The present status and on-going concerns of fisheries in western Sea of Japan waters are analysed. Major fisheries for pelgic fish stocks, conducted by purse seiners, have primarily targeted sardine, round herring, ancovy, horse mackerel and mackerel species. Japanese sardin stocks, which have undergone large fluctuations over the last 50 years, have been at a low level in recent years, whereas Japanese anchovy stocks are currently stabilized at a high level. However, the unit price of the latter is low and the stock not highly utilised. Japanese horse mackerel is now the most important pelagic fishery in the western Sea of Japan, with the highest catch amount and value levels. Although high fishing pressure, particularly of age 0 individuals, may be a serious concern. The stock amount and catch of yellow-tail have increased marckedly in recent years, but unit price have decreased. The status and problems for benthic fish stocks taken by paired trawlers in the western Sea of Japan are also described. Although yellow sea bream stocks are stable at high levels, decreasing prices are serious concern. By comparison, the high prices commanded by red sea bass have resulted in significant targeting of this species, although increasing over-fishing, particularly of young specimens, remains a concern. Willowy flounder and yellow angler fish stocks, which increased markedly in the late 1990's, are presently stable at high levels. Factors responsible for stock increases may be strong year classes by the effect of gloval warmning.