGA method. These obtained computational results revealed the relationship between bulk properties and crystal/electronic structure. For examples, (1) volumetric change by electrochemical Li removal/uptake reaction related to the repulsive interaction between O 2p electrons and octahedrally coordinated transition metal (TM) e
g electrons, (2) electronic defect (polaron) localization caused an increase of activation energies of Li ion hopping, and so on. Using these fundamental bulk properties, comprehensive discussion was made from the view point of electrochemical performance.