This article explores current trends and possible futures for a new market that to date has virtually no
published research: that of gender-neutral cosmetics. The subject nature is vast and encompasses gender
differences from social and scientific perspectives, concepts of human beauty in occupational settings, private
households, and public places; and the complex relationships among neurologic, psychology, anthropology,
and fashion. The fundamental phenomenon is that while there are obviously still many gender
disparities in everyday life all over the world, the gap is closing rapidly in many societies. After a brief
review of the concept of gender, this paper will discuss gender conceptions across different generations,
with a spotlight on Generation Z, followed by an overview of the global cosmetics industry, the role that
cosmetics play in society including a historical overview, habits on skincare and makeup, trends in men’s
cosmetics, and physiological sex differences that affect cosmetics. This paper will conclude that the beauty
and fashion industry is slowly but inexorably shifting toward both gender-specific and gender-neutral
niches, inviting males to pursue new perspectives on their appearance, identities, and roles in society.