Rolling produces the largest oscillations of any ship motion, and in small fishing boats (less than 20 tons), large angle oscillations are also produced by sporadic waves such as ship-generated waves. Various types of hull appendages are attached to reduce rolling in small fishing boats while they are working. These hull appendages are attached based on the empirical knowledge of fishing boat users and engineers at small shipyards. Therefore, the mechanism by which rolling is reduced has not been elucidated, and there are some cases where rolling cannot be reduced even if hull appendages are attached. Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the mechanism whereby hull appendages reduce hull rolling, and quantitatively indicate the reduction in roll. Also, the environment confronting fishing boat operations is extremely difficult at present due to the high oil prices, reduced fish catches and low fish prices seen in recent years. Rising fuel prices have had a particularly large effect on fishermen's works. Therefore, efforts are being made to promote energy conservation on fishing boats. These include lowering navigation speeds, and traveling with a lighter hull by not carrying unnecessary baggage on boats. However, few small fishing boats are equipped with a fuel flow meter, and at present it is impossible to accurately ascertain the amount of fuel used in operations. In order to improve the energy efficiency of fishing boats, it is necessary to clarify the fuel consumption characteristics in the various processes involved in operations. This paper discusses research done to reduce hull rolling and research on fishing boat energy conservation, and suggests how to continue this research in the future.