The purpose of this paper is to clarify that Dalcroze's research began with solfege studies that
focused on internal listening for professional music students, and that he developed the concept of
''rhythmic movement to control and develop temperament'' based on his consideration of the
relationship between temperament, including constitution, climate, and ethnicity, and that he
examined both solfege and rhythmic movement from a physiological viewpoint.
Jacques Dalcroze believed that it was important for those who were to become experts in the study
of solfege to develop internal listening skills and thereby acquire a sense of tonality and harmony. At
the same time, it should not be overlooked that he incorporated a physiological perspective into
solfege learning. On the other hand, with regard to rhythmic exercises, he became clearly aware of
the educational significance of rhythmic exercises by examining the relationship between climate,
climate, and people's temperament, as well as the relationship between each musical characteristic
and the nerves and muscles.
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