Experimental Animals
Online ISSN : 1881-7122
Print ISSN : 1341-1357
ISSN-L : 0007-5124
Volume 54, Issue 2
Displaying 1-14 of 14 articles from this issue
  • Norihide YOKOI
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 111-115
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease involving both environmental and genetic factors. Genetic analyses in humans and rodents have shown that the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a major genetic factor and that several other genes may be involved in the development of the disease. We performed genetic analysis of type 1 diabetes in a newly established animal model, the Komeda diabetes-prone (KDP) rat, and found that most of the genetic predisposition to diabetes is accounted for by two major susceptibility genes, MHC and Iddm/kdp1. In addition, we identified a nonsense mutation in the Casitas B-lineage lymphoma b (Cblb) gene by positional cloning of Iddm/kdp1. In this paper, I review our positional cloning analysis of Iddm/kdp1 and propose a two-gene model of the development of type 1 diabetes in which two major susceptibility genes, Cblb and MHC, determine autoimmune reaction and tissue specificity to pancreatic β-cells, respectively.
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  • Tomo INOMATA, Hiroyoshi NINOMIYA, Tomoyuki MIZUTANI, Yuko MORI, Naomi ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 117-122
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    A simple method of ileocolostomy was performed in rats. The colon near the cecum was ligated, including its arteries and veins. Main artery and vein of the cecum were ligated. Then, the cecum was cut out. A longitudinal incision was made on the anti-mesenteric side of the proximal end of the colon, approximately 7-8 mm long. A 21-G needle was inserted toward the incision 2 cm away from the proximal end of the anti-mesenteric side of the colon. A nylon suture was knotted once to the distal end of the ileum and was introduced into the tip of the needle which had previously been passed through the colon. Then, the needle was removed. The suture was pulled to introduce the distal end of the ileum into the colonic lumen. Then, the suture was knotted once on the colon again to fix the ileum to the colon. The incision in the proximal end of the colon was not closed. At the 2nd week after the operation, X-ray examinations demonstrated that the ileocolonic passages with no leakage at the anastomotic site were quite satisfactory. At the 4th week after the operation, there were no macroscopic or microscopic complications at the anastomotic site. The mucosal and serosal epithelia of the ileum and colon continued smoothly. This simple method may be very effective in preparing anastomosis in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in small laboratory animals for nutritional and surgical experiments.
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  • Nobuhito HAYASHIMOTO, Takeshi AIBA, Kikuji ITOH, Megumi KATO, Eiichi K ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 123-129
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    Discrepancies have been recognized in the identification of Pasteurella pneumotropica between testing laboratories. To determine the causes of the differences and to propose a reliable identification procedure for P. pneumotropica, a working group was organized and 69 isolates identified or suspected as P. pneumotropica were collected from 8 laboratories in Japan. These isolates were examined by colony morphology, Gram-staining, the slide agglutination test using two antisera (ATCC35149 and MaR), two commercially available biochemical test kits (ID test, API20NE) and two primer sets of PCR tests (Wang PCR, CIEA PCR). The 69 isolates and two reference strains were divided into 10 groups by test results. No single procedure for P. pneumotropica identification was found. Among tested isolates, large differences were not observed by colony morphology and Gram-straining except for colony colors that depended on their biotypes. Sixty-eight out of 69 isolates were positive by the slide agglutination test using two antisera except for one isolate that tested with one antiserum. The ID test identified 61 out of 69 isolates as P. pneumotropica and there was no large difference from the results of CIEA PCR. From these results, we recommend the combination of colony observation, Gram-straining, the slide agglutination tests with two antisera and biochemical test using the ID test for practical and reliable identification of this organism.
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  • Mizuki AKAHORI, Atsushi TAKATORI, Seiji KAWAMURA, Shinichi ITAGAKI, Ya ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 131-136
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    Non-human primates are frequently used in toxicological studies the result of which are extrapolated to humans, but background data on drug metabolism ability among monkeys derived from different countries has not been published, especially on the key enzyme, cytochrome P450 (CYP450). We assessed the amounts of hepatic CYP450 obtained from cynomolgus monkeys of different ages and from different countries in this study. There were no regional differences of total P450 content, as well as major CYP450 isozymes (CYP 1A, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E1 and 3A4) in cynomolgus monkeys by westernblot analysis. Similarly, there were no significant differences with hybrid cynomolgus monkeys, but variations in individual values were large. As for aging, total P450 contents declined in old cynomolgus monkeys (12-32 years of age). These results indicate the usefulness of basic data of hepatic CYP450 obtained from cynomolgus monkeys of different ages and from different countries.
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  • Yusuke SOTOMARU, Tsutomu KAMISAKO, Kyoji HIOKI
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 137-141
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    In most strains of rats, the effects of treatment for the induction of superovulation show major strain differences and are strongly influenced by the stage of the estrous cycle. This study demonstrated, however, that superovulation was easily induced in Wistar strain Brl Han:WIST@Jcl(GALAS) rats by PMSG and hCG administration. To confirm the effects of such treatment, we studied age differences in egg collection efficiency. After superovulation was induced by intraperitoneal administration of 150 IU/kg PMSG and 75 IU/kg hCG given 48 h apart, the mean numbers of oocytes obtained from rats at 4, 8, 12, 20 and 28 weeks of age were 38.9, 33.5, 46.1, 26.9 and 21.3, respectively. No differences caused by the estrous stage at the PMSG administration were observed. In an embryo transfer experiment, fertilized eggs obtained from superovulated rats at each week of age showed equivalent viability until full-term to those from untreated rats. These results suggest that estrous stage-independent superovulation is effective not only in the pre-pubertal stage but also in adult rats.
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  • Taizo NAGURA, Satoshi HACHIMURA, Shuichi KAMINOGAWA, Tsutomu ARITSUKA, ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 143-148
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    Cecal microflora of BALB/c mice originating from two different SPF-breeding colonies were compared. The analysis of cultivable bacteria in the ceca showed significantly higher numbers of total bacteria in BALB/cCrSlc (SLC mice) than in BALB/cA Jcl (JCL mice) (p<0.05), which were mainly based on higher numbers and occurrence of Peptococaceae. Bifidobacteria were detected only in SLC mice. Feeding an oligosaccharide, raffinose, to the mice also induced different shifts in the composition of cecal microflora and the concentration of cecal organic acids. In the second experiment, hysterectomy-derived (HD) SLC mice were fostered to SPF lactating SLC mothers, or SPF lactating JCL mice, together with the mother's own natural birth (NB) pups in each isolator. HD mice fostered to SLC-mothers showed significantly higher percentages of T-cell receptor αβ cells expressing a CD8α homodimer (p<0.05) and a CD8αβ heterodimer (p<0.001) in the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) compared with HD mice fostered to JCL-mothers. IEL profiles of HD mice corresponded well to those of NB mice that were breast-fed by the same mothers. Differences in the ratio of B220+cells to Thy1.2+cells in the splenocytes were also observed as a trend between both HD mice fostered to SLC or JCL mothers (p=0.06). These results suggest that postnatal colonization of various characteristic intestinal microflora derived from SPF-breeding colonies results in differences in development of lymphocyte populations in the intestinal and systemic organs of mice.
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  • Taizo KONDO, Toshio KONDO, Yasuhisa SHIOMOTO, Akira MOMII
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 149-154
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    The effects of housing on the onset time and prevalence of wet skin lesions were investigated in NOA mice, which spontaneously develop these lesions at a high rate. Wet skin lesions developed earliest in mice that were housed individually. For mice that were housed in groups, the lesions developed earlier in mice with non-littermate group housing than in mice with littermate group housing. The prevalence of lesions was in the following order: individual housing > non-littermate group housing > littermate group housing. These results suggest that socio-psychological factors are involved in the etiology of wet skin lesions in the NOA mouse. Under individual housing conditions, two other novel characters of the NOA mouse were also observed, specifically, development of dry skin and wet skin lesions at the tail root. These characteristics developed early and with high prevalence and were easily observed on external examination. Therefore, these novel characteristics observed in NOA mice are potential markers of the psychological state of the animals.
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  • Toshio AKIMOTO, Norihide HAYASHI, Mari ADACHI, Nobuaki KOBAYASHI, Xue- ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 155-161
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    The common bile duct-ligated (CBDL) rat, which is widely used as a model of human cirrhosis, rapidly develops secondary biliary cirrhosis (SBC) within 4 weeks. The CBDL rat shows poor viability, however, a detailed examination of the causes of its death has not been made. In this study, we investigated the outcome of bile duct ligation in detail and attempted to extend the life span of this model by feeding the animals a diet supplemented with nutrients. Survival rate, blood chemistry, blood cell counts, plasma levels of K vitamins and liver histology were compared among CBDL rats fed a standard diet and an enriched diet. Sham-operated rats were used as a control. Six out of 18 CBDL rats fed the standard diet died within 32 days of operation. The cause of death was massive internal hemorrhage in various organs or body cavities. All CBDL rats fed the enriched diet survived more than 31 days, but the viability of CBDL rats was not significant between those fed the standard diet and the enriched diet. The degree of anemia correlated significantly with the prolongation of prothrombin time. Plasma vitamin K1 levels in CBDL rats were significantly lower than those in sham-operated rats, but vitamin K2 levels were similar. We suggest that massive hemorrhage, which was the direct cause of death, is caused by the impairment of hemostasis resulting from vitamin K deficiency. The enriched diet with vitamin K nutritional supplements seemed to contribute to the prolongation of the life span of CBDL rats.
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  • Hiroyuki YAMADA, Tadashi UDAGAWA, Satoru MIZUNO, Kumiko HIRAMATSU, Isa ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 163-172
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    Guinea pigs are often used as an animal model of human tuberculosis (TB). However, there are few methods available for pursuing the immunological processes involved in guinea pig TB. In this study, we developed for the first time systematic reverse transcription (RT)-PCR for evaluation of guinea pig mRNA expression. RT-PCR primer sets were newly designed for detection of cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA in guinea pig TB. Interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-2, IL-10, IL-12p40, granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and iNOS mRNA expression were detected significantly and reproducibly when these primer sets were used. The data by real-time PCR were comparable with those of RT-PCR. We showed that these RT-PCR primer sets could be used to examine mRNA expression semi-quantitatively in guinea pig tissues, and conclude that these newly designed primer sets for conventional RT-PCR will be useful for studying the immunological processes in guinea pig tuberculosis experiments to investigate and evaluate efficacy of new vaccines or anti-mycobacterial drugs.
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  • Samuel ADJEI, Akira SATO, Shigekazu TANAKA, Eiji KOBAYASHI, Kazuaki TA ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 173-180
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    To serve as an initial step in developing an ideal genetic marker map for the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus, 318 comparative anchor tagged sequence (CATS) primer pairs were assessed for polymorphism ascertainment and linkage mapping. Of the 112 (35.2%) CATS primer pairs that were successfully amplified by PCR in the shrew, 18 (16.1%) showed polymorphism between two mutant strains, BAN-kc, oeb and WZ. Linkage analysis of the polymorphic CATS markers and three visible mutant genes, kc, oeb and wz, genotyped in a 77 F2 mapping panel from a cross of the two mutant strains, assigned wz and five CATS markers into three linkage groups. Sequence analysis revealed that two (ADA and TXN) out of nine CATS amplified sequences had a total of six deletions of varying sizes and 17 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). BLAST search identified three CATS (ADA, CYP1A2, and TXN) products matching the genes from which they were originally designed, while the remaining six markers could not be identified. Together with the use of the detected SNPs as genetic markers, the five CATS markers linkage mapped in this species will serve as anchors in establishing the first framework map for locating loci affecting all heritable qualitative and quantitative traits in the musk shrew.
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    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 181-184
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    ICR-derived glomerulonephritis (ICGN) mice are a novel inbred strain with hereditary nephrotic syndrome and are thus considered a good animal model of human idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. In the present study, we investigated the effect to erythrocyte production by human erythropoietin (hEPO) treatment in ICGN mice during the early nephrotic stage. Erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit value in hEPO-treated (5 U/body/day, for 5 days) ICGN mice were recovered to the levels found in normal ICR mice. In addition, there was no correlation between plasma creatinine level, a marker of renal function, and erythrocyte count after hEPO treatment. Therefore, anemia in ICGN mice may be caused by decreased production of EPO in the kidney following progressive parenchymal damage.
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  • Hiroe KON, Atsushi TOHEI, Ryoji HOKAO, Motoo SHINODA
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 185-187
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    The estrous cycle influence on the number of ovulated eggs after injection of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was investigated in 12, 18, and 24 weeks old adult female Wistar-Imamichi (WI) rats. PMSG (150 IU/kg) was injected at metestrus, diestrus, proestrus, or estrus, followed by hCG (75 IU/kg) 55 h later. Ovulation was induced at all ages and stages of the estrous cycle. The number of ovulated eggs was not affected by stage for similarly aged rats, however, the number of ovulated eggs obtained after treatment decreased with age. These results demonstrate that the PMSG/hCG treatment can induce ovulation at any stage of estrous cycle in WI rats and efficient superovulation at 12 weeks of age.
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  • Masaaki KURATA, Takeshi IIDAKA, Naoko YAMASAKI, Yukiko SASAYAMA, Yoshi ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 189-192
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    A battery of simple tests for profiling abnormalities of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors encountered in drug-toxicity studies was verified in rats treated with warfarin (3 and 10 mg/kg, p.o). The thrombotest, or hepaplastin-test, is useful as a follow-up test after routine screening tests for coagulation abnormalities based on PT and APTT, to rule out other coagulation-factor abnormalities. Measurement of coagulation factor activities (factors II, VII, IX and X) using factor-deficient human plasmas provides direct evidence of decreased activities of vitamin K-dependent factors. Furthermore, Echis carinatus venom coagulation time, together with factor II activity, allows us to confirm the generation of PIVKA-II.
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  • Yoshihiro TAKASUGI, Toru SHIRAI, Koichi FUTAGAWA, Yoshihisa KOGA, Kent ...
    2005 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 193-196
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: May 17, 2005
    Reported cisternal puncture methods require the anesthetization and fixation of an animal within a stereotaxic frame. To determine the effect of anesthesia and animal fixation on the central nervous system (CNS), amino acid concentrations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampled by transcutaneous cisternal puncture were compared among awake rats, pentobarbital-anesthetized rats and pentobarbital-anesthetized rats fixed in a stereotaxic frame. Although the concentrations of many amino acids in the CSF of pentobarbital-anesthetized rats were lower than in awake rats, use of the stereotaxic frame resulted in significantly increased amino acid concentrations in the CSF. These data indicate that CSF sampling by transcutaneous cisternal puncture from awake rats is a suitable method for serial measurement of drug effects on the CNS.
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