Correlation between fisheries catch and the area of coastal ecological components (seaweed bed, tidal flat and shallow sea area) was analyzed for the nine sea areas (Suo-Nada, Iyo-Nada, Aki-Nada, Bingo-Geiyo-Seto, Hiuchi-Nada, Bisan-Seto, Harima-Nada, Osaka-Bay and Kii-Channel) in the Seto Inland Sea. Areas of seaweed bed and tidal flat were based on research conducted in 1978-79 and 1989-91 by Ministry of the Environment, and area shallower than 10m were estimated from coastal-hydrographic data on a GIS digital map. Annual mean fisheries catches of 28 main fish items corresponding to the years described above were analyzed using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Spearman rank correlation coefficient after being standardized per unit sea area. Thirty-six positive correlations were detected, e.g., Japanese flounder, fine spotted flounder, red sea bream, black sea bream and rock fishes (Sebastes spp.) with Zostera bed, Japanese flounder, red sea bream, black sea bream, sea urchins and turban shell (Turbo cornutus) with Sargassum bed, abalones with kelp (Ecklonia) bed, flat fishes, benthic animals in total and shellfishes in total with tidal flat and shallow sea area. The relationships between the distribution patterns of those ecological components and the characteristics in fisheries production are discussed.